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Compression lining "Insta Life" from back pain: doctor's comments

After the examination, treatment with radiculitis will be aimed at relaxing the pain syndrome, reducing the intensity of inflammation, relaxing the muscles of the lumbar region and improving metabolic processes in the nervous tissue.

It may seem that pain at the time of pinching of the sciatic nerve will only reduce the patient's quality of life. But it manifests itself not only unpleasant sensations. Causing a reflex increase in spasm of the muscles of the waist and strengthening the local tone of the musculature, it increases the activity of the inflammatory process. The access and exchange of nutrients in the nerve is reduced. This strengthens the pain syndrome and triggers a chain of pathological process again. Such a vicious circle must be urgently broken.

Treatment of back pain

Methods of treating back pain can be divided into groups:

1. Medicinal:

  • Systemic action (tablets, injections);
  • Local action (ointments, gels, patches).

2. Physiotherapy:

  • Paraffin and mud therapy;
  • Exercise therapy;
  • massage

3. Therapy by non-traditional methods:

  • Acupressure;
  • acupuncture;
  • Manual therapy;
  • Folk methods (phytotherapy, etc.).

Disadvantages of traditional methods of therapy

Treatment with the use of medications can be severely limited due to the patient's concomitant diseases. In this case, the effect of treatment is also reduced.

Due to the presence of a large number of possible complications and side effects (bleeding, etc.), the first two methods of therapy are appointed and conducted by a doctor with the conduct of dynamic observation.

Nontraditional methods of treatment

Therapy by non-traditional methods can be carried out by the patients themselves at home.

Acupuncture (acupuncture) and manual therapy are conducted by certified specialists. These methods are well proven in the management of pain syndrome. If there is no time or opportunity (unbearable pain) to visit the medical center regularly for acupuncture sessions, you can use its variation - acupressure. Point massage can be carried out at home, at work and in transport independently. To do this, it is necessary to press your fingers on the biologically active areas.

Compression lining "Insta Life" - a new word in acupressure

With back pain, it is difficult to massage the dots on your feet. It is difficult to do this in the office, in a training or car. For the convenience of the patient and increasing the effectiveness of acupressure, devices have been developed that themselves put pressure on the necessary points. Just as acupressure was a step in the development of acupuncture, the compression lining "Insta Life" was a breakthrough in the development of acupressure. Its impact on the necessary areas is carried out the necessary amount of time and with the right pressure. That is why "Insta Life" from the pain in the back of the reviews has the most positive. This is due to ease of use, convenience and efficiency. The patient can lie, sit at the computer, go in the car. All this time the medical device has been actively treated.

What distinguishes "Insta Life" from other methods

The advantages of using a compression pad can be identified in the main groups:

  1. High effectiveness of the therapeutic effect. Often a good result in therapy can not be achieved due to a patient's non-compliance with the technique of manipulation. "Insta Life" from back pain reviews of neurologists provides a positive, because it allows you to correctly and regularly carry out acupressure of the necessary duration. What is difficult to achieve if the patient massages manually.
  2. Simplicity of execution. The therapeutic procedure is feasible always and everywhere. Some methods of treatment are labor-intensive (heating the waist with hot wax), others require special skills (acupuncture), others are not safe. Unlike them, "Insta Life" protects from pain without additional efforts.
  3. The effectiveness of the method, proven by time. Acupuncture has established itself as an effective method of treatment since antiquity and is recognized by modern medicine.

How to use it correctly

The compression lining "Insta Life" reviews doctors receive the best. They note that the therapeutic effect is achieved by observing certain rules of use:

  1. Perform the full range of doctor appointments.
  2. The compression lining "Insta Life" should be applied on that leg, on the side of which the pain is felt. If it is localized in the middle, then on the side of the greatest expression of this sign.
  3. At the same time, two pads on different legs are not applied.
  4. "Insta Life" is attached in the middle of the shin under the knee.
  5. The fixture must be fixed in a tight coverage mode: without excess pressure and displacement.
  6. The maximum period of the first application is 2 hours.
  7. If an allergic reaction occurs at the attachment site, consult a doctor.

"Insta Life" from back pain reviews

Innovative adaptation is gaining increasing recognition in both patients and specialists. In the treatment of many patients, a stable effect of Insta Life from back pain was obtained. Patients also support patients' opinions.

Because pain syndrome can be troubling for years, you need a remedy that is not noticeable under clothing, without obvious signs (a sharp smell, protruding oily stains). In this case, the maximum application was the "Insta Life" overlay. Rehabilitative doctors give positive feedback.

When a sudden onset of the disease, each movement in patients causes pain. Additional stress when rubbing ointments and gels also brings additional discomfort. The minimal effort will require the "Insta Life" overlay. The responses of neurologists are due precisely to the effectiveness of the action of the cuff in the acute period of the disease.

Often with lumbar pain, patients do not have a round-the-clock assistant for manipulation. What if the pain is unbearable, and no one can manipulate? In this case, "Insta Life" will help. The reviews of therapists especially noted this aspect of successful home treatment and relief of pain.

The pain arises for various reasons: unsuccessful lifting of the severity, exacerbation of chronic diseases, etc. Especially difficult in diagnosis and treatment with difficulty in obtaining advice from narrow specialists and using hardware methods (MRI, etc.). It helps in this case, the compression lining "Insta Life". Reviews of general practitioners are positive because of the universality of the analgesic effect of the cuff. It is indispensable regardless of the causes of pain in the location of the sciatic nerve.

Requirements for modern methods of treatment

Lumbar pain is the main complaint of patients. They torment both day and night. Previously active people are turning into helpless dependents. It is for them to become indispensable lining "Insta Life" from back pain. Reviews of patients who returned with her to the usual way of life, accumulated a huge amount.

New time dictates the use of modern tools: convenient, invisible, effective. Active people build their own lives: they drive a car, work at a computer, and go in for sports. For them, cumbersome and lengthy methods of treatment are unacceptable. A real breakthrough in acupuncture was the application of the lining "Insta Life". Reviews about her patients and doctors are not just positive, even enthusiastic. Patients continue to live a full life and adhere to doctor appointments. Doctors quickly see the effect of a complex of exercises, which simply can not be carried out with severe pain. If it is blocked by a patch, the entire arsenal of therapy is carried out in full. If necessary, continue to actively live, the Insta Life is irreplaceable in pain. Reviews of doctors for whom such patients were previously lost, is the best proof of this.

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