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Symptoms of seborrhea of the scalp. Treatment of head skin seborrhea in the home

Seborrhea is a dermatosis that occurs as a result of excessive work of the sebaceous glands. Skin fat is fatty acids, fats and proteins secreted by glands. Pathology is often a consequence of impaired function of the neuroendocrine system. In this article we will consider the main points concerning this pathology - the forms, causes, diagnosis and treatment of seborrhea of the scalp at home and medically (under the guidance of specialists).

Skin fat is the secret of sebaceous glands

Sebaceous glands serve as generators of sebum, necessary for the normal functioning of the human body.

  • It protects the skin from infections.
  • Softens and protects the skin - thanks to the skin fat, the skin does not peel and does not crack.
  • Protects the skin from drying out.

The sebaceous glands are scattered in the thickness of the skin of the human body. The structure of the gland is branched, resembling a tree. However, their distribution is uneven. There is the concept of "seborrheic zones" - areas in which the sebaceous glands are densely concentrated relative to other parts of the body. Forehead, T-zone of the face, ears, scalp, shoulders, chest - all these are seborrheic zones, which are more susceptible to disease. In the active state are not all the sebaceous glands, their number depends on:

  • Gender ,
  • Human age,
  • A condition of a hormonal background,
  • Climate.

In children, almost all the sebaceous glands are not active until the moment when the body enters the stage of puberty. With the increase in the volume of sex hormones, the action of the sebaceous glands is activated. In an adult healthy person, the activity of the sebaceous glands is stable for a long time, and begins to decrease only with age. If, for any reason, functional disorders occur in the body, a favorable soil is formed for the appearance of the disease "seborrhea of the scalp". Treatment at home is an inadequate measure, and when symptoms of the disease occur, it is necessary to seek medical help from a specialist.

Forms of seborrhea

As noted above, seborrhea is a dermatosis, to which the disturbance of the sebaceous glands results. Depending on the causes of the disease, as well as signs of manifestation, distinguish:

  • Fatty seborrhea,
  • Dry seborrhea,
  • Combined form of seborrhea.

Oily seborrhea is a pathology that often occurs during the transition period, so to speak, during hormonal "chaos." Mostly this disease affects young women, but men suffer from oily seborrhea, a long course of which leads to abnormal hair loss.

The appearance of dry seborrhea is due to decreased salivation. Dry seborrhea is a consequence of decreasing the barrier functions of the body as a result of many causes - heavy physical labor, unbalanced nutrition, and psychoemotional stresses. In a healthy state, the life cycle of skin cells takes a certain period of time. If there are failures in the body, the period of cell renewal becomes less, dandruff is formed. At the same time, the health of the hair is disturbed - they split, thin, break, can actively fall out.

Mixed seborrhea combines the manifestations of dry and oily form in one area of the skin.

Children, as well as adults, are prone to this pathology. The disease can manifest itself in the first months of life of a small person. As a rule, the disease has two forms - children's seborrheic dermatitis and "adult" seborrhea of the scalp in children. Treatment mainly depends on which form of the disease prevails. Sometimes therapy is not required, the symptoms of the disease go away as the child grows up.

Symptoms of the disease

It is known that the disease not only leads to increased secretion of the sebaceous glands, but also to a change in the qualitative structure of sebaceous skin secretions. The main manifestations of the disease in humans can be called:

  • Itching accompanied by hair loss;
  • Plentiful dandruff;
  • Oily shine and peeling of the skin.

It should be noted that skin peeling with seborrhea is accompanied by an inflammatory process. First, the disease occurs in the occipital part of the head, and further affects the limits of hair growth.

In addition to the appearance of white scales at the roots of the hair, another sign of dry seborrhea is itching. Prolonged course of the disease leads to the emergence of foci of inflammation - red spots, covered with a crust. When combing these formations, bleeding is observed. Damage to the formation is fraught with the attachment of a secondary infection. Treatment of dry seborrhea of the scalp usually does not cause difficulties. However, if the disease is not treated, a neglected form of seborrhea of the scalp may affect the skin of the body. Irregular hygiene leads to the progression of pathology. Approximately 10% of the affected region is affected by the eyelashes, eyebrows, and the hairy part of the face - a mustache or beard.

A pronounced sign of oily seborrhea is the appearance of large yellow scales covering the scalp. Exfoliation of such formations does not lead to painful sensations. However, after removing the scales, after a short time, the skin again becomes covered. Increased salivation leads to the cohesion of the hair and, as a consequence, an untidy appearance. Even regular head washing does not solve this problem.

What causes hormonal disorders in the body

Among the main causes leading to the onset of the disease, we can distinguish:

  • Hormonal disorders,
  • Consequences of other diseases,
  • Long-term use of medications,
  • Activity of yeast-like fungi.

Hormonal disorders - the main reason against which there is dermatitis. In a healthy body, the male ratio of androgens and estrogens is in a balanced state. If the equilibrium is violated towards increasing the amount of androgens, active sebum generation takes place. The increase in the level of the androgen hormone is inextricably linked with the acceleration of its metabolism processes, which can be caused by both hereditary factors and the presence of tumors that are provoked by the growth of androgens in the body (testicular tumor).

In women, the ratio of androgens and progesterone is determinant. Seborrhea occurs at any age, but is mainly manifested during the transition period. This form of pathology is called physiological and usually occurs after the completion of this period.

The causes of seborrhea

The trigger mechanism for the appearance of seborrhea can be various kinds of serious diseases, for example, Parkinson's disease. Mental disorders - schizophrenia, manic-depressive or infectious psychosis, epilepsy can also trigger the onset of pathology. Violation of the process of secretion of sebum is observed after long-term use of medicines - progesterone, glucocorticosteroids, testosterone.

Another important cause of the formation of pathology, is the reduction of barrier functions of the body. The fact is that yeast-like fungi (Pityrosporum ovale) are permanently present on the skin of a person, the amount of which is limited in a healthy state, and increases with increased production of sebum fat. This is due to the fact that microorganisms form a conditionally pathogenic microflora. For their life, they use the secret of the sebaceous glands. When the defensive functions of the skin are disturbed, the body is not able to control the growth of the fungal microflora. Fungi begin to multiply actively, causing the development of skin pathology.

Seborrhea of the scalp: treatment (photo before and after)

It is known that many diseases are a consequence of disorders occurring in the body. Failure in the endocrine system, frequent stress and constant psychoemotional stress are a complex of factors contributing to the development of pathological conditions. Not exception and seborrhea of the scalp. Treatment of medicament, physiotherapy, recipes of traditional medicine - a set of measures aimed primarily at normalizing the nervous system of the patient, restoring the balance of hormones in the blood, increasing barrier functions.

In the treatment scheme, the mandatory item is the prescription of antifungal agents. However, the drug is selected only after laboratory tests - bacterial inoculation and microscopy, to determine the type of fungus and the sensitivity of the body. As a rule, to control seborrhea prescribed drugs from the group of azoles. It can be "Dermazol", "Keto Plus", "Nizoral", "Biphon". Left photo - skin condition after treatment.

Women, in order to regulate the hormonal background and restore the function of the ovaries, prescribe contraceptives.

Among the restorative drugs can be identified medicines, which include vitamins A, B, D, E; Ascorbic and nicotinic acid; Calcium, iron, zinc; Dietary supplements, biogenic stimulators.

Oily skin requires a constant special care, compliance with all standards of hygiene. For external use, pharmacy shampoos are recommended for dandruff, for example, "Sebozol".

Treatment with physiotherapy

In the treatment of dermatosis, physiotherapy is a good therapeutic effect. Together with drug therapy, they have a stimulating effect on the hair follicles, to which the sebaceous glands are attached. The main medical procedures include:

  • Cryomassage of the scalp is a complex procedure, with the help of which the hair has a massage effect and cold therapy. Under the influence of cold, the vessels narrow, so that the work of the sebaceous glands comes back to normal, the process of inflammation is removed.
  • Magnetotherapy is a method of alternative medicine, which is based on the use of a magnetic field for therapeutic purposes.
  • Electroporation - the impact on the skin of electropulse currents.
  • Darsonvalization is a procedure that, by applying a high-frequency pulse current to the skin, increases its tone, increases blood circulation and lymph flow, and affects the nerve processes.
  • Lazeropunktura - the procedure for exposing the points of the body to a low-energy laser beam. This is a fairly new physiotherapeutic method used in the treatment of seborrhea.

In addition, ultraviolet has a positive effect on the recovery of the scalp after seborrhea.

Methods of diagnosing seborrhea. Recommendations on diet and lifestyle

Seborrhea is a disease that arises from a whole complex of functional disorders of the body. Therefore, in the diagnosis of pathology, it is necessary to resort to a set of methods, among which:

  • Studying of anamnesis of the patient, studying of the transferred diseases.
  • Conducting laboratory studies - biochemical blood analysis and blood test for hormones.
  • Examination of scalp and hair.
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, thyroid gland.

With seborrhea, it is recommended to eat sour-milk products, vegetables and fruits rich in vitamins, microelements and fiber. But from acute and fatty foods, canned dishes should be discarded. It is recommended to limit the intake of salt and flour.

Useful for seborrhea, and in general for health, walking, sports, healthy sleep. Often patients with a scalp disease are prescribed sulfuric and mineral baths, taking sedatives.

Treatment of seborrhoea scalp folk remedies

In addition to physiotherapy and medical treatment, the secrets of traditional medicine help to combat seborrhea. They are quite diverse and suggest an external therapeutic effect on the affected areas of the scalp. For example, a very common prescription in the fight against oily seborrhea is the use of a weak solution of baking soda - 20 minutes before washing the head, the preparation is applied to the scalp.

But with dry seborrhea successfully apply a ten percent sulfuric ointment, which is also rubbed into the scalp. Manipulation is done for eight days, then the hair is allowed to rest. After the course, the head should be washed with boiled water using therapeutic shampoos, which include selenium or tar.

From herbal raw materials, our ancestors prepared ointments, infusions, decoctions, masks. However, in the treatment of dry and oily seborrhea, differentiated methods are used.

In addition, it is important to remember that prescriptions for alternative medicine are just additional methods of treatment that are used in conjunction with medicines. The use of only herbal therapy does not exclude the possibility of recurrence of the disease. It is important to periodically change the used recipes in order to avoid getting used to any of the components.

Broths in the treatment of oily seborrhea

Treatment of seborrhea of the scalp at home can be performed using herbal decoctions. A good remedy is a burdock, popularly known as a burdock. For medicinal purposes, the roots of the plant are used. The multicomponent chemical composition of burdock root positively affects the activity of the sebaceous glands, regulating their activity and inhibiting the spread of fungal flora, prevents the spread of inflammatory processes. To prepare the broth, several tablespoons of roots should be mixed with a small amount of boiling water (1 glass) and protested over low heat for a quarter of an hour. Decoction to cool and apply to the roots of hair. Therapy is usually carried out for several weeks. In parallel with these you can use a mixture of equal parts of the decoction of burdock, nettle and wormwood (2 tablespoons) three times a day for ingestion.

Effective and simple treatment of seborrhea of the scalp at home is performed with the help of leafy nettle leaves.

It is useful in seborrhea for several months to wash the head with a decoction of oak bark. To prepare the medicine, you need to pour two tablespoons of oak bark with hot water, boil, insist for about half an hour.

As a hair conditioner after washing, you can use birch leaves. Healing power also has decoctions of St. John's wort, chamomile, sage.

Masks for the treatment of oily seborrhea

Treatment of seborrhea of the scalp at home is also the use of various hair masks, the main component of which is the egg yolk in combination with alcohol, yeast. Yolk has the property of drying out the skin, which is important in the inflammatory processes of the epidermis. Let's look at some examples of popular hair masks.

Mask based on honey, aloe juice and castor oil. To prepare a remedy, you need castor oil, honey and aloe juice in equal proportions (one teaspoonful). Components must be mixed to a uniform consistency and applied to the scalp, to create the effect of the bath wrapped for a quarter of an hour. Wash off with warm water.

Mask based on badyagi and boric acid. According to the prescription, you need to mix a teaspoon of spaghetti and a pre-prepared boric acid solution (half teaspoon of acid, half a cup of water). Rub into hair in a warm form until light tingling. After 30 minutes, rinse.

Folk remedies for the treatment of dry seborrhea

A small amount of fat on the skin and hair - this is what is characterized by dry seborrhea of the scalp. Treatment with folk remedies is aimed at filling the lack of sebum by rubbing oils and fatty creams into the scalp. Here it is important to remember that oil is rubbed very carefully and carefully, as with such manipulations hair can break down. In addition, an excess of oil leads to a clogging of the pores of the skin, and as a consequence - a violation of its thermoregulation.

In therapy, flax, sea-buckthorn, parsley, poplar black, and three-color violets are used. Sea-buckthorn oil is combined with olive oil - one part of sea buckthorn oil and nine parts of olive oil. It is recommended to apply the medicinal mixture to the scalp. The course of treatment is a month. It is not excluded and the use of fruit instead of sea buckthorn.

For medicinal purposes, you can use pure burdock oil. The recommended time of the procedure is two hours not more often than twice a week. The procedure is carried out for a month. Then the course is repeated after six months.

The procedure for rubbing in dry seborrhea

"Rubbing" is a manipulation that is often used in the diagnosis of "dry seborrhea of the scalp". Treatment at home involves a procedure similar to rubbing oils, but as a remedy, extracts of various herbs are used. Let's consider some simple but effective recipes.

Rubbing the nourishing cream with henna. To prepare the medicinal composition, one part of henna powder, two parts of warm water and seven parts of the nutritive cream will be needed. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly, apply the mixture on the scalp twice a week. It is important to perform ten procedures to achieve a therapeutic effect. For the treatment of dry head seborrhea, ointments containing sulfur, salicylic acid are often used.

Rubbing the oil infusion of the buds of black poplar. The buds of black poplar are mixed with vegetable oil in a 1: 5 ratio. The resulting mixture is kept in a water bath for about an hour, then filtered.

In addition to rubbing, for the treatment of dry seborrhea, you can prepare various herbal infusions and use them to wash your head. As a raw material use husks of onions, oregano, mother-and-stepmother.

Summarizing all of the above, we can highlight the main points. From the materials of our article, the reader can learn that the disease caused by increased secretion of the sebaceous glands is called "seborrhea of the scalp." Symptoms and treatment of the disease - things are interrelated, as the tactics of therapy directly depends on the form of the course of the disease, ie, on what signs for it are characteristic. In medicine, pathology is divided into dry, fatty, and combined seborrhea. Mixed seborrhea combines the signs of oily and dry forms. Oily seborrhea is manifested by the formation on the scalp of scales of yellow color; Untidy hair, their high fat content, which is not eliminated even by frequent washing. Itching and white scales at the roots of the hair suggest that the person is likely to have dry seborrhea of the scalp.

Treatment (shampoos, prescriptions of alternative medicine, medicines) should be conducted only after consultation with a qualified specialist. In general, seborrhea is quite easy to treat. As a rule, the therapy is aimed not only at eliminating the symptoms of the disease, but also on increasing the barrier functions of the patient's body, stabilizing its hormonal background. This is understandable, because the main reason for the appearance of the disease is the wrong secretion of the sebaceous glands, which is caused, in turn, by functional disorders in the body. A good addition to the traditional methods of treatment is physiotherapy.

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