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Staphylococcus in dogs

Staphylococcosis is an infectious disease. Pathogens are Staphylococcus bacteria. Staphylococcus in dogs is characterized by otitis, dermatitis, and diseases of the genital organs.

Dogs are divided into two forms of the disease. With the first form of staphylococcus a second infection, with it the flow of already developed dermatitis is complicated. Form two - generalized disease, independent. In the pathological process, skin and organs are involved. If you do not fight with the secondary infection, it will easily pass into the generalized infection. Staphylococcosis in puppies is manifested in the form of toxicinfections.

Staphylococcus in dogs can occur if immunity is weakened for some reason or in case of massive infection. Factors predisposing to the disease:

- a violation of carbohydrate metabolism - the level of carbohydrates is increased (sucrose, glucose) in tissues, skin, blood (cause - diabetes mellitus, improper feeding);

- Acquired or congenital immunodeficiencies;

- a violation of the hormonal level (the level of thyroid hormones decreases or the level of corticosteroid hormones increases);

- a violation of the exchange of vitamin and mineral (especially the lack of vitamins E, A, Group B);

- toxicosis common (poisoning, disruption of the kidneys, liver);

- systematic inflammatory and traumatic skin lesions, allergies, other pathological processes (with demodicosis, ulcers, erosions, infection with fleas and scabies) ;

- genetic inability of the body to respond adequately to toxins of staphylococcus (low resistance).


- occurrence of dermatitis, commonly called pyoderma;

- damage to the mucous membranes of the genitals (in females - vaginitis with catarrhal or purulent secretions, endometritis, in males - purulent discharge from the prepuce, and in neglected cases, and tissue proliferation in this area;


- conjunctivitis and inflammation in some glands.

In puppies, the course of the disease is similar to food poisoning. The disease begins suddenly, from the second to the seventh day of life. Diarrhea is noted, as a result - rapid dehydration. The outcome is lethal. Diarrhea of staphylococcus origin in adult dogs is extremely rare.

The diagnosis is based on the indicators of laboratory tests taking into account the clinical symptoms. For the analysis need allocation from the prepuce or vagina. To determine this disease, blood to take is meaningless, since the activity of staphylococcus in it can be detected only with sepsis. Little informative seeding from the ear, erosions and ulcers.

Staphylococcus treatment in dogs

Treatment must necessarily be comprehensive, including both local and general therapy. Staphylococcus aureus in dogs (as well as other types of staphylococcus) is treated with the drug TSA, Staphylococcal antifagin , Staphylococcal anatoxin. Serums (hyperimmune, antistaphylococcal), immunoglobulin are used. Excellent results give the use of immunostimulants. Antibiotics are prescribed. Now the market has a wonderful drug called "Bacteriophage" (a virus-like living structure kills staphylococcus).


It is important to know that staphylococcus in dogs can return, after the time after treatment. Therefore, it is necessary to eliminate predisposing factors. Your task is to increase the resistance of the animal's organism in order to exclude a new disease. For the purposes of immunization, the drug TSA is used. In order to protect puppies, the bitch is given a prophylactic drug on the twentieth and fortieth days of whelping. Do not forget about hygiene compliance. Provide the animal a good balanced diet, daily long walks.

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