EducationThe science

Methods and forms of scientific knowledge

Scientific knowledge is the most objective way of discovering a new one. In this article, we will consider the methods and forms of scientific knowledge, try to understand the essence of the question of how they differ.

There are two levels of scientific knowledge: empirical and theoretical. And in connection with this, the following forms of scientific knowledge are distinguished in philosophy: a scientific fact, a problem, a hypothesis and a theory. Give each of them a little attention.

The scientific fact is an elementary form, which can be regarded as scientific knowledge, but about one particular phenomenon. Not all research results can be recognized as facts if they are not obtained due to their study in interaction with other phenomena and have not undergone special statistical processing.

The problem exists in the form of knowledge, in which, along with the known, there is something that must be known. It consists of two points: first, the problem must be established, and secondly, it must be solved. The sought and known in the problem are in close relationship. In order to solve the problem, it is necessary to apply not only physical and mental, but also material efforts. Therefore, some of the problems remain unrecognized for a very long time.

To solve the problem, a hypothesis is advanced, which indicates the knowledge of the scientific laws that can help one or another problem. The hypothesis should be justified, that is, it corresponds to the conditions of verifiability, compatibility with the actual material, the possibility of comparison with other investigated objects. The truth of the hypothesis is proved in practice. After the truth of the hypothesis has been verified, it assumes the form of a theory that completes the stages of development that modern methods and forms of scientific cognition have achieved.

And the highest form of scientific knowledge is theory. This is a model of scientific knowledge, giving a general idea of the laws of the studied sphere. Logical laws follow from the theory and are subject to its basic provisions. The theory explains, systematizes and predicts and determines the methodology of scientific knowledge, its integrity, validity and reliability.

Forms of scientific knowledge in philosophy determine the basic methods of scientific knowledge. Scientific knowledge is formed as a result of observations and experiments. The experiment as a method of scientific knowledge arose in the XVII century. Until this time, researchers have relied more on everyday practice, common sense and observation. Conditions for experimental scientific cognition developed with the development of technology and the emergence of new mechanisms as a result of the then industrial revolution. Activity of scientists at this time increases due to the fact that the experiment allowed the subject to be subjected to special effects, placing it in isolated conditions.

However, considering the methods and forms of scientific knowledge, one can not detract from the importance of observation. It is this that opens the way to the experiment. Let us recall, at least, as V. Gilber, wool amber discovered the existence of static electricity. This was one of the simplest experiments related to external observation. And later the Dane H. Ersted conducted a very real experiment, using an already galvanic device.

Modern methods and forms of scientific knowledge are much more complicated and are on the verge of a technical miracle. The dimensions of the experimental equipment are enormous and massive. Impressive and the amount that is invested in their creation. Therefore, scientists often save money, replacing the basic methods of scientific knowledge by the method of thought experiment and scientific modeling. An ideal gas serves as an example of such models , where it is assumed that there is no collision of molecules. Mathematic modeling is widely used as an analogue of reality.

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