
Prostatic massage alone

Prostate massage, as one of the effective methods of therapy, is prescribed by doctors when complex treatment of prostate adenoma, erectile dysfunction, chronic prostatitis, inflammation in seminal vesicles is performed. In addition, this procedure can be carried out for the purpose of diagnosis. For example, you should take the secret of the prostate for research. In any case, he is appointed doctor, and should be carried out by qualified specialists.

Can I perform prostate massage myself?

It happens that a person, after reading articles on the Internet and studying the symptoms of prostatitis on them, decided that he also has all the signs of this disease. He begins to frantically search the network for tips on how to do prostate massage at home, then start self-treatment. But this should not be done. After all, like any medical procedure, this type of massage has its own contraindications. So, for example, you can not conduct such sessions, if a person has an anamnesis:

- benign or malignant tumor;

- vesiculitis, orcoepididymitis, kuperite, acute urethritis;

- prostate cyst;

- exacerbation of hemorrhoids;

- stones in the prostate gland;

- cracks in the anus;

- inflammation of the prostate in the acute stage;

- Prostate tuberculosis;

- bacterial prostatitis;

- violation of the process of urination (there is a lot of urine);

- genital herpes;

- symptoms of syphilis.

Usually prostate massage (the scheme of its carrying out is at each expert) is carried out by the skilled urologist or the proctologist. But there are cases when there is no qualified specialist or the patient hesitates with such a problem to address him, but trusts the closest person to perform such an intimate procedure. Then the question arises, how to conduct a prostate massage yourself, where to start, how many times it is necessary to conduct such a session, etc.

First, it is necessary to visit a doctor to exclude the presence of contraindications. If there are none, the doctor can explain in detail to the person to whom the patient trusts carrying out in house conditions of massage of a prostate, the scheme of its performance. Secondly, when starting a similar procedure, one should tune in to prolonged and sometimes painful treatment, strict adherence to all the techniques of performing the massage. Thirdly, you need to buy a special cream for this (analgesic) and surgical gloves.

So, when starting to perform the manipulation of "prostate massage" yourself, you need to know the following:

- there must necessarily be an assistant who will carry out this procedure, since it is very difficult to conduct such a procedure correctly and effectively;

- it is necessary to pass 12-15 such sessions;

- duration may be from half a minute to two;

- The bladder should be full.

The technique is as follows: the patient lies on her side, bringing her knees to her chin. The doctor (or the person to whom the patient trusts to do this) enters the index finger into the anus (the hand should be in the glove on which the medicine is applied) and starts stroking each lobe of the gland from the periphery to the center, given the location of its excretory ducts. How to find the prostate? Entering the anus of the finger, you can grope in the rectum on the front wall of a round formation. This is the prostate. That's it, and it should be stroked in circular motions and rubbed.

If a person does not have the opportunity to go through such sessions at home or at home, one can try to perform a prostate massage alone, only this will be as follows: you need to learn to contract periodically the anus muscles or massage the appendages and testicles yourself. This kind of action will strengthen the neuroregulatory process and blood flow, will indirectly affect the prostate gland. In general, gymnastics, which trains the muscles of the pelvic organs (and prostate, among others), is very effective in any pathology in this area of the human body.

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