
Erosion of the cervix: treatment with folk remedies

Erosion is a violation of integrity, damage to the mucous membrane of the cervix. It is considered a pathological change that can occur in almost any woman. This type of disease can lead to infection in the uterus and appendages. In this case, the damaged area of the cervix acts as a kind of "passage" for infections. That is why erosion requires careful examination of a specialist and timely treatment. If treatment is not performed on time, complications can arise: inflammatory chronic organ diseases in the pelvis, infertility, and erosion can turn into malignant. To prevent this from happening, erosion should be treated immediately after detection, without delaying or postponing. Recently, most often as a treatment offer a method of cauterization. However, there are also more conservative methods. You can treat cervical erosion at home. So, for example, if you are cervical erosion, treatment with folk remedies is something that you can try before cauterizing.

So, the diagnosis, put y you, - erosion of the cervix. Folk remedies that make it possible to get rid of it are very diverse. Let's consider some of them.

St. John's wort is a universal plant with healing properties. A solution made from it helps with various inflammations of the sexual sphere of women. Prepare the solution as follows: 1 cup of boiling water pour into a tablespoon of St. John's wort and boil for about 15 minutes on a small fire. Then strain and drink every day 3 times on the fourth part of the glass.

Nettle is also a useful plant. With its help, erosion of the cervix can be controlled. Treatment with folk remedies has this method: from the leaves of fresh nettle it is necessary to squeeze out the juice. In the juice, dab the tampon and insert it into the vagina deep enough, pressing it to the cervix. This procedure should be carried out for two to three weeks for 1 time every day.

Fill the thermos with two spoons (table) of the flowers of the pharmacy calendula, pour boiling water (300ml). Close the thermos and let the calendula steep. After two hours, pour the prescribing medicine, cool it to a warm temperature. The resulting solution should be douched twice daily. The course of treatment takes 14 douches.

A glass of boiling water pour 2 table spoons of wormwood chemist's and boil for 10 minutes on a small fire. Then strain the herb and wring out. The resulting solution must be diluted from cooled to a temperature of 36-37 degrees with boiled water and do syringing.

For women who have found erosion of the cervix, treatment with folk remedies advises a variety of honey remedies. The simplest of them is simply apply a tablespoon of honey on a clean and sterile gauze swab. The tampon is inserted as deep as possible into the vagina once a day. Treatment needs to continue 13 procedures. After that, the disease should be eliminated, and the cervix restored. It must be said that with such treatment during the first two to three procedures a woman may be bothered by itching and burning. This is completely harmless and soon unpleasant sensations will disappear.

Wet the tampon in a gruel made from 100 grams of honey, mixed with 2-3 drops of juice, squeezed out of the "golden mustache." Insert a cotton swab in the vagina should be regularly every day for 5 hours for two weeks.

Do tampons to treat erosion yourself. To do this, it is necessary to put a piece of aloe, peeled from the skin, inside a sterile bandage, and a teaspoon of honey. These tampons are introduced every day, once. The course must be continued for 10 days.

There are many other ways in which erosion of the cervix can be "conquered." Treatment with folk remedies is so diverse that it is impossible to count all means. However, it is worthwhile to try to cure erosion without moxibustion, especially for girls who have not had birth.

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