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Nephroptosis of the 2nd degree: symptoms and treatment

For a person in a healthy state, the mobility of the kidneys is characteristic. Normally, it manifests itself in an insignificant degree. However, if the displacement is greater than the length of one vertebra, then the pathological condition is indicated. Next, consider this violation in more detail.

Nephroptosis of 1-2 degrees: general information

At the initial stage, the pathology proceeds almost asymptomatically. As a rule, patients turn to a specialist when kidney nephroptosis of the 2nd degree comes. The third stage of pathology begins when the organ "rolls out" from its stationary position at any position of the trunk. With an unfavorable outcome, the kidney may even "slip" into the small pelvis. Therapy should be started as soon as possible.

Prevalence of pathology

The kidneys are characterized by a specific structure, especially the right one. It has much weaker bundles. In connection with this, nephroptosis of degree 2 on the right is often diagnosed. Pathology most often occurs in women. This is due to the fact that many of them have devoted a rather long period in their lives to a variety of diets. And the kidneys in their place are kept at the expense of adipose tissue. Great value also has muscle tone. In women, it is significantly lower than that of men.

Description of the disease

Nephroptosis of the kidneys is considered quite a dangerous pathology. In the process of movement, a shift occurs from his bed, and the organ finds a new place. This area is much lower than it should be in the norm.

The first stage

There is a nephroptosis of the 1st stage for a variety of reasons. Among the provoking factors, experts note infectious lesions, a sharp uncontrolled weight loss that weakens the abdominal wall. In many patients, nephroptosis appears as a result of injuries. The pathological condition develops due to the formation of a hematoma at the upper site, which provokes the displacement of the organ from its normal position.

Among the first symptoms there is a slight soreness, which increases with the passage of time. Upon examination, grade 1 nephroptosis is detected by palpation. In the process of inspiration, the lowered organ is well probed. When you exhale, the kidney is hidden in the hypochondrium. It should be said that patients in a healthy state can not feel the kidney. Very rarely the organ is palpated in severely malnourished people, but at the same time healthy.

The second stage of pathology: the clinical picture

As a rule, patients visit the doctor when the ailment already has sufficiently pronounced symptoms. Nephroptosis of the right kidney of the 2nd degree is accompanied by aching (pulling) pain in the corresponding hypochondrium. Symptom arises from the omission of the organ on two vertebrae when the vertical position of the trunk is accepted. If the patient prilazhet, the organ moves to the place.

Nephroptosis of the 2nd degree is often accompanied by colic, general deterioration of the condition. When urinating, blood in the urine can be detected, especially after severe physical exertion. The soreness that appears in the back extends to the abdomen. In this regard, nephroptosis of 2 degrees is simply enough to be confused with attacks of appendicitis. Often the pathology is accompanied by constipation and upset stomach. Some patients experience hyperthermia, decreased appetite, blanching of the skin. Also on the nephroptosis of 2 degrees can indicate the following symptoms:

  • Insomnia.
  • Frequent pulse.
  • Hysteria and anxiety.
  • Apathy.
  • Dizziness.
  • Nausea.

All these symptoms can be signs of other diseases. In this regard, the hospital conducts differential diagnosis.

Methods of research

For the formulation of an accurate diagnosis, the following are appointed:

  • Kidney ultrasound.
  • Blood test (general).
  • Biochemical study.
  • X-ray.

In the event of difficulties in the diagnosis, the specialist can prescribe additional measures - MRI and CT.

Causes of the disease

As was said above, pathology is more considered female than male. Among other things, the incidence of disease in women is due to a different body constitution. In particular, women have a wider pelvis. In addition, the probability of development of those or other violations they have higher. For example, after severe childbirth or as a result of hormonal failures. During pregnancy, significantly reduces muscle tone. This increases the risk of kidney displacement. Particular danger is a multiple pregnancy.

Despite its internal location, the kidneys are very prone to injury. To damage the ligaments that hold the organs in their normal position, one awkward fall is enough.

A sure sign of the development of the disease is considered to be pathology in the ligament apparatus of an innate character. However, in practice, there are situations where omission of an organ occurs for unclear reasons. In this case, it is considered that the 2nd degree nephroptosis is caused by the genetic predisposition of the patient.

What are the consequences of pathology?

Nephroptosis of the 2nd degree is dangerous by the probability of turning the organ around the axis. This is accompanied by an inflection of the artery and vein. As a result, the lumen narrows, and the vessels themselves begin to stretch. This causes violations in the influx and outflow of blood, which, in turn, provokes an increased production of renin. This substance causes an increase in pressure.

Nephroptosis of the 2nd degree is accompanied by an ureteral bend. As a result, urine outflow is difficult. In the stagnant liquid, pathogenic microorganisms begin to multiply actively. They can provoke pyelonephritis. It also often causes the appearance of kidney stones. Such pathological processes can lead to a spike in the body capsule. As a result, the kidney occupies the wrong anatomical position, therefore, a fixed nephroptosis appears. During pregnancy, pathology can even cause a miscarriage.

Nephroptosis of the 2nd degree: treatment

Therapeutic measures are chosen in accordance with how much the patient's life is at risk. The kidney can move to the most unpredictable area. However, this is not an indication for the operation. Patients who have a nephroptosis of grade 2, treatment, as a rule, appoint a complex. It involves taking medications and doing some exercises. Drugs are prescribed by the doctor, defining the scheme of their application individually. LFK is also shown in patients with grade 2 nephroptosis. Exercises can strengthen the muscles of the peritoneum. Classes help to fix the kidney in a normal position. Also, patients are recommended to wear a special bandage. It ensures the maintenance of the organ, preventing its "wandering". One of the therapeutic methods to relieve the patient's condition is massage.

Surgical intervention

It is prescribed in the event that drug therapy and exercise therapy for grade 2 nephroptosis were ineffective. The operation will prevent the subsequent development of pathology. Today, almost everywhere, there are interventions without incisions. On the patient's body punctures are made. On them inside insert tools and the chamber. Thanks to the transfer of the image to the monitor, the specialist is able to perform precise surgical manipulations and fix the organ in the desired position using tissues. Such surgical intervention reduces the recovery period by several times and reduces the likelihood of complications.

Responsible period

Nephroptosis of the 2nd degree is not considered a contraindication to pregnancy. Nevertheless, during pregnancy, women should carefully monitor their health and do not ignore the doctor's recommendations. In the case of even minor changes in the functioning of the body, it is necessary to contact a specialist.

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