HealthPlastic surgery

Silicone lips - an ornament for the face or a health risk?

What kind of actions people do not push fashion! A couple of decades ago, no one even knew about such a byproduct of progress, like silicone lips, until several Hollywood stars, one after another, wanted to improve the shape and volume of their lips. Since then, this kind of plastic surgery has been gaining popularity.

The very procedure consists in introducing silicone under the skin of the patient's lips. Implant it with a few drops. Then the procedure is repeated for a month. That this substance does not spread under the skin, it is supported by the production of natural collagen.

I must say that this operation is currently being carried out in more than half the cases successfully. But, alas, there are also quite a few exceptions, which we'll talk about in the next paragraph. First of all, too bulky silicone lips can become not only an object for general fun, ridicule and pity, but also bring a very tangible harm to the appearance and health of a person when silicone, not supported by collagen in the desired form, will slowly spread, and, Lips that can seriously disfigure the face.

I must say that in some countries this type of plastic surgery is prohibited, and this is due to numerous complaints from patients. Silicone lips - this is not the only possibility of increasing the volume, for this purpose also introduce hyaluronic acid. However, it eventually resolves. But silicone - no. He remains on his lips for life.

Being a foreign body, it often leads to various inflammatory processes. The appearance of this substance the body includes protective mechanisms. It secrete and accumulate phagocytes, lymphocytes and macrophages with the sole purpose of removing all foreign matter. Naturally, you can not get it out. As a result around the drops of silicone, fibroblast tissue accumulates. In other words, around it form a kind of capsule. This mechanism partially removes inflammation caused by the implantation of a foreign substance. However, this does not always happen. It all depends on two things. First, from the reaction of your body to silicone. Secondly, on the quality of the most used material. Under certain circumstances, it is generally necessary to abandon silicone. For example, if your lips are very thin, then you can not increase them by this method.

The use of silicone in this case may not always lead to an improvement in appearance. On the contrary, sometimes the result of such an operation can simply shock others. Some people who have silicone lips have become just a talk, often not in the best sense of the word. For example, Sergey Zverev. Or Christina Ray, who has the biggest silicone lips, whose appearance, to put it mildly, is very extravagant.

Before deciding on this cardinal step, weigh all the arguments "for" and "against." Surgery to increase the lips, among other things, it is not necessarily implantation of silicone. There are also more "humane" methods - for example, the use of biocompatible gels (give effect for a while) or hyaluronic acid, which was mentioned above, as well as lipofiting (the use of own fat tissues).

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