
Spy tricks with your own hands - it's easy!

Folk wisdom says that a word that has taken off - not a sparrow - you can not catch it! This proverb is an instruction to protect the information that wise ancestors left for us. The first person who created spy tricks with his own hands was Prometheus. He committed an unauthorized transfer to people of the technology of obtaining and applying fire.

The kings constantly sought to find out about neighboring rulers, merchants and merchants about competitors and buyers, wives about unfaithful husbands, husbands about treachery of wives. The list can be continued indefinitely ...

All these people needed spy stuff. With our own hands, it is very easy to create those in our technically equipped age. Let's consider one of the most accessible ways of espionage on an example of the software.

Mobile bugs

At the moment, the passions around listening to mobile phones are growing more and more. And it is interesting here that, the more functional the mobile phone is, the more spy things you can do with your own hands.

It turns out that with the help of various programs you can:

- visually photograph the environment;

- to conduct video and audio tracking in the area of 10 meters from the mobile device;

- be aware of all outgoing and incoming phone calls, SMS and e-mail messages;

- to have an idea of the location of the subscriber with high accuracy;

- Remotely switch on the microphone from huge distances;

- listen to the conversation, even when the battery is removed (function is possible for modern mobile phones).

The development of mobile phone technology has led to the fact that they have become more similar to computers than to simple means of communication. Therefore, getting into the program of the phone and creating spyware by oneself for programmers is not already a problem. Therefore, there are special programs that allow spying on the owners of mobile devices. Let's take a closer look at the most common utility from the entire spyware arsenal.

Her Majesty Spy Phone Suite

On the speed of installation, the program resembles spy things for children. After all, you can install and configure it in five minutes. It does not need any additional devices. After installation, you can use the information about the subscriber from any computer connected to the Internet.

You will be able to hear the phone you are listening to as your own. In addition to software products, hardware devices are also very interesting, which are produced mainly as toys for children.

Spy toys

No, perhaps, such a child who would not dream of playing in the famous "agent 007". To implement such a dream, the developers have been created various spy things. Toys are so interesting that they capture not only kids, but also adults. Among all the variety of products, it is especially worth mentioning:

- a night vision device with a flashlight;

- devices for the transfer of classified information;

- special "bugs" for listening and tracking;

- motion detectors, etc.

Such a list can be continued indefinitely.

Spy devices not only provide us with the necessary information, but also give pleasure to the disclosure of someone's secrets. After all, each of us has a sense of curiosity, so why not satisfy it?

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