Health, Stomatology
Constant and milky bite. Correction of bite of milk teeth
Parents encounter such a common misconception that the milk teeth do not have any sense to heal and, even more so, to correct the bite - they will soon be replaced by permanent ones. This error leads to deterioration of the teeth in the child, and it is possible that these problems then have to be addressed in adulthood. In fact, a bite is not just a temporary condition of the jaws. This is part of an important process for shaping the future health of the oral cavity, and it is desirable to understand all the features and subtleties of the process.
Features of the bite
The most noticeable difference between a bite and a permanent bite is the number and quality of the teeth. Since the child's jaws have not yet grown, then a lot less teeth are placed on them, only twenty. Milk teeth are softer, they quickly appear signs of erasure, the border between the tooth and gum is more noticeable. Children's teeth also differ in color of the enamel, it is bluish-white.
Milk bite is divided into two conditional categories - formed and formed. Both stages are important for the correct insertion of a permanent occlusion and the natural order of eruption of permanent teeth afterwards.
Forming milky bite
The dentition of the baby's teeth occurs even during fetal development, and the first teeth begin to erupt at the age of five months. As a rule, these are two central lower incisors. In the process of formation, the bite is usually not discernible, the teeth erupt gradually and symmetrically: teeth of the same name on one jaw are erupted synchronously from both sides. For example, the left and right canines on the upper jaw appear almost simultaneously.
Even at the stage of formation of the milk bite, you can determine whether it is developing properly. If in two years, when the occuring bite is already being completed, to show the baby to the orthodontist, it is possible to determine at an early stage the presence of problems and take appropriate measures.
Formed bite of milk teeth
When all the milk teeth have already erupted, it is a question of the already formed milk bite. And if there are problems with it, then at this stage they are noticeable even to the layman, because all the teeth of the teeth have already erupted. An incorrect bite at this age is most often called "open" - the lower teeth do not go beyond the front teeth, and it seems that the jaws just do not close.
Open bite leads to the fact that the baby teeth wear out more quickly, wear away, the risk of caries development increases and, besides the above, the mechanism of bookmarking the permanent bite is broken. The reasons can be different - from the innate characteristics to the acquired problems. For example, too long using a pacifier or the habit of sucking a finger can lead to an open bite.
Is it necessary to treat baby teeth?
Treatment of infant teeth is necessary to not break the order of the appearance of permanent teeth. Therefore, visits to the dentist are mandatory, literally from the age of two. This is useful not only because the doctor will notice problems with bite in time, but also help to form a calm attitude of the child to the dentist.
At the moment, there are modern, sparing methods of treatment of infant teeth, the same benign way can fix the bite in children. For example, caries in children are not treated in the literal sense of the word, and canned by silvering, not allowing further destruction of the tooth. Bite is much easier to fix at the stage of laying off violations than in the more mature age, when the problem has already been formed and it has to be eliminated.
Malocclusion correction
The bite errors noted at the stage of formation can be corrected relatively easily, this does not require complex bracket systems, it is sufficient to eliminate the cause of the problem and simply allow the teeth to develop as expected. Instead of braces, soft vestibular plates are used for this, they guide the growing teeth and help to quickly eliminate disorders in the embryo.
The problem with the milk bite is that premature abrasion and cracking of the soft tooth enamel is possible due to improper closure of the teeth. Milk teeth are no longer characterized by increased strength, and by the time they begin to be replaced by permanent ones, they have already been sufficiently worn out. Due to incorrect bite this erasure sharply increases, which can contribute to the rapid development of caries and the premature loss of milk teeth.
In the future, correction of the bite of the milk teeth has a beneficial effect on the permanent bite. Correctly formed jaws will grow the same way, and with a high degree of probability after a change of teeth, a permanent bite will be normal, or problems will be easier to solve.
Dependence of permanent bite on milk
The rudiments of permanent teeth are formed under dairy even in early childhood, so any problem in infancy inevitably affects the further development. That is why it is extremely desirable to protect the baby teeth from destruction as a result of caries, from curvature or misposition.
If the milk tooth has to be removed ahead of time, it provokes a permanent tooth to erupt and grow. Violation of the order, because of this, the curvature of the dentition is possible. Since the permanent teeth are larger than the dairy teeth, the early change of the milk bite to a permanent one is harmful for the child's jaw that has not yet grown. With a lack of space for growth, teeth can grow with a turn or an angle.
Features of permanent bite
The process of forming a permanent bite begins long before the first milk tooth comes out. Normally, the baby's teeth begin to fall out precisely because they are pushed out by the growing constants. However, if the child has dental problems, which cause the destruction of the milk teeth, this order is violated. Thus, caring for baby teeth is actually a concern for the permanent teeth with which a person must live his whole life. Since the dairy and permanent bite are closely related, the first visit to the dentist is desirable to be assigned to the age of formation of a number of milk teeth.
Correcting a permanent bite is much more difficult than adjusting a dairy one. This is due to the fact that the permanent teeth have deep and strong roots, the bite system has already settled in its wrong form.
Correction of occlusion
To correct the permanent bite, modern braces are used. This is quite a complex invention, allowing to align the dentition, but it takes time. On average, the bracket system is worn for about twenty months, if the situation is complicated, then longer. The peculiarity of this type of orthodontic treatment is that after the braces are installed it is necessary to carry them to the victorious end - if the treatment is interrupted before the term, the teeth will simply return to their original position. In particularly complex anomalous cases, orthodontists use the removal of "extra" teeth to give the rest of the opportunity to take a natural position.
In childhood, instead of braces, a vestibular plate is used for the milk bite, but even if problems that require orthodontic treatment are found after it, it is much faster. Dentists recommend setting the bracket system at the secondary school age, when the teeth are still in a malleable condition for correction. At the moment, there are several types of systems that allow you to quite comfortably and aesthetically correct bite. Practically imperceptible transparent braces or with the possibility to pick up the lining for the color of the enamel of the teeth, or even the system that is attached from the inside, which is completely invisible to other people.
Paying attention to the correct development of baby teeth in a child, you lay the preconditions for the maximum reduction of problems in the future.
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