HealthDiseases and Conditions

Parkinson's Disease: Causes and Treatment of Disease

A severe test for both the person himself and his associates, is Parkinson's disease. The causes of the onset and treatment of the disease require special attention. After all, pathology can significantly change a person's life. Symptomatic manifestations of impaired motor activity are severe enough. In addition, ignoring the first signs of the disease can lead to very serious consequences. If the ailment is detected in time and the patient is treated correctly, then for a long time it is possible to maintain domestic and professional activity.

Consider in detail what kind of ailment, such as Parkinson's disease, causes and treatment.

Description of the disease

For the first time described the pathology in 1817, the English doctor James Parkinson. He described the ailment as a "trembling paralysis". Since then, great interest is caused by the pathology known today as Parkinson's disease, the causes of the onset and treatment. The photos in the review eloquently demonstrate how the ailment affects a person.

Modern scientists believe that the pathology causes the gradual death of neurons (nerve cells), which produce a dopamine mediator in the body. As a result of this process, there is a violation of muscle tone and regulation of movements. Visually, this is manifested by shaking, a characteristic posture and movements, a general stiffness.

According to statistics, the disease is diagnosed approximately in every one hundredth person who has crossed the 60-year boundary. In men, Parkinson's disease is much more common than in the fair sex.

Insidious disease develops gradually. The first clinical signs of the disease in most cases remain unnoticed. Friends or relatives pay attention to the pathology, when a person has already developed slowness of movement, the expressiveness of the face has decreased, and the dexterity of hands has decreased.


Modern physicians have many knowledge of the molecular and biochemical mechanisms of the development of such a disease as Parkinson's disease. Symptoms, treatment, causes of pathology continue to be studied today. And it should be said that scientists with complete certainty can not name the real sources of the development of the disease. There is only an assumption that provokes Parkinson's disease.

The causes of the ailment are as follows:

  1. Age changes.
  2. Hereditary predisposition.
  3. External environment. Effects of heavy metals, unfavorable ecology, infectious diseases, poisonous substances.

Sometimes parkinsonism can arise as a result of the person's diseases. Such a disease in medicine is called secondary.

The causes of its occurrence can be hidden in the following pathologies or conditions:

  1. Atherosclerosis of the brain arteries, which leads to encephalopathy or stroke.
  2. The use of certain medications (eg, antipsychotics prescribed for schizophrenia).
  3. Poisoning of the body with ethanol, carbon monoxide, manganese, technical alcohol, cyanides.
  4. Addiction (use of ephedra, which includes potassium permanganate).
  5. Postponed encephalitis.
  6. A brain tumor.
  7. The patient has degenerative diseases.
  8. TBM. Quite dangerous are often recurring head injuries in mild form.

At the heart of the development of the disease is the destruction of brain cells, which synthesize the neurotransmitter dopamine. As a result, the brain loses the ability to transmit impulses to the muscles of the body. A clinic that characterizes Parkinson's disease develops . Symptoms and treatment of it are the two most important questions with which it is necessary to consult a doctor. Ignoring the first and wrong selection of the second can lead to serious consequences.

Characteristic symptomatology

It is difficult enough at early stages to determine Parkinson's disease. Symptoms and treatment of ailment are carefully studied by doctors. Doctors state that the pathology develops slowly. Sometimes it is manifested by discomfort in the limbs, which is mistakenly associated with diseases of the spine.

The main characteristic symptoms of parkinsonism are:

  1. Tremor . This is a dynamic symptom. It can be associated with the patient's movements or emotional state. Sometimes symptomatology decreases, if a person makes a conscious movement. But it can be amplified during manipulations with the other hand or when walking. In some cases, such symptoms are completely absent. Tremor, as a rule, is observed in the leg, arm, separate fingers. Jitter can be affected by the tongue, lips, lower jaw. For a pathology, a tremor that covers the thumb and forefinger is characteristic. Visually it looks like a "count of coins".
  2. Bradykinesia . This is a significant slowdown in motor activity. Such a clinic is the main sign of parkinsonism. The symptomatology covers all muscle groups. Most of all, it is expressed on the face. The person rarely flashes his eyes. As a result, his look seems piercing, heavy. The patient's speech becomes muffled, monotonous. Violated by the swallowing reflex, because of which salivation develops. The motor skills of the fingers deteriorate. Patients with difficulty make normal movements, for example, fasten buttons.
  3. Rigidity . Motor disorders increase as a result of increased muscle tone. This leads to a characteristic gait and posture. The patient's head and trunk are slightly inclined forward, the upper limbs are brought to the body and bent at the elbows. The legs do not practically straighten in the knees. The position of the patient has a "petition" character.
  4. Postural instability. There is a violation of coordination of movements during walking. Man hardly maintains his balance. Such a clinic characterizes the late stage of pathology. The gait becomes "shuffling," seizing. As a result, the patient often falls. This symptom is extremely difficult to treat. This is why postural instability often rushes the patient to bed.

Accompanying clinic

Not only locomotion disorders characterize Parkinson's disease, the causes and treatment of which are the subject of our review.

Quite often the patient develops vegetative disorders:

  1. Dysfunction of the digestive tract. Intestinal motility disorder provokes limited drinking, poor nutrition, sometimes taking medications from Parkinson's.
  2. Decrease in pressure during sudden movements. The blood supply to the brain worsens, dizziness, fainting may occur.
  3. Violation of urination: a difficult process or rapid.
  4. Reduction of sweating and increased skin greasiness , especially in the forehead and nose area. Often there is dandruff.

Often patients face mental disorders, such as:

  1. Emotional disorders. Patients are pessimistic, irritable. They become insecure, avoid communication.
  2. Cognitive disorders. Symptoms occur in case of severe illness. A person develops dementia, cognitive activity decreases, the ability to reason soberly, express his thoughts.

In addition to the above symptoms, the following conditions often develop:

  1. Difficult speech. The patient speaks quickly and inartically.
  2. Problems with eating. The chewing and swallowing reflex is broken, the salivation increases.
  3. Sexual dysfunction.
  4. Weakness, fatigue. Sometimes it is associated with insomnia, depression.
  5. Muscle spasms . The lack of movement leads to convulsions in the lower limbs.
  6. Muscle pain.

Treatment of the disease

Unfortunately, it is incurable, Parkinson's disease. The reasons for the occurrence and treatment will be explained in each case only by a doctor. All medications only alleviate the symptoms. Therapy is aimed at getting rid of motor disorders.

How to treat Parkinson's disease, the causes, treatment and prevention of which is an actual topic for study today?

At an early stage of the disease, the patient is recommended physical exercise and physical therapy. Drug medications are recommended to be connected later, as long-term treatment with such drugs causes the patient to become addictive. As a result, you have to increase the dosage. Accordingly, side effects are increased.

Medication Therapy

For therapy use drugs:

  • Levodopy: "Madopar", "Sinemet", "Nakom";
  • Amantadine: PC-Mertz, Midantan;
  • Inhibitors of monoamine oxidase: "Selegelin", "Yumeks";
  • Dopamine receptor agonists: Parlodel, Mirapex, Pronoran, Bromocriptine;
  • Anticholinergic drugs: "Parkovan", "Cyclodol", "Akineton".

Symptomatic treatment is recommended:

  1. In hallucinations, psychoses are prescribed: Exelon, Reminil, Seroquel, Azaleptin, Leponeks, Klozapin.
  2. To combat vegetative disorders, laxatives are recommended in case of constipation. To stimulate the motility of the gastrointestinal tract, the drug "Motilium" is prescribed. The prescription includes spasmolytic "Detrusitol", antidepressant "Amitriptyline".
  3. In cases of sleep disorders, pain, depression, anxiety, sedatives are recommended. Sometimes prescribe antidepressants: "Paxil", "Cipramil", "Ixel".
  4. To maintain memory, concentration of attention is recommended drugs: "Reminil", "Memantine-akatinol", "Exelon."

Physical exercises

Do not panic if Parkinson's disease is diagnosed. Symptoms and treatment nat. Exercises have a direct relationship with each other. If the patient is properly selected for effective gymnastics, then the quality of his life can remain high for a long time.

In this regard, it should be emphasized once again that slowing the progression of the disease can be an active way of life. However, physical work or gymnastics should be feasible. Excessive stress, on the contrary, will only contribute to the rapid development of pathology.

With Parkinson's disease, along with a doctor-appointed complex of exercise therapy, the following exercises will benefit:

  1. Finger-picking. Connect the big one with each other in sequence.
  2. Letter. Try to write more and strive to improve the handwriting.
  3. Sewing, embroidery, knitting.

These exercises improve the clarity of movement.

It is important to realize that gymnastics is extremely necessary for a sick person. This is quite obvious if you analyze everything that is known about such an insidious disease as Parkinson's disease (symptoms and treatment).

Prognosis of ailment

Cure of the disease is impossible. The prognosis for life is determined by the attitude of a person to one's health. If the patient ignores adequate treatment, then after 10 years he becomes disabled or completely dies.

Timely and correct therapy helps the patient to maintain activity for a long time.

Folk recipes

There are many excellent tools to slow the development of such pathologies as Parkinson's disease. The causes of the onset and treatment of folk remedies do not have any connection among themselves, by and large, therefore, having decided to resort to this kind of therapy, be sure to discuss all the nuances with your doctor.

The following recipes are effective:

  1. Take 0.5 tbsp. L. Sage. Brew grass 1 tbsp. Boiling water. During the night, insist the composition in the thermos. Then diligently wring out the mixture and strain. Such a drug should be consumed after a meal, after one hour, 1 tsp. Drink the broth with milk or jelly.
  2. The alcoholic tincture of the peony root is useful. Such a drug should be taken three times a day, before meals, 30-40 drops.

Preventive measures

Is it possible to protect yourself from the appearance of such a pathology as Parkinson's disease?

The causes of the occurrence (and treatment at home including) should not be looked for alone. This is the first step in the wrong direction. Trust a professional who will choose an appropriate therapy, taking into account the individual characteristics of the body.

Thus, prevention consists of the following activities:

  1. Clear execution of all doctor's instructions.
  2. Careful consideration of the organization of work and leisure in order to prevent possible problems.
  3. Compliance with the recommended diet.
  4. Doing an active lifestyle and practicing gymnastics.

Important recommendation

In no case do not resort to self. Even if you find a description of an effective technique that can deal with Parkinson's disease, remember that the appointment of a doctor depends only on the symptomatology that you have manifested.

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