
Means of "Belar". Instructions for use

Tablets "Belar", whose price is slightly more than 500 r., Refers to the drugs that have estrogen-progestogenic effect, anti-androgenic activity. Long-term use (longer than 21 days) contributes to a decrease in secretion of LH and FSH, the suppression of ovulation, secretory transformation and proliferation of the endometrium. Along with this, there is a change in the composition of cervical mucus. This prevents the penetration of spermatozoa. The first active substance of the drug - chloromadinone acetate - has an antiandrogenic effect. Its activity is due to its ability to replace androgens at specific receptors. The second substance - ethinyl estradiol - inhibits the activity of the sweat glands of the skin. The component significantly enhances the production of globulin, which binds the sex hormones. As a result, the content of free testosterone decreases. Ethinyl estradiol provokes endometrial proliferation.


In addition to reliable contraceptive protection, the contraceptive "Belara" (feedback from specialists confirm this) contribute to the normalization of the menstrual cycle, the decrease in the manifestation of PMS, dysmenorrhea, reduce the risk of anemia (iron deficiency), functional cysts and malignant formations in the ovaries, ectopic pregnancy. In practice, the prevention of the appearance of pathologies of mammary glands of a benign nature and inflammation in the pelvic organs was also noted.


"Belara" remedy (the instruction for use contains such information) is not prescribed for thrombosis at the beginning of therapy or in anamnesis, hypersensitivity, presence of thrombophlebitis or manifestations of embolism. The drug is not recommended for planned operations and for the entire period of immobilization (after injuries, gypsum application, for example). Contraindications include diabetes mellitus, complicated by vascular disorders and uncontrollable, uncontrolled hypertension or a significant increase in pressure. The medication "Belara" is not prescribed (the instruction for use confirms it) in disorders of hepatic function, jaundice, hepatitis, cholestasis, generalized itching, severe epigastric pain, porphyria (primary or relapses). It is not recommended to take the drug with hormone-dependent formations of a malignant type, in anamnesis or if they are suspected, including frequent headaches, migraine attacks, hearing or vision disorders, severe depression. Contraindications to the appointment of the "Belar" (the instruction for use confirms this) include hyperplasia in the endometrium, severe epilepsy, vaginal bleeding of an unclear nature, an amenorrhea of an obscure nature. The drug is not recommended for pregnancy and during breastfeeding.

Dosing regimen

The first tablet is taken on the first day of menstruation. In this case, contraceptive effect is provided from the first day and it is maintained during the seven-day break. If the medicine "Belara" (instructions for use contains such data) was taken on the 3-5th day of the cycle, it is recommended to use additional contraception during the first week .

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