
Table completeness of shoes. How to determine the completeness of shoes?

All of us, when choosing the next new pair of boots, shoes, pay the most direct attention to the material from which it is made, whether it is natural or artificial raw materials, the availability of accessories (Velcro, fasteners, lacing, zippers, decorative elements), aesthetic appearance. However, not every suitable size of shoes fits perfectly on the leg and the man has to fit.

It's no secret that if a person's shoes are picked up incorrectly, it will slip or, conversely, reap (and this factor can lead to a violation of blood circulation). With what it can be connected? Of course, everything depends on each specific model, domestic or foreign manufacturer. And what does each of us specifically mean by size? Is it only the length of the foot? After all, except for such an indicator as the length of the foot, there is another term that is peculiar to the footwear industry, it is the fullness of the shoes (the completeness table will be given below). Unfortunately, we do not meet this concept often, and many people have not even heard of it. However, it is also worthwhile to rely on fitting the shoe, especially if the person's foot is wide or, on the contrary, narrow. What does this parameter mean? Why is it needed? What is the table of completeness of shoes? We'll try to answer these and other questions in the article.

What is the fullness of shoes?

This is the index of the circumference of the foot in the place where the bone is located (this part of the foot is considered the widest part of the foot). The indicator of completeness of footwear directly depends on the group of shoes, which are divided according to age and gender. The table of completeness of footwear is described in detail in GOST 3927-88. However, today not all producers turn to the state standard, nor do they often specify this parameter on their product. It is considered that if completeness is not specified, then it corresponds to the mean (normal) value. In addition, many enterprises specialize in the production and production of footwear of specific completeness (very narrow, narrow, normal, wider than average, broad). This indicator is especially relevant for sports equipment. This includes skates, ski boots and other sports shoes.

Designation of completeness

This indicator is indicated in digital or alphabetic equivalent. Digital is typical for Russia and European countries. For the United Kingdom and the United States, the completeness of the footwear (the table will be shown below) is alphabetic (in Latin alphabet A, B, C, D, F with an interval of 5 mm). In our country, according to the generally accepted standard, gradation 1-12 is applied with a 4 mm interval. However, the difference between the smallest and largest indicator can be as much as 5 cm. In European countries, the completeness varies within 1-8 with a step of 5 mm.

Simple rules for determining completeness

To determine the completeness of shoes that matches your foot, you can resort to a simple formula or an online application. It on the entered parameters will give out the variant necessary to you (it is fast enough and convenient method). Also, for clarity, the complete table of shoes can become an assistant. And now about everything in order.

First you need to find out the length (by the most prominent points) and the width (by the widest projection of the toe part) of the foot (in mm). Measurements should be carried out for each foot separately, ideally in the evening or at the end of the working day and preferably on a thin sock, as on a bare foot few people wear shoes, not counting summer options - sandals, clogs and others. Further, among the obtained results, the length and width of the foot are chosen to be the largest.

Formula for determining the completeness of boots, shoes

This formula will help to find out the indicator of the required completeness of shoes for both men and women, and it looks like this:

W = 0.25 × B = 0.15 × C = A,

Where W is the exponent of completeness;

B - width (girth) of the foot;

C is the length of the foot;

A is a coefficient that has a constant value: 16 for women's shoes of the size range 33.5-40, corresponding to 21-27.5 cm, and 17 for men's shoes of the 38.5-44.5 size range corresponding to the length of the foot In 24.5-30.5 cm (the figures A, B shown in the figure do not apply to the formula).

Table of completeness of shoes

The ratio of the size of the foot and the width of the foot is clearly shown in the table, for which the interval between adjacent numbers of 5 mm is acceptable.

The size Completeness (lifting), mm
2 3 4 5 6th 7th 8 9 10
35 197 202 207 212 217 222 227 232 237
36 201 206 211 216 221 226 231 236 241
37 205 210 215 220 225 230 235 240 245
38 209 214 219 224 229 234 239 244 249
39 213 218 223 228 233 238 243 248 253
40 217 222 227 232 237 242 247 252 257
41 221 226 231 236 241 246 451 256 261
42 225 230 235 240 245 250 255 260 265
43 229 234 239 244 249 254 259 264 269
44 233 238 243 248 253 258 263 268 273
45 237 242 247 252 257 262 267 272 277
46 241 246 251 256 261 266 271 276 281
47 245 250 255 260 265 270 275 280 285
48 249 254 259 264 269 274 279 284 289

According to the table, the completeness indicator 6 is an indicator of the normal completeness of the feet. Indicators 2-5 characterize the feet are already medium, and 7 and further - wider than average, wide, full, very wide.

The table of completeness of women's footwear differs from the male one. The difference is one value, that is, the number 1 of the fullness of women's shoes corresponds to the indicator 2 for men; Number 2 for women corresponds to the indicator 3 for men, etc.

American system for determining the completeness of shoes

As mentioned above, in America, its own system, through which the fullness of shoes is indicated. The table (USA), given below, is a vivid confirmation of this.

Alphanumeric designation of completeness

(For female /

Men's shoes)
Footwear completeness for women's shoes Fullness of foot for men's shoes
4A (AAAA, as well as SS (super slim)) Very thin -
3A (AAA or S (slim)) Thin Very Narrow
2A (AA or N (narrow)) Narrow Very Narrow
A - Narrow
B (M (medium) / N (narrow)) Normal A bit already normal

C (W (wide) / N (narrow))

Slightly wider than normal A bit already normal

D (double wide / M (medium))

Broad Normal, Medium

E (WWW, 3W (triple wide) / W))

Very wide Broad
2E (EE, WW, 2W) - Very wide
3E (EEE, WWW, 3W) - Very wide
4E (EEEE, WWWW, 4W) - Very wide

A few words about the completeness of children's shoes

I want to say a few words to the children. For them, the concept of "completeness of children's shoes" is acceptable. The table, given in the generally accepted standard 3927-88, unfortunately, is somewhat outdated, and the acceleration of modern children, which are in appearance a sight of their Soviet peers, is a clear proof of this. Respecting themselves manufacturers of children's shoes are currently conducting various studies and mass measurements of children's feet in order to accurately recreate the desired shoe. In addition, they use a simple method of producing footwear using fittings - on Velcro, laces, clasps. This fittings allows you to independently adjust the exponent of completeness to the parameters of the child's foot. Therefore, before any purchase it is better not to try on shoes once, so as not to make a mistake in choosing.

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