Spiritual developmentMystic

Plot for sex and love

Unfortunately, people often face the problem of unrequited love. Some suffer in silence, others seek support ... in magic, for example. Before such a choice arises: which of the rituals to apply? After all, many carry a negative. Serious experts recommend conspiracy to have sex. He has both advantages and disadvantages. Let's discuss them.

What is a good plot, and what is bad?

This kind of magical effect is directed to the call of the physical attraction of the victim. An exception is a plot of love and sex. However, it is rarely resorted to. People who use love magic came to the conclusion that it is much easier and faster to attract attraction than deep feelings. And the result is visible almost immediately. Hide attraction is difficult. It manifests itself on the physical level for several days, especially when the "wizard" himself demonstrates the victim's readiness for contact, seduces. The next advantage of such an impact is that it practically does not lead to burden of karma. Specialists say that if both partners enjoy intimacy, then the ritual does not threaten anything bad. In addition, mutual satisfaction may well contribute to the flowering in the heart of the victim of the desired feelings. That is far from a rarity, when a conspiracy to sex with time leads to the appearance of a person's feelings in relation to the "customer." Disadvantage of this type of ritual is the short duration of their action. The effect easily eliminates the repetition of the rite. It is safe.

Ritual with a photo of the chosen one

It is necessary to warn that conspiracy for sex is not recommended to read on a person with weak health. This can provoke an exacerbation of diseases, in rare cases - death. It is necessary to remember such a warning. For the ceremony you should buy a candle in the church. It is held on a growing moon. Put a photo of the victim in front of you. Behind him set the candle and set it on fire. Put a sheet of paper in front of you. On it, describe your passionate desires, dreams, dreams. It is desirable to compose the text in detail, without hesitation, forgetting about the complexes, as in bed with a partner. When finished, roll the sheet with a tube and set it on fire. Smoke from it with a fog photo. So at this moment say: "That the slave (name) is winding above the head of the Lord, then his dreams will burst, into the blood and flesh will enter, the power will find. As the servant (name) burns behind the Lord's back, the flame will light up, so his soul will dissipate, a passion for me (his name) will sparkle! Amen! " Collect the ashes carefully and throw them under your feet. And hold the photo under the pillow.

Strong plot for sex

There are situations when the result is needed quickly. For example, you rarely communicate with the chosen victim and then, quite by accident, you learned that you will be at one entertainment event the next evening. Then it is recommended to perform a different ritual. He will need ylang-ylang oil, two threads - red and white, a small mirror. The ritual is conducted no more than five hours before the meeting with the object. He is powerful, but short-lived. His strength will be weakened, and the desired effect will not work. So ... Stay alone. Before you put all the prepared attributes, light the candles. If the sun is shining in the yard, then tightly close the curtains or blinds. Measure the thread with your palm. Their length should be equal to the distance from the tip of the index finger to the wrist. Secure them with a knot on one side. Read these words: "Two fates in one weave, I fill the body with passion. Blood in the heart (the name of the person) is dispersed, I direct my dreams. As in a mirror, he'll immediately become mine. As the nodes touch, the blood will bubble, the body will pour with passion. Amen! " In total, this formula will need to be pronounced seven times. Each time tie a new knot. Then take a drop of oil and wipe them with threads. The residue should be rubbed in the mirror. And as you meet with the victim, contrive and put the thread in his pocket or put his hand to touch. To be sure, make sure you look in the mirror. But this is optional.

How to boost the passion in family relationships

The conspiracy to have sex with her husband is now widely used. This revives the old feelings, fills romance faded with time relations. And, by the way, it is absolutely safe for loving people. And the partner will stop looking at the side. A ritual is performed during sex. It has a mental character. It is recommended to imagine a golden subtle network that captivates the partner at the moment when he experiences a peak of pleasure. It is clear that the mage himself in pleasure should refuse, as all the forces will spend on creating a clear mental image. But it will bear fruit. The partner will become more gentle, his affection - more long and passionate. It is important not to be distracted, but to concentrate completely on the mental message. A partner in your imagination should get tangled up in the network so that you can not break free. This plot for sex is recommended only to married couples.

How to seduce a girl with magic?

Men also use magic as much as women do. Only they should remember that the virgins need a very cautious approach. A strong ritual would hurt the girl, ruin her life. A conspiracy to have sex with a girl is permissible for a young man who has a little more love experience than herself. So the energy of both partners will not suffer. Experts recommend a ceremony with flowers. Buy a bouquet and go to the victim. Before you give it, you will say the flowers: "As the petals wither and wither without roots, so the Lord slave (name) without my caresses yearns for me, without passion, he runs towards me! Amen! " Now it remains only to transfer the bouquet from hand to hand (not otherwise). And, of course, do not forget to take an initiative. The girl herself is unlikely to jump into your bed.

Plot for sex to salt

This rite is considered purely feminine. Men are not recommended to practice it. A beautiful woman needs to draw water from a clean key or a well. It's called alive. In the evening, fill the glass, put it beside the bed, next to the salt-cellar pristimite. Go to bed at once, do not talk to anyone, do not look at the TV. And as soon as you wake up, immediately pour a pinch of salt into the glass, accompanying this action with the words of the plot. Only after this you can get up, drink three sips. With the rest of the water, wash your face, with the remainder - sprinkle underwear. In this case, one should think about the chosen one. And the words of the conspiracy are as follows: "As water dissolves the water, so the Lord desires (name) me! Amen!"

An ancient village rite

To love magic resorted at all times. Do not think that the ancestors of our similar problems did not exist. The women went to the cola, from which they collected money. To bring with you followed the belt of her husband. The rite is held on the growing moon. It is necessary to clasp a belt with a belt, to take up its ends. Drag it, as if sawing, utter seven times the words of the formula. After worship the cola three times and go home. There, give the husband a belt. And these words say: "As a stake stands, does not tilt to the ground, so the flesh of the Lord servant (name) will rise when he touches me! Amen! " Vednja in the villages it is this conspiracy to have sex with a man is recommended. They say he is the most effective and effective. Only girls should not practice it. Rest until you get married.

A few recommendations

Wizards and witches sometimes face situations where no rite leads to the desired result. Do not be stubborn. It's just that the Supreme forces protect the victim. It is not due to her, according to their plans, to be distracted by an outsider. There is this person's own task, on which he is completely concentrated. Simply put, back off, do not provoke a punishment that you will definitely get if you do not understand the hint. But this happens so rarely that you do not need to worry much. As a rule, contact occurs within three days. But this does not mean that it will necessarily lead to long-term, lasting relationships. For this, there are other rituals.

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