
Pantogam for children: reviews and recommendations

The drug "Pantogam" belongs to a group of nootropic preparations of a combined type and has a wide enough scope. It not only has an anticonvulsant effect, reduces the motor excitability of a child, but also simply improves memory, perception, attention, and increases mental activity. It is used to treat various neurological diseases in children. The drug can be used both as a basic therapeutic agent, and as an additional, to improve the effectiveness of treatment of the underlying disease.

Action on the baby's organism

The drug "Pantogam" for children (parents' reviews indicate its positive effect) is used as a means to improve energy processes in the cerebral cortex. The medicine prevents the occurrence of seizures. Under the influence of the drug the child becomes more active, his memory, thinking activity and ability to learn improve. The kid easily acquires new skills and adapts to the children's team.

Indications for use

The medicine "Pantogam" for children, reviews about which you can only find positive, is prescribed literally from the first days of life. It is used to treat epilepsy and reduce the impact of psychoactive drugs on the brain.

In the treatment of various perinatal lesions of the nervous system that occurred during pregnancy or in the first week after childbirth, the doctor can prescribe the drug Pantogam for newborns. Reviews of the results of treatment indicate the effectiveness of the drug.

In the treatment of lesions of the nervous system, this drug has been used for a long time, its effect on the child's organism has been well studied. It practically does not give side effects, it has a mild stimulating and calming effect on the child's organism. It is permissible to use it in combination with other psychoactive substances with which it not only perfectly "gets along", but also reduces their negative side effect.

Numerous clinical studies and observations show that complex treatment with the drug prevents severe organic lesions of the central nervous system, which can lead a child to disability. In cases of already occurring organic brain damage (trauma, cerebral palsy, hydrocephalus), the use of this drug brings only positive results.

Almost always the drug "Pantogam" is prescribed for children (reviews confirm this), suffering from epilepsy. On the one hand, he warns the appearance of seizures, suppressing the processes of excitation, and on the other - improves the metabolism and assimilation of oxygen by nerve cells.

With an increase, especially at school age, neuropsychic loads, children often experience severe headaches. In this case, the best protection of the brain from stress will also be the medicine Pantogam for children. Feedback on the application is confirmed by its analgesic effect and speaks of its ability to increase the concentration of the child's attention.

This drug is effective even if speech development is delayed, memory impairments in children, learning difficulties, communication with peers, and increased motor activity. In such cases, the drug can be given to children courses.

You can use the tool "Pantogam" for diseases of the brain, which are inflammatory or even non-inflammatory. This can be: bedwetting, effects of encephalitis, stammering and other neurological processes.

The drug is given to children in the form of tablets, and as a syrup. When using Pantogam (syrup for children), the reviews indicate some side effects. Sometimes there is an allergic reaction of the body. Possible sleep disorders, tinnitus, as in the treatment of tablets.

In addition, the drug is prohibited for children with severe kidney disease and with increased sensitivity to incoming components.

Side effects, except for allergic rashes, conjunctivitis, hay fever, usually pass by themselves and do not require the withdrawal of the medicine.

Pantogam should be used twice a day after meals, preferably in the morning, at doses prescribed by a doctor. The course of treatment is usually not less than 1 month.

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