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Seizures: causes and treatment. Nocturnal leg cramps: causes

Involuntary muscle contractions often occur even in healthy individuals. In this article I want to talk about what is cramps: the causes and treatment of this problem.


At the very beginning, you need to understand the concepts that will be actively used in this article. So, cramps are involuntary contractions of muscles. Often accompanied by pain syndrome or discomfort. And if at first glance this problem does not seem terrible, you have to fight with cramps. After all, they are often a symptom of a certain disease. In addition, they also negatively affect the quality of human life. It is also worth mentioning that cramps are of several types:

  1. Episodic, or random (partial). Occur irregularly, there are no health risks. At the same time, a person's consciousness does not turn off.
  2. Tonic-clonic convulsions. Accompanying loss of consciousness. In this case, a person from the mouth during a seizure may be allocated foam. Subspecies: myoclonic cramps, which occur most often in children and adolescents. In this case, the entire body is involved in the process. This type of seizures is mainly a symptom of a disease such as epilepsy.

Causes of spontaneous seizures

So, spontaneous cramps: causes and treatment. First of all, I want to tell you why they can arise:

  1. Subcooling. The most common reason. Most often, such cramps occur at the time of swimming in cold water.
  2. An inconvenient position. If a person is in an uncomfortable position for a long time, his muscles can become "numb" (the nerve channel of the muscle is clamped). In this case, you can cope with the problem by using the simplest massage or kneading.
  3. Quite often, spontaneous cramps occur in people who smoke actively or often consume coffee. For them, muscle twitching is a frequent occurrence. Cope with the problem can be easily - just give up taking nicotine and caffeine.

Other reasons

Why else can convulsions occur? Causes and treatment of these symptoms - this will be discussed later.

  1. Lack of vitamins: fat-soluble (D, E), water-soluble (B 2 and B 6 ).
  2. Lack of micronutrients. If the body lacks potassium, calcium, sodium and magnesium, this can cause frequent seizures. This is especially true for pregnant women.
  3. Another reason for the occurrence of seizures: a lack of nutrition in the amino acids of taurine.
  4. Dehydration can also cause seizures.
  5. If it is a question of small children (newborns), convulsions at them arise basically at a high temperature of a body.
  6. The cause of the jerking of the muscles may be insufficient blood supply.
  7. Too much exercise can also cause seizures.
  8. Well, often muscle contractions are an accompanying symptom of a certain disease. For example, epilepsy, infectious or nervous diseases.

Body cramps

We consider further the topic - convulsions: causes and treatment. So, I want to stop a bit on the contractions of the muscles of the whole body. Physicians say that in this case, the cause of seizures are certain diseases:

  1. Damage to the brain: tumors, cysts.
  2. Infectious diseases.
  3. Epileptic seizures.
  4. Problems with the work of the gastrointestinal tract (most often - poisoning).

In this case, convulsions arise as a result of too much stress in the nerve cells of the brain. To diagnose the beginning of an attack it is possible on certain parameters (change in sensations) or as a result of electroencephalography. After an attack the patient basically always falls asleep, and usually nothing of an event does not remember. For treatment, the patient should seek help from a neurologist.

Treatment and help with cramps all over the body

How can a patient help himself? Unfortunately, nothing at all. During such attacks it is necessary that a person be surrounded by people who will be able to provide some help. If an epileptic attack begins, the patient should be correctly placed: on his side or face down. At the same time, you need to do everything to ensure that the patient has no problems getting air (because seizures are often accompanied by a short-term stop of breathing). It is also believed that in times of seizures the person does not control himself and can "swallow" his tongue. To avoid this, a patient in the teeth must insert a stick or something hard that will not allow the mouth to close. What kind of seizures can medications be prescribed for?

  1. The drug "Phenobarbital", which is released solely on the prescription of the doctor. This anticonvulsant drug, which also calms the nervous system and has a hypnotic effect.
  2. Also doctors often in such cases prescribe the drug "Carbamazepine". An excellent tool in the fight against epileptic attacks. However, it is also not dispensed without a doctor's prescription.

Cramps of the hands

It was the turn to consider such a problem as hand convulsions. The reasons, treatment of this problem - this is what will be discussed now. First of all, it should be said that cramps in the hands most often occur in older people. Why is that?

  1. Lack of important microelements in the body: potassium, calcium and magnesium. It is these substances that provide the supply of nerve impulses to muscle fibers.
  2. Deficiency of fluid in the body.
  3. Frequent stress.
  4. Violation of blood circulation in the hands.
  5. Prolonged intake of certain medications, especially diuretics.

Treatment of hand cramps

So, the spasms of the hands: the causes, the treatment of this problem. It is worth saying that in this case a person does not lose consciousness and therefore can help himself. Useful will be stroking and light massage of the hand, rubbing. If possible, it is better that another person does this (relative, doctor). If the seizures are localized in one area of the hand, they can be prevented by periodic massage of this part of the body (this will improve blood circulation in the hand). And, of course, the vitamin and mineral complex will be useful in this case.

Leg cramps

Now I want to consider more specifically the leg cramps: the causes and treatment of this problem. First of all, I want to say that the calf muscle most often reduces the legs . The reasons for this may be as follows:

  1. Varicose veins, i.e., a violation of blood circulation in the legs.
  2. Flat feet can also provoke the appearance of convulsive syndrome.
  3. Physical overload can cause cramps in the legs.
  4. As already mentioned above, the deficiency of trace elements such as calcium, magnesium and potassium can cause cramps in the legs.
  5. The cause may also be a disruption in the endocrine system.


We further consider leg cramps: causes and treatment. To get rid of this problem, you first need to know the source of its occurrence. If this is a symptom of a certain disease, it is necessary to treat it. If the cramps occur from time to time, then you have to massage and rub your legs at the jerking point (if this varicose extension, it is strictly forbidden, in this case, before going to bed, you can slightly bandage the legs). Vitamin-mineral complex and reduction of physical exertion on the leg will also be useful.

Night twitching of legs

Quite often a person has just the night leg cramps. Causes, treatment of this problem - this will now be discussed. At the very beginning it is necessary to say that one of the most important causes of this problem is precisely the deficiency in the body of magnesium and calcium. Also, nocturnal cramps can occur as a result of daytime leg overloads. Such phenomena are quite often disturbing smokers and inveterate coffeemakers.

Getting rid of the problem

We further consider nocturnal leg cramps: causes, treatment. How can you get rid of this problem? So, no drugs here do not have to apply. You just need to find out the cause of the problem and fight it. That is, if a person smokes, you must abandon nicotine. If the cause is exorbitant physical activity, it must be done so that the legs are less subjected to overload.

Self-help at night cramps

What else is important to know if a person is tortured by leg cramps at night? Causes, treatment for such symptoms is useful to everyone. However, you also need to know how you can give yourself first aid during an unpleasant and painful muscle contraction.

  1. If the leg "brought down", at the very beginning in the bed you have to sit down, and lower your legs to the floor. It's good to put them on a cool surface. This will help improve blood circulation.
  2. If the pain in the spasm is strong, the leg should be pinched or pricked.
  3. Throughout the cramps, the leg needs to be massaged, rubbed, patted. This will help restore normal blood circulation.
  4. The seizure site can also be anointed with apple cider vinegar, alcohol or vodka. Well also warming ointments work well .

Prevention of leg cramps

We have already said that a fairly common occurrence is muscle cramps in the legs. Causes, treatment problems - this is also discussed above in full. However, to avoid this, it is best to know and apply preventive measures. What in this case will be relevant?

  1. Comfortable shoes are important. It is also good if it is made of natural materials.
  2. It is necessary to avoid unnecessary strain on the legs.
  3. It is necessary to reduce the consumption of coffee and sugar to the maximum. We must completely abandon nicotine and alcohol.
  4. It is necessary to change the diet. Products should be rich in potassium, magnesium, B vitamins.
  5. An excellent preventive tool - regular foot massage. To do this, you can both turn to professionals and simply massage yourself and rub your legs before going to bed.
  6. Well and one more useful agent - contrasting trays for legs or foots.

Traditional medicine

What if the person is disturbed by muscle cramps? Causes, medication treatment - this information is known. However, with this problem, you can also seek advice on traditional medicine.

  1. Carnation. Cope with seizures, you can, if you take about 500 mg of cloves with sugar daily.
  2. You can also rub the place of cramp with mustard oil.
  3. Lemon will help cope with leg cramps. A slice of lemon daily for two weeks you have to rub your feet. After the feet are completely dry, you can put on socks. This remedy works perfectly if there are frequent cramps of the toes (the reasons for treating this problem are the same as with general leg cramps).
  4. Even if you just take a tablespoon of honey daily before meals, you can get rid of cramps.

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