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Mat in 3 turns - a fatal mistake of the beginner

In books with chess problems, a mat in 3 moves will be one of the first puzzles. This is taught already at the first lessons in chess schools.

Baby Mat

Many believe that the mate in the 3 turns has a different name - a child. In fact, this is not so. Children's mat is put in four moves. а это, как правило, дети. This situation arose from the fact that this arrangement is usually played by newcomers - and this, as a rule, children.

The essence of the child mat is to attack the vulnerable cell F7. Vulnerable, it is because of the fact that it protects only one figure - the king. Consider the classic mate in four moves white. The first action is the royal pawn on E4. Black should make a similar move. White's second move is a white officer at C4. After that, the black horse goes from B2 to C6, and the white queen to H5. Then there is the most important mistake - in an attempt to attack the queen the black horse goes to the cell F6. The pawn, which is on the F7, remains protected only by the king, so it is easily captured by the white queen. Game over.

Mat 2 and 3 turns

The mate in the 3 turn very much resembles a fool, which is put in two moves. But there is a difference. If a stupid mate can only put black figures, then on the mat in 3 moves and white are capable. им необходимо совершить ход пешкой, которая находится возле короля , на два шага, а черные должны сделать ход пешкой при черном слоне. To do this, they need to make a pawn, which is near the king , two steps, and Black must make a pawn with a black elephant. The second move of whites can be any, but should not block the way for the queen to the field H5. G 5. После этого белая королева может захватит поле Н5. The classic second move of Black assumes a pawn pitch on G 5. After that, the white queen can capture the H5 field. That's it, this is the end of the game. Prevent this outcome is very easy. It is enough not to do one of the two steps of the black figures described above.

Mat in three moves with the capture of the opponent's figures

White figures can put a mate, which requires three moves, while capturing several black shapes. First, you need to open the queen, and the opponent must open his king with a pawn, which is located near the elephant. F 5. Вы сможете быстро закончить партию только в том случае, когда ваш противник сделает ход пешкой на G 5, чтобы она стала рядом с вашей пешкой. In this case, your pawn can take the opponent's pawn by occupying the field F 5. You will be able to finish the game quickly only if your opponent makes a pawn move on the G5 so that it is next to your pawn. Such a move would make it impossible for the king to defend himself. The move by the queen diagonally to the cage H5 will complete the game in three moves.

This outcome is very rare. Foolish or children's mat are even more rare. To assure the game in this way, your opponent must play bad chess. However, these are the foundations of chess diploma, and they need to be mastered for understanding more complex arrangements.

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