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Persimmon for weight loss. Useful properties of persimmons, promoting weight loss

In early October, large bright orange fruits appear in the markets and in stores. This is a favorite persimmon. Its motherland is China, but now it is grown wherever there is enough heat and light. There are about two hundred species of edible persimmon. They differ in the form of fruits, in size, in color, in taste. But a persimmon of any sort is very useful. It is used in cosmetology, cooking, medicine. Recently, a persimmon for weight loss has been widely used.

Health Benefits of Health Persimmons

The Greeks called persimmon "food of the gods." And not only because it is extremely tasty, but also because it contains many micronutrients, each of which is important for the body. The orange persimmon color gives beta-carotene or provitamin A. It is an excellent antioxidant, helps with cardiovascular diseases, reduces the risk of developing eye and oncological diseases. Also a lot in the persimmon of vitamin C, potassium, magnesium, iodine, calcium, iron. In its ripe fruits there are proteins, carbohydrates, fiber, saturated and unsaturated acids, sugars.

Persimmons are used in the treatment of the liver and stomach. It is used for scurvy, atherosclerosis. With its help, worms are ejected, wounds are healed and burns, dysentery, bronchitis are treated. In dietetics, a persimmon is used to lose weight. In cosmetology, it is part of masks and creams. Culinary experts prepare jam, wine, sweet desserts, even moonshine from it. Widely used this miracle berry in folk medicine, and healers use not only fruits, but also leaves.

Than persimmon for weight loss is useful

Despite the fact that the pulp of persimmon contains a lot of sugar (25% of the daily rate), its calorie content is very low. 100 grams of pulp account for 62 kilocalories. Average persimmon weighs about 350 grams. It is easy to calculate that, when eating one berry, a person receives only about 250 kcal. And the presence of fiber in the pulp creates a feeling of saturation. This is the benefit of persimmon for weight loss.

Of course, there is no single norm for a kilocalorie, suitable for everyone without exception. This figure depends on the physical exertion of each person, body weight, age and other indicators. But dietitians estimated that the human body can hardly absorb more than 550 calories in the morning, more than 350 calories in the afternoon and more than 200 calories in the evening. On the basis of this, many diets are developed, which includes a persimmon for weight loss.

Rigid Diet

A hard diet consists of a complete replacement of food products with persimmons. To eat a day it needs up to 2 kilograms, eating 2 pieces for breakfast, lunch and 1-2 for dinner. With this diet, you should drink at least 2 liters of water or a decoction of herbs a day. Also allowed to eat low-fat kefir and up to 200 grams of rye crackers without spices. The duration of a strict diet should not exceed five days, so as not to cause stomach diseases. Such a system makes it possible to lose 3-5 kilograms.

Unfortunately, the use of such a sweet and pleasant diet can lead to unfavorable consequences. What is dangerous persimmon, useful properties for weight loss which is beyond doubt? It turns out that this berry, especially unripe, contains a lot of tannin. Getting into the stomach, it forms difficult to digest compounds that envelop its walls, and getting into the intestines, cause its obstruction. In this case, an urgent operation may be necessary.

Gentle diet

A good alternative to a rigid system is sparing, which also uses a persimmon for weight loss. The diet includes a variety of low-calorie foods. Persimmon is used once a day, completely replacing breakfast, lunch or dinner. Examples of some sparing diets:

1. Breakfast. 2 pieces of persimmons. Unsweetened tea or broth of herbs.

Dinner. 200 grams of boiled beef, vegetable salad without butter.

Dinner. A glass of kefir with fat content up to 1%, 100 grams of fat-free cottage cheese.

2. Breakfast. Oatmeal without sugar. Unsweetened green tea.

Dinner. 2 pieces of persimmons.

Snack. 1 piece of persimmons.

Dinner. Boiled chicken leg without skins. A glass of yogurt.

H. Breakfast. Omelette. Vegetable salad without butter. Unsweetened tea.

Dinner. 200 grams of boiled beef, or boiled chicken leg, or lean soup.

Dinner. 2 pieces of persimmons. A glass of skimmed yogurt.

The menu of sparing diets can vary. The main thing is to keep the principle - to replace persimmons with one meal.

Unloading days

In addition to diets, nutritionists recommend to arrange unloading days, during which a persimmon for weight loss is also used. The undoubted advantage of this approach is the gradual dumping of extra kilograms until the person's weight reaches the required standard. For the body, this method passes more gently, without stress and stress. Over a long period a person gets used to this rhythm of life and takes it as a norm. Unloading days need to be arranged once a week. It is advisable to choose a particular day for this, for example Sunday. During the whole unloading day it is required to eat 5-6 pieces of persimmons. Also allowed the use of low-fat kefir, unsweetened tea or broth of herbs.

The value of unloading days with persimmon is not only in reducing weight, but also in enriching the body with vitamins, in the prevention of various diseases, in reducing fatigue, in strengthening immunity.

Vinegar from persimmon for weight loss

Even in ancient China, highly valued vinegar, prepared from ripe fruits of persimmons. It has healing properties, improves digestion, perfectly cleanses the body, helps healing of wounds and improves skin condition. This vinegar has a yellow-orange color and a pleasant sweetish taste. It is widely used for making various sauces, is added to salads. For weight loss vinegar should be mixed with water in a proportion of 1:10 or with milk and drink daily. Vinegar from persimmon helps to burn fat even to people who do not have great physical exertion.

Does persimmon harm?

"Orange sun", "divine fire", "heart apple" - a persimmon is called differently. She is loved all over the world for her delicious taste. Many wonderful qualities have a persimmon. Useful properties for weight loss of this berry are recognized by many specialists and are confirmed in practice. However, there is an opinion that the presence of a large quantity of sugars in persimmon contributes not to losing weight, but, on the contrary, to weight gain. Also, there is an opinion that it is contraindicated in people with diabetes. However, doctors argue that persimmon sugar does not affect the glycemic index in the blood.

Who exactly can not use it in large quantities, so it's for people suffering from gastrointestinal diseases, and those who have had surgery on the organs of the abdominal cavity.

The reason for the restriction is the tannin contained in the persimmon. Especially a lot of it in immature fruits. Tannin causes tartness of berries, worsening their taste. The amount of it is easy to reduce. To do this, you can put a persimmon in the freezer. At low temperatures, tannin molecules are destroyed. You can also leave a persimmon for 12 hours in warm water or put in a plastic bag with apples.

What you need to choose a persimmon

To persimmon was not tart and contained as little as possible tannin, it should be bought ripe. This does not mean that the fruit should be large. For example, the varieties "John Rick" and "Mider" berries weigh only about 50 grams. The ripe persimmon fruit is soft to the touch and has thin dark strips. Their skin is thin, almost transparent, and the tail is dry. In addition, there are varieties of persimmons that are not tart at any degree of maturity. The variety "Sharon", bred in Israel by crossing persimmon with an apple, contains little tannin. Its astringency almost is not felt, and the berry itself is very tasty and aromatic. This variety is ideal for a diet based on persimmons and for fasting days.


Persimmon is an extremely useful fruit that helps the body to heal and helps to fight many diseases, even oncological diseases. Very effective persimmon for weight loss. The testimonies of people are indisputable proof of this. Diets based on persimmons are especially popular with those who find it difficult to deny themselves sweets. Despite the sweet taste of persimmon, it is low-calorie, and the presence of a large amount of fiber in its pulp causes a feeling of satiety. But in order for it to bring only benefit, you need to use it in the ripe form, observe the measure and be sure to consult a doctor.

Persimmon is useful to all people, regardless of their weight. Even those who do not need to lose weight can simply enjoy it, using it fresh or adding it to salads, mousses, desserts, making jams, sauces, juices from it. In addition, persimmon can be dried. Tartness in dried fruits is almost non-existent, but their caloric content by 100 grams rises to 274. Also in the dried persimmon , the content of carbohydrates and sugars increases. Therefore, for weight loss, it does not fit.

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