
"Ophthalmoferon" - eye drops, instruction

The drug "Ophthalmoferon-eye drops", the instruction refers to the eponymous dosage form. According to the INN classification, the drug is also called "Ophthalmoferon".

The composition of the medicinal product includes the following substances:

- human interferon (the main active substance), which is recombined to form alpha-2b;

- boric acid ;

- Sodium acetate;

- Dimedrol;

- sodium chloride and other auxiliary compounds.

For the drug "Ophthalmoferon-eye drops", the instructions for use determine the following pharmacological properties.

The action of the drug is based on its antiviral and antimicrobial properties. Antiallergic and anti-inflammatory effect is also achieved. The purpose of the drug is to provide a local anesthetic, restorative and immunomodulatory effect.

The drug "Ophthalmoferon-drop" belongs to the pharmacotherapeutic category of antiviral interferons.

The main indications for the prescription of this drug are, first of all, conjunctivitis of the most diverse etiology - adenoviral, hemorrhagic, herpetic. The drug is used to treat a variety of keratitis - adenovirus, herpetic, as well as stromal keratitis. The drug is effective for the treatment of the "dry eye" syndrome and for preventive use in the period of preparation for and after the ophthalmic operation.

The therapeutic purpose of the drug is due to its anti-edematous and anti-inflammatory effect on the cornea of the eye.

For the drug "Ophthalmoferon-eye drops" the instruction indicates a number of contraindications. First of all, it is the patient's intolerance to the components of the drug or hypersensitivity to them. Do not prescribe a drug to those patients who have an increased intraocular pressure at the time of appointment.

For the treatment of adenovirus and herpetic diseases, eye drops "Ophthalmoferon" are instilled in 1-2 drops for six to eight days (in the acute stage). As soon as the process of arresting the inflammation becomes stable, the frequency of instillation of the drug is reduced to the complete disappearance of any manifestations of the disease.

If the drug is prescribed to overcome the "dry eye" syndrome, it should be used every day, while the drug is instilled in the diseased eye for 25 or more days. The daily dose is 2 drops with a double instillation. Stop taking medication should also after the disappearance of the symptoms of the disease.

If Ophthalmoferon is used as a prophylactic, for example, during the preparation of the patient for surgery, or in the postoperative period, it is prescribed 2 drops daily for ten days.

An antirecretive regimen presupposes a dose of 2 drops, for 14 days, at 3-4 times instillation.

The application of the drug "Ophthalmoferon-eye drops" is recommended in strict accordance with the recommended list of indications. Otherwise, a number of side effects are not excluded, the main of which, according to the patients' reviews, are allergic reactions from the eyes - lacrimation, some burning with the instillation of the medicine. In general, there are no more serious side effects from this medication.

The use of the drug significantly contributes to reducing the period of disappearance of the follicular reaction, it contributes to the disappearance of edema and hyperemia, the regress of keratoconjunctivitis.

When using the drug "Ophthalmoferon", as a rule, almost 100% epithelization of the cornea of the eye is achieved, this is a higher efficacy of the drug compared to leukocyte interferon obtained from human blood.

Store the drug in a dark place at a temperature of 2-8 ° C, and the shelf life is 3 years if the recommended conditions are met.

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