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Riana - the meaning of the name in all its diversity

When you are expecting a child, a lot of questions immediately arise: where to buy a crib, which wheelchair to prefer, how to name the child? And then suddenly comes the understanding of how many names exist in the world, and how difficult it is to choose any of them. After all, every daddy and every mother wants to give the kid a special, euphonious and unusual name, but also of good value.

Today we will pay attention to women's names, and to be precise, we will find out what the name of Ryan means. It should be borne in mind that it goes back to several sources and can have Muslim, Celtic (English), Arab roots. Therefore, depending on the considered variant of origin, Ryan, the meaning of the name, as well as its history, changes.

According to Anglo-Saxon sources, the history of this name originates from the longer "Rhiannon", which later fell to a simpler and laconic "Rian". The meaning of the name has several variations: "the great queen", "the divine queen", "the sacred queen". These decodings, in principle, have the same meaning, but different shades. So, the great queen should be respectful, the divine quivering, and the sacred love.

Given that the "Rhiannon" comes from the word "Riani" - "queen" and reinforcing the particles "he", which has several interpretations already cited above, it can be concluded that when people discard "he" and leave "Rian" ", The meaning of the name becomes obvious and gets rid of uncertainty. "Queen", that's how the Celts would describe the girl wearing this name.

According to Arabic sources, "Riana" is the name of the seasoning, which can be translated into Russian as a sweet basil. This was the name of one of Muhammad's concubines, and the name implied the grass itself, but, quite possibly, it was on this soil that the Muslim "Riana" was born, whose meaning is interpreted as "pleasure," "pleasure," "bliss."

There is also a second version of the translation from Arabic, and certainly most of the owners of this name will prefer his basilica. "Soul from God," that's how you can interpret Ryan. The meaning of the name, if we talk about translations from different languages, can change very much and present surprises, because consonant words are in many Turkic languages. So, for example, if you translate this name from the Kazakh language, (although there it sounds more like "Raykhana"), then we get the meaning "ruddy, red-cheeked".

So, if we generalize the meaning of this name from all of the above, then we get the following result. Riana carries in itself all the sweetness of the East, charming and enchanting, but at the same time powerful and powerful. About these girls they say "honey of my soul" and "delight of my eyes" while they dance with daggers, dangerous and beautiful at the same time.

In general, Riana is a name well suited for a girl with oriental or Muslim roots. But this does not mean that the burning blonde Aryan appearance it will not be to face. A rare, unusual, caressing rumor, moreover having an excellent value - the name of Ryan will be gladly worn by any representative of the fair sex.

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