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Nettle: contraindications to use and useful properties

With nettles people get acquainted with the very childhood, especially it is remembered by those who were stung by it. Most often, the plant can be found on forest fringes, in non-dense hollows, formed by temporary watercourses, as well as on the banks of streams and streams. Often the nettle grows on the roadside and in the area adjacent to the house, so people get rid of it, as well as from other weed grass. A burning plant is very common in Russia, Central Asia, Siberia, the Far East and the Caucasus. But also nettles are found in China, Canada, Japan, North America, Korea, Australia, Europe and Asia. Properties, contraindications to use and the benefits of plants will be discussed in detail in this article.


Nettle height varies from 50 centimeters to 1.5 meters, the appearance is slightly different depending on the variety. If you notice a plant with dark green jagged leaves and straight stems of tetrahedral shape, do not rush to rip it off with your bare hands, otherwise you may be severely stung. On the territory of Russia mainly grows two species - stinging nettle and nettle dioecious. There are also contraindications to their use, but before you start talking about them, it is worth noting that the second has the most pronounced therapeutic properties.

Benefit and harm

Like any drug or drug substance, it has nettle healing properties and contraindications (they will be discussed a little later). The plant contains a large number of trace elements. So, for example, vitamin K, contained in the nettle, improves blood coagulability and has an anti-inflammatory effect. In addition, this substance is involved in the process of hematopoiesis and promotes the formation of bone tissue.

In the composition of the burning plant there is formic acid, flavonoids and tannins. Previously, it was even possible to save a person from death in case of severe frostbite. For this, the affected parts of the body were simply wrapped in a blanket from the nettle.

Contained in the plant and protein, and it is twice as large as in legumes. Thanks to the polysaccharides of cellulose, lignins and vitamins B, C, E, K, also included in the nettle, there is a rapid removal of various toxins from the body.

Many of us know that to increase visual acuity the body needs beta-carotene. It turns out that it is contained not only in carrots, but also in nettles.

To understand all the useful properties of a burning plant, you need to carefully read its chemical composition. In 100 g nettle contains 0.5 grams of fat, 5.4 grams of carbohydrates, all of the above vitamins, 3.1 grams of fiber and 3.7 g of protein. Also included in the composition are calcium, zinc, phosphorus, selenium, iron, chlorine and copper.

Nettle has anti-inflammatory and healing effects, promotes better blood coagulability and eliminates dark circles under the eyes. The plant is used for chronic diseases, atherosclerosis and tuberculosis. With weak immunity, nettle stimulates carbohydrate-protein metabolism in the body. Due to the healing properties of the burning plant, bleeding stops quickly. Nettle has not only a hemostatic effect, but also antibacterial. The plant works well in the fight against ulcers, wounds and ulcers.

Miracle remedy for women

What you need to know about a plant such as nettle? Contraindications and useful properties are the first things that you should pay attention to before starting treatment. The nettle helps to cope with spasms and bloating in the premenstrual period. As mentioned earlier, the plant has a hemostatic effect, and this can be useful in case of heavy and prolonged menstruation.

It helps the nettles to survive the ladies such a difficult period in their life as menopause, because this herb contains active ingredients that favorably affect the female body. The intake of a burning plant in menopause smooths unpleasant symptoms and strengthens health.

Useful nettle and nursing mothers, especially when the baby is only breastfed. The plant stimulates the production of milk.

Sexual problems

Men who have problems in the intimate sphere, it is recommended to include in the diet of salads, which contain scalded nettle leaves (medicinal properties and contraindications of the plant are discussed in detail in this article) or shredded seeds. A good addition to these dishes is grape wine. No less useful is tea from dried nettle leaves harvested during the flowering period. He increases libido, prevents the onset of impotence and helps in the treatment of prostatitis.

How to prepare nettle?

The leaves of the plant are harvested when the maximum concentration of beneficial microelements is observed in them, usually this period occurs at the beginning and middle of summer. Although many healers believe that the nettle brings the most benefit in May. The healing properties and contraindications to the use of plants collected at different times are identical. Dry the nettle in a shady place, spreading the leaves on clean paper or a cloth towel. Together with the stem, the grass is dried in a suspended state so that the top is below and also in the shade. If the leaves of the nettle are overdried, some of the beneficial properties will be lost. Drying can be considered complete when the petiole becomes brittle, but the leaves do not crumble into dust. To ensure that the raw materials are not spoiled, before storage it is necessary to remove all spoiled and darkened areas. According to folk healers, for two years you can use dried leaves of nettle. Contraindications and medicinal properties of the plant are included in two unequal lists. True, the benefits of grass are still greater than harm. Fresh foliage nettle can be cut and frozen. You can prepare the root, only do it before flowering.

Infusion of nettle

When heat treated, some components of the plant tend to break down, so this use case brings more benefits. Preparation of tinctures from nettles is the most effective way of extracting useful properties. It can be used for external use, as well as for warming the limbs and eliminating painful sensations. Due to the alcohol content of this product, a long shelf life. To prepare the tincture according to the classical method, 200 g of young nettle will be needed (it will take a little more dry) and 0.5 liters of vodka. Leaves of the plant must be thoroughly rinsed and cut. The prepared raw material is poured with vodka and infused for 8 days. The first day is better to keep the mixture in the sun, and the next - in a dark place at room temperature. To insist the drug better in a bottle or a transparent glass vessel with a neck tied with gauze, but to store it in a dark container. Before you treat herbs, you need to make sure they are allowed to you. Not an exception and nettles. Contraindications to its use relate primarily to people with a high risk of thrombosis.

Nettle juice

For preparation young shoots and fresh leaves are used, everything is passed through a juicer. Three meals a day of freshly prepared juice from nettles (one teaspoon per reception) strengthens the body, improves blood composition and metabolism, providing also a hemostatic, diuretic, anti-febrile, anti-inflammatory and expectorant action. You can use it to rinse your mouth and as a lotion on the wounds, burns, bedsores and trophic ulcers, and bury your nose. The shelf life of juice in the refrigerator is no more than 24 hours. The nettle extract produced by pharmaceutical companies has a similar effect. Since it is a concentrated juice, it can be used only after dilution with water and not more than 30-40 drops at a time.

Nettle Hair Treatment

Substances that are contained in the plant, bring enormous benefits to the scalp and hair follicles. Normalize the condition of dry and oily hair will help decoctions and infusions from the nettle. The main advantage of this treatment is that when cleaning and nourishing the hair, natural oils from the skin are not removed. Medications prepared on the basis of nettle, you can use both in individual areas of the head, and along the entire length of the hair.

Silky, glitter and fortress are attached to the curls of a decoction of a burning plant. To make it, you will need: 150 g of nettle leaves, a liter of boiling water and 1 tablespoon of honey. All components are mixed and insisted for an hour, after which filter and divide into parts. In a bowl with warm water, you need to add 2 cups of cooked broth and wash your head.

Nettle: contraindications for use

The use of the plant is said enough, now it's time to talk about when it's better to stop using it. As mentioned above, nettle contributes to the improvement of blood clotting, so use it with extreme caution in thrombophlebitis and varicose veins. In such situations, the risk of blood clots increases, which can lead to blood clots and undesirable consequences. May nettles, contraindications to the use of which are known in folk medicine, is not recommended for people with kidney disease and hypertension. It is strictly forbidden to use the herb during pregnancy, since such treatment can lead to involuntary contraction of the uterus and premature birth. With uterine bleeding, you will also have to abandon the use of this plant.

To bring the body the maximum benefit, and not to harm, everyone should know what useful properties this or that plant possesses, in our case - nettle. Contraindications to its use should not be ignored, because the correctness of the chosen treatment will depend on your life.

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