
Preparation "Belloid": instructions for use, indications

What do patients say about the BELLOID preparation? Customer reviews you can see at the end of the article. Also in it the instruction of this preparation and its analogues will be presented.

Composition, form of medicament

The preparation "Belloid", the instruction on which application is in a paper package together with a medicine, is issued in the form of yellow dragees of the round form. They are packaged in plastic bottles No. 50 and placed in boxes.

The active components of this drug are ergotoxin, dibutylbarbituric acid and alkaloid sulfate belladonna.

Features of the medicinal product

What is the preparation "Belloid"? Instruction for use asserts that this agent exhibits sedative, antispasmodic and antianginal properties. Such effects medication manifests itself due to the features of the active elements that make up its composition.

Dibutylbarbituric acid enhances the effects of the other two ingredients, and also depresses the autonomic centers of the brain. Ergotoksin also affects the vegetative NA, reducing the tone of its sympathetic department. As for alkaloids of belladonna, they reduce the tone of the parasympathetic department.

In general, the preparation "Belloid", analogues of which are indicated below, restores the balance of the ratio of the processes of excitation and inhibition in the vegetative NA, and also shows sedative, antispasmodic and antianginal properties, decreases heart rate, dilates the blood vessels of the heart, normalizes the sweating process, promotes sound sleep, and relieves bronchospasm And has an antiemetic effect.

Indications for taking pills

The medicament being considered is recommended for use with:

  • Disorders of autonomic NS functions;
  • Allergic diseases;
  • Neurological disorders;
  • Endocrine diseases (hyperhidrosis);
  • Psychomotor agitation, increased irritability;
  • Disorders of the menstrual cycle;
  • Violation of neurogenic potency;
  • Ménière syndrome;
  • Insomnia;
  • Bronchial asthma.


In what cases is it not recommended to use the drug "Belloid"? Instruction for use informs that this remedy is contraindicated in the hypersensitivity of constituents and peripheral vascular diseases. Also, it can not be used for prostate adenoma, pregnancy, glaucoma and severe atherosclerosis.

The preparation "Belloid": instructions for use

Prescribe the drug in question should only be a specialist. As a rule, this drug takes 1-2 pills three times in the essence throughout the course of treatment, the duration of which is determined by the doctor.

Side effects

The use of this medication can lead to impaired vision, drowsiness and tachycardia. Also, this agent can cause an increase in intraocular pressure, redness of the facial skin.

Overdose and Interaction

The drug "Belloid" should not be taken with glucocorticoid drugs, coumarin derivatives and hormonal oral contraceptives.

When using higher doses of medication, it can cause drowsiness, flushing of the face, dizziness, discomfort, tachycardia, dilated pupils, vomiting, difficulty urinating, intestinal atony, convulsions.

Special Recommendations

During the period of admission, the patient should avoid any kind of activity that requires increased attention. Also during treatment it is forbidden to use any kind of alcohol.

Similar means

How can I replace the drug "Belloid"? Bellaspon is its main analogue. You can also use a similar tool - Bellataminal.

Reviews about the drug

In the overwhelming number of reports on the drug "Belloid" are positive. Patients claim that this drug is very effective in treating vegetovascular dystonia, as well as other diseases, indicated in the section "Indications."

As for the negative aspects of this drug, they are referred to as its difficult accessibility. In pharmacy chains, this medication can only be purchased after a preliminary order.

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