HealthDiseases and Conditions

The hump on the neck is an unpleasant tumor, from which one can get rid of

Experts call the neck hump the strongly protruding parts of the cervical vertebrae. A hump on the neck can be a manifestation of several diseases. So, it often indicates a developing osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. At the same time, it can occur with excessive adrenal gland function. It is not uncommon for such "cones" to arise in people who suffer constant heavy physical exertion, which lead to a strong tightening of the muscles.

If you hear a crunch when you turn your head and suffer constant pains in the neck, shoulders and back, and at the same time, the hump on your neck becomes more and more, you should immediately start restoring your health. Ignoring the emerging problems will lead to a marked decrease in all body functions, worsening of the general condition. With this disease, people are increasingly suffering headaches (including migraines), numbness of the extremities (especially at night), depression and increased irritability. They become meteodependent, and any changes in weather conditions only worsen their overall well-being.

First of all, you need to determine the methods for eliminating this new growth. An important role in this is played by the position of the body during rest and night sleep. To correct the hump on the neck should immediately abandon the volume, soft pillows, mattresses and featherbeds. They lead to deformation of the spine in a supine position. The place for sleep should be pretty tough. The body and the more so the head should not "fall through" in the bedding. The optimal thickness of the pillow is 10 cm.

If the cervical hump emerged as a result of progressive osteochondrosis, regular massage and swimming exercises will provide considerable relief. In the case of the appearance of "bumps" under the influence of physical exertion, regular sessions of neck massage, physiotherapy and anti-inflammatory therapy are necessary. There are a number of exercises aimed specifically at eliminating the cervical hump. In case of constant performance of the above measures, the cervical spine will eventually return to normal. Do not despair if you do not have the opportunity to regularly hold massage sessions with expensive specialists. Even simple self-massage of the cervical hump can bring considerable relief, and combining it with the performance of the necessary exercises will help to achieve a noticeable result.

The question arises, how to remove the hump on the neck, if it arose as a result of the increased work of the adrenal glands. In this case, in the region of the seventh cervical vertebra, a fat cushion is gradually formed, which physicians call the Itenko-Cushing syndrome. With this pathology, there is a redistribution of fatty tissues throughout the body, including on the upper parts of the trunk and neck. In this syndrome, the buttocks and limbs of a person, on the contrary, lose fat tissue. In this case, you need to immediately contact the appropriate specialist for a thorough check of the condition of the adrenal gland and determine the level of hormones in the blood. With this disease, there is one rule: the earlier treatment begins, the higher the chances of getting rid of this illness.

Another reason for the appearance of a hump on the neck may be a wrong way of life, aggravated by a lack of exercise, and the habit of constantly slouching. In this case, along with massage sessions, an excellent method for getting rid of this defect is gymnastics (stretching, pilates, callanetics) and yoga. With such a load on the spine, the effect is achieved quite quickly, and the cervical vertebrae will be in their normal position after 2 months of regular exercise.

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