EducationSecondary education and schools

Semantic reading: methods and techniques in the lessons in secondary school

New federal educational standards introduced at the primary and secondary levels of education are based on the principle of meta-subjective links. Semantic reading makes it possible to make significant changes in the content of subjects taught, to achieve a high quality of education.

Significance of semantic reading

Currently, the teacher himself creates certain situations, offers his students new tasks that are aimed at applying and summarizing skills and knowledge. It is the text that is the connecting thread, without which it is impossible to obtain the desired result. The concept of teaching skills, proposed by Asmolova AG, Valadarskaia IA, in addition to universal actions, suggests a semantic reading: methods and techniques. It is suggested not just acquaintance with some text, but meaningful reading, during which the children find, extract, analyze certain information. Children get skills of adequate evaluation and comprehension of the text.

Any modern teacher understands how important semantic reading is. Methods and techniques depend on the content of the academic discipline, but the end result is the same for all subjects.

A bit of history

In the 20th century, many scholars and teachers suggested introducing semantic reading at school. In their opinion, any text must first be read, then to understand its essence. Any story contains a subtext, a factual, a conceptual component.

The author describes the factual information about the heroes, the time of the action, the place of the event, its essence.

Subtextual information does not involve direct verbal expression. It can be found only in text "wells", those releases that are accessible to the reader with reliance on experience and knowledge, and also with the help of artistic means and word-images, and this requires a semantic reading. Methods and methods are chosen by the teacher himself, based on the psychological and mental characteristics of his wards.

Conceptual information presupposes a system of feelings, thoughts, views of the author himself, reflected in the story, aimed at perceiving her as a schoolboy. The text is a single whole, focused on research, educational, project objectives.

Reading from the point of view of psychologists

Semantic reading (methods and techniques) for many years seriously studied by psychologists. They are sure that the process, which is aimed at the students' comprehension of the text, unites attention and memory, thinking and imagination, will and emotions, attitudes and interests of the child. That is why the semantic reading (methods and techniques) in the primary school was included in the GEF of the second generation. The child receives such skills while discussing books (tasks) that will help him to easily navigate in everyday life.

For example, the analysis of informative texts: reports, articles implies the identification of the main idea of the text. To implement the task, students use a reading reading. Such a technique is common in humanitarian disciplines. History, social studies mean when reading new material is semantic reading. Methods and techniques in Russian language lessons (within the GEF) are aimed at the students' familiarity with classical and modern literary works.

In everyday life, you need to get certain information about an object or event, for this you use analytical reading. When acquainting with poems, stories, fairy tales, letters, recipes, cookbooks, the child should not only read the information, but also draw his own logical conclusions on the basis of the received information.

Reading at the lessons of physics

It would seem that there can be a connection between such a technical discipline as physics, and reading? Teachers are convinced that the relationship between objects really exists. Semantic reading (methods and techniques) in physics lessons helps the teacher to form a single picture of the material world for his wards. Problems in physics are divided into two groups: calculated and logical. To successfully solve logical problems, it is important to understand the essence of the problem, to find a rational algorithm for solving. And then the semantic reading comes to the aid of the teacher. Methods and techniques in primary school are based on visual perception, and in physics lessons they are more connected with logic.

To assimilate formulas, units of measure, the teacher offers children question-answer exercises, small physical dictations. This method of work is based on requesting and providing students with information about the object, the magnitude, and their interrelationship. Also, children are offered materials with badges. Instead, the guys, based on their knowledge, should insert terms or numbers. Such activities help students develop logical thinking, rely on the text of the paragraph, its individual items. Physics is the subject of a school curriculum, the study of which is impossible without meaningful reading. While getting acquainted with the text of the problem, the main idea is revealed, an unknown value is chosen, the algorithm of the solution is chosen. There is a direct relationship between the symbols mentioned inside the text and the meaning of the question, it is this connection that the student must find in order to successfully cope with the task assigned to him.

Reading at the lessons of the humanitarian cycle

All teachers of the Russian language and other humanitarian disciplines understand the importance of semantic reading. Methods and techniques in literature lessons (from work experience), acquaintance with the texts have their own specific features. For example, for students in primary school technology is used "by chain". It assumes an initial acquaintance of all the guys with the story, then each offers 1-2 proposals, as a result, a single full text is formed. Then the teacher, basing himself on the knowledge of the content, asks the children guiding questions, revealing as a result the level of mastering the material they read. There are in the teaching of reading techniques and special exercises for the addition. This method of work is based on a fragment of the text, unfinished sentences, for completion of which the children should have a detailed knowledge of the material read.

Correction and correction of sentences, in which logical errors are initially admitted, also allows for semantic reading. Methods and techniques in the history lessons on GEF suggest the students' understanding of the essence of historical epochs, events, the significance of individual personalities. Such a technique as juxtaposition, the search for similar and distinctive features in documents, helps the teacher of history and social studies to form interest in their subjects.

Reading in geography classes

When comparing several objects at once: texts, photographs, maps, semantic reading is also used. Methods and techniques in geography lessons related to textual information are based on the ability of students to correctly "read" geographic maps. After acquaintance with the graphic information, the children analyze it, connect it with textual information, make logical conclusions. Suitable for this subject area and this method of obtaining new material as a transcoding of information. The essence of reception consists in its transfer from one kind of expression to another. For example, words, sentences, children should express with gestures, facial expressions.

The Importance of Reading for English Lessons

Semantic reading (methods and techniques) in GEF English lessons is based on various activities. For example, "mosaic" is the technique that involves the separation of the "information bank", in which there are many texts for listening. As soon as the children get acquainted with the part of the article, they exchange information, together they recreate the general content of the story. Often an English teacher in his work uses notes. When compiling a brief record of the text (theses), students develop analytical skills. Having listened to the text in a foreign language, the guys formulate a brief retelling, on its basis they restore complete information.

Receptions of reading in the literature

This school subject uses the semantic reading for one hundred percent. Methods and techniques in literature lessons are no different from other academic disciplines. For example, when acquainted with a new classic work, as with any task, children divide the entire text into separate paragraphs (paragraphs), each section is entitled, receiving a mini theses. They make up their own messages, that is, they retell the author's idea. The method as "anticipation", connected with the development of the ability to anticipate the content of the story, is of interest. Literary quizzes, polls, crossword puzzles compiled by the teacher on the text of the work, allow to form interest in books. Logical regrouping and restoring the broken sequence helps build the chain, get the coherent text, the finished thought.

Reading in the study of biology

When studying the surrounding world, semantic reading is also used. Methods and techniques in biology lessons, used to generate interest in the subject, according to GEF, mean understanding of the material studied. Specificity of the subject involves the use of a variety of tables. After getting acquainted with the texts, the teacher asks the children to select the key points and arrange them in the form of a table. Also, among the techniques that allow us to develop semantic reading at biology lessons, we will select test works. Choosing the right (wrong) statements, schoolchildren demonstrate the degree of mastering the educational material, the awareness of preparing homework.

On methods and methods of semantic reading

This concept implies the use of only the information that the child needs. Let's analyze semantic reading (methods and techniques). In the English language lessons, the teacher tries to teach children how to read the main idea of the text by means of such reading, to compile a full-length narrative in a foreign language for key phrases. If a child takes possession of methods and techniques that contribute to the skills of semantic reading, he can in detail perceive the material, create his own images. Discussion, discussion, imagination, modeling allow the teacher to organize cognitive activity, teach children to read texts thoughtfully, with understanding.

In order to find out the essence of any task, it always requires a semantic reading. Methods and techniques in the lessons of mathematics are similar to the study of classical works, but there are also nuances. For example, it is not enough just to read the text of the problem, to choose the main idea. Guys under the guidance of their mentor should choose the optimal algorithm by which they will seek an answer to the question posed.

There are three main types of semantic reading:

  • Fact-finding;
  • The student;
  • Viewing.

For student reading is characterized by the maximum clear understanding of the school principal and secondary facts and signs. It is usually performed in texts that have valuable and informative information. The children use the knowledge they gained in the subsequent school life.

The introductory version is aimed at identifying key information in the material.

The survey method allows students to analyze the material, find important information in it, understand the meaning of the text.

With the help of reading, socialization of the person, his upbringing, development, further education is carried out. Now in our country there are constantly changes in society, the role and status of the book is changing. Unfortunately, sociologists note a significant drop in interest in reading not only among schoolchildren, but also among the adult population of the country. About 34% of Russians do not read, readership in children and adolescents is declining. According to the federal educational standard of primary education, the ability to learn becomes the most important result of education. Attention is given to the formation of universal skills that allow the student to independently study the material. The divisions are interdisciplinary, they are important for different types of school life.

The formed skill of semantic reading becomes a serious foundation. With his help, the student learns to seek, understand, transform, interpret, evaluate. At the moment reading together with the mastery of computer literacy is the basic ability for schoolchildren to be able to communicate freely with peers and adults. Psychologists identify 200 factors that ensure the high performance of children. The first skill is considered to be semantic reading. Methods and techniques in the lessons of chemistry are chosen by the teacher, based on the reading technique of schoolchildren. 120-180 words per minute (for a seventh grader) is enough to understand the meaning of chemical problems and formulas. Reader literacy can be developed with the help of teaching semantic reading in chemistry lessons, while performing practical and laboratory work.

What are the features of this reading?

It is aimed at understanding the meaning of the information read. In addition to the usual familiarity with the text, the student gives his assessment, a response to the main content. The components of this type of assimilation of information are included in all educational activities:

  • The motivation of reading presupposes in personal UDM;
  • The adoption of a task on the content of regulatory UCD;
  • Abstract and logical thinking, vocabulary, RAM included in cognitive UDM;
  • Cooperation with classmates, educators, based on speech, is in communicative UDM.

In the school curriculum, the time for teaching reading and writing was halved. At the same time, not all parents find the time, energy, desire to independently teach the child alphabet, reading. All the words read at an early age, remain in the mind of the baby, form his vocabulary. If neither the preschooler nor his parents show love for the book, the child has serious problems with schooling. Speech is not formed, there is no ability to make beautiful and correct sentences, coherently expound the material read. With meaningful reading, preschool children form vivid images, on the basis of which the child's subsequent development takes place. In addition to the usual ability to read a book, it is important to teach him to do it meaningfully. Beginning "readers" can not perceive the text holistically, single out important points, divide into fragments. It is difficult for them to analyze and synthesize the material read. The reason lies in a small life experience, excessive emotionality, unformed speech culture.

Becoming a reading skill

Methodists talk about three stages in the formation of reading skills.

Analytical involves utterance, perception, comprehension of learning to read, suitable for the initial stage of literacy formation.

Synthetic involves reading the child not in syllables, but in whole words. After this stage comes, there is an intonation in reading, comprehending the text, keeping in the memory of new information. This phase is typical for the second year of primary school.

Automation is characterized by an excellent reading technique, the ability to reproduce the basic idea of a story, using artistic means and composition. The child responds freely to all questions posed by the teacher, shares the emotional impressions received from the story with peers.

If the teacher is able to create the necessary mode of operation, then the transition from the analytical to the automatic stage will be painless, the GEF of the second generation is implemented in full.


In order for the preschool child to become a successful pupil of the secondary school, he managed to master the educational programs in full, it is important to teach him in a timely manner a meaningful reading. To achieve the desired result of one effort, the teacher will clearly not be enough. His parents must help him, the schoolboy himself. The results of statistical studies conducted in the framework of the diagnosis of the effectiveness of the introduction of GEF second generation in primary school, confirm the importance of meaningful reading. It helps the child deal with a complex mathematical and physical problem, the algorithm of chemical reaction, the stages of development of the biological organism, changes in the earth's crust, air, water shell. In primary school, such activities are primarily aimed at developing communication skills.

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