Sports and FitnessBody-building

Stas Lindover. Biography of a bodybuilder

The best achievements of this athlete for today is the title of silver medalist of the European championship in pair bodybuilding for 2011 and the title of absolute champion in the category of "classic bodybuilding". Let's talk in more detail about this eminent person, like Stas Lindover.


Stanislav was born on March 21, 1972 in Leningrad. At the age of 13 the boy was actively engaged in javelin throwing, but alas, he could not achieve significant results in this sport. Therefore, at age 17, he decided to change the direction of sports activities and go into bodybuilding, although in those days there was not even such a term. The guys just gathered in the hall and did themselves.

This activity was to Stas's liking, because not for nothing it became not just a hobby, but a way of life.

Passion for sports did not prevent the bodybuilder from graduating from the St. Petersburg University of Communications in 1997. By 2000, Stas more thoroughly approached his hobby and received a specialization in the college of bodybuilding named Vader.

In 2008, when Stanislav was in the company of the guys, an accident occurred with him, which completely damaged the radial nerve. After this event, the bodybuilder recovered for a long time, and he himself continues to dream of the incident. But, despite the incident, he continued his career in sports and now conducts coaching.

Here's a single-minded man Stas Lindover! The trauma did not prevent him from continuing to develop as an athlete and an educated personality. It is this approach to the realization of the goal that helps to achieve everything.

Stas Lindover and his wife: mutually beneficial cooperation

The bodybuilder chose a spouse for himself. Margarita Kirichuk is a purposeful sportswoman performing in the nomination "bodyfitness". A couple often trains together and gets a real pleasure from it.

Margarita started to take part in competitions in 2009, speaking at the Cup of the North-West of the Russian Federation. In the category "women up to 163 cm" she took third place.

Anthropometric data of the athlete

The growth of Stanislaus Lindover is 183 cm. Its weight ranges from 105 to 110 kg during the competition and from 110 to 118 kg in the off-season. The athlete carefully monitors his physical shape and nutrition. This is what helps him to win prizes at competitions and be a good coach.

Diet and nutrition schedule

Stanislav Lindover believes that motivation and strict discipline help him to keep himself in excellent shape. It is not for nothing that he is considered an athlete, who keeps an eye on his figure all the time. He does not consider calorie, and the diet determines by the number of proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Very often, Stas is told that such a low norm of complex carbohydrates (about 150 g) will not contribute to a set of muscle mass. But his appearance the bodybuilder proves the opposite.

Homemade food and ration on trips

As already mentioned, Stanislav adheres to a certain ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates - 80, 300 and 150 g respectively. These nutrients he receives from various natural products. The protein enters the body from fish, eggs, turkey and chicken breasts. Stas is very fond of cottage cheese, but unfortunately, he can not eat it, since the insulin index of this product is very high. About 30% of the total protein athlete receives from protein mixtures. Fats predominantly take from fish oil and oils. Buckwheat, pearl barley and brown rice are just a storehouse of complex carbohydrates for the bodybuilder.

For a day the bodybuilder eats four times and a couple of times takes a protein mixture. At work and on long flights Stanislav eats food in containers, which he prepares himself beforehand. If this is not possible, the athlete must dine at a cafe where he finds the dishes and food he needs.

Basic exercises for all muscle groups

Recently, Stas Lindover does not attach much importance to the set of exercises performed. The only thing that has changed over the last couple of years is the nature of the load on the muscle fibers by their type. It is this tactic that Stas Lindover considers correct.

Shoulders, quadriceps and hands must be loaded using the statodynamic type of training, which was previously described by Professor Seluyanov.

The hamstrings, chest and back of the bodybuilder must be trained, following the 12-15 repetitions of the exercise. This allows you to provide the body with energy in an oxygen-free way, so the main load is accounted for by fast muscle tissue.

Development strategy from an untrained beginner with excess weight to a relief athlete

Many, intending to do their figure, first decide to get rid of excess weight, and only then gain weight and pump up the muscles. Stas Lindover considers this approach wrong. With an unbalanced diet, it will be sufficient to revise the percentage of nutrients and gradually introduce a regular aerobic load. But if it concerns slow metabolism, then the question of proper nutrition becomes the most important.

Do not share the process of fat splitting and accumulation of muscle mass. These metamorphoses with the body must be carried out in parallel. But the amount of carbohydrates that is sufficient to maintain the form can be determined only by experiment, no formal calculations are suitable here. The main thing is that used carbohydrates do not lead to obvious deposits of adipose tissue. The ratio of the amount of fats and proteins used always remains unchanged, whatever task the athlete would face. That is, only carbohydrates are needed.

The way of Stas Lindover to "smart" bodybuilding

Every powerlifter, bodybuilder and bodybuilder has his own theory of maintaining himself in great shape. This and various basic exercises, and even pharmacological support. Stanislav tested all these theories on himself, but in none of them did he see the rational grain, so he decided to form his system in order to defeat the unresponsive muscle groups.

The revolution in thinking of a bodybuilder was made by the book "Think! Or "Super-training" without delusions ", whose author is Vadim Protasenko. It was from her that the athlete learned that many biochemists, sports methodologists and physiologists were able to make significant progress together by studying the extent to which force exertion influenced hypertrophy of muscle tissue.

Stas concluded that the main growth factor is microfractures of myofibrils and the subsequent recovery of the body after them. And only a few years later he managed to figure out how this technology works.

Key parameters of loads in training

Stas Lindover, whose training allows you to always be in shape, talked about the key parameters of sports activities that affect the body and muscle tissue.

The key factor is the time spent under the load, rather than the number of repetitions, as many believe. It is also important to take into account the gap when you rest between repetitions, the amplitude of the movement of the projectile and the intensity of the load.

To all these factors, one can apply the methodology of training slow muscle tissues.

Stas dynamical program of Stas Lindover

All exercises should be performed, not for a second relaxing the trained muscles. In such a situation, thickened muscle fibers will overpower the capillaries, which will cause occlusion. As a result, such phenomena as hypoxia of muscle fibers and anaerobic glycolysis in OMV with accumulation of lactate will be observed.

Consider staticodynamics on the example of training hands. After the basic warm-up and the execution of one approach with full amplitude, it is worth taking into a sports projectile with a weight of 30% of 1PM and starting to exercise with it. Only 40 seconds will lead to local fatigue. Having rested for the same period of time, it is worth repeating the exercise 4 times.

In the second approach, the triceps pattern does not change at all, the load remains the same. And in the hands there is a burning sensation in the working muscle group.

Three such circles will help to keep the body in shape, and 6 - to develop it further. Such a significant difference appears because of the varying degree of impact of the loads on the endocrine system of the body, which is subject to the nervous structure.

Bodybuilders have in their arsenal of many exercises, which can also be carried out, following the above scheme. If you are going to train one muscle group, do not forget to rest after each exercise. The duration of the break should be 5-6 minutes with active rest, and 8-10 with the passive. This time will be enough to reduce the concentration of lactic acid in the muscle group that trains.

Bodybuilding achievements

  • The second place in the Russian championship in 2011 on classic bodybuilding.
  • The bronze prize at the Eastern Europe Cup 2011.
  • Absolute champion at the 2011 Yashankin Cup.

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