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Smoke gum: features of choice and self-creation

A smoke bomb is a device that can create a thick smoke of different colors. It can be used for different purposes, mainly the product for entertainment. You can buy such products in specialized stores or on the market (highly recommended). During the selection, you should carefully look at the quality of the device. Of it, nothing should be poured. In addition, specify the expiry date of the item. Overdue checkers can cause serious damage to health. It is very important to buy the product at certified points of sale.

It should be noted that the smoke can be cooked and at home. The easiest way to create it is to use regular newspapers. The sheets must be pre-impregnated with a special solution of ammonium nitrate. Then they need to be bent in half and twisted into a tube. This procedure should be carried out with all pieces of the newspaper. Very tightly twisted sheets should be inserted into each other. After all the elements are used, you need to wrap the product with scotch tape and tamper it with the ends. This way the stuffing of the device is done.

If the smoke bomb is produced by newspapers, safety measures should be taken into account, both during operation and during use. The fact is that the paper can catch fire. In order to avoid this, it is desirable to make a shell for the piece. For this purpose, you can use an aluminum can. The bottom and the lid are cut out in it, and then the finished filling is inserted.

Smoke gum is ready for use after the excess metal is cut. Then you can set fire to the product and discard it as far as possible. Such a checker can give very thick smoke, and is also subject to long-term storage. However, store the product in a dry place. After the work is completed, it is very good to wash your hands with soap and carefully remove the place where the whole process was made.

Before you start creating, you need to determine the number of products. It depends on how many ingredients you need. Homemade smoke can have different sizes. It can be made from a matchbox.

A more complex method of preparation involves boiling the ingredients. For example, 1 tsp. Soda mixed with 40 grams of sugar and 60 grams of potassium nitrate. The resulting mass must be placed on a very slow fire and brought to a boil. All this must be done very carefully, all the while mixing the ingredients. Subsequently, the mass should acquire a brown color. After that, add soda. Take care that the mixture does not escape. After the cooked substance has cooled, pack it on matchboxes, and so that there are no voids inside.

In order to get a colored smoke checker, any color can be added to the mass: henna, manganese, etc. After this, insert a wick that is fixed with cotton wool. Now you can use the checker. Only you can not do this indoors and in crowded places. During firing, all safety precautions must be followed.

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