
Malyuta Skuratov: biography. The role of the odious personality in the history of Russia

During the reign of the mighty Ivan the Terrible, the country's history is considered the bloodiest. Ivan the Fourth headed the country even in his childhood. In those days, the all-powerful Boyar Duma, which consisted of noble boyars and appanage princes, decided the issues of state administration. Desiring to receive undivided power, in 1565 Tsar Ivan founded oprichnina. An army was created, consisting of noble noblemen, called to fight with boyars and princes. For the impoverished nobles, the oprichnina service was a good prospect in a career. Among them was Skuratov-Belsky, who received the nickname Malyut for his small growth .

Ambitious and cruel Malyuta Skuratov, whose biography is covered with myths and legends, tried in every possible way to break through into noble people and get a high post at the royal court. With the advent of oprichnina in Moscow, a series of bloody executions began. Many boyars and princes were deprived of their lands and sent into exile. Malyuta Skuratov took an active part in executions, cruel tortures, and also expelling the boyars disliked by Ivan. The biography of this man, as historians say, is written in blood.

Ivan the Terrible noted the zeal of his oprichnik. After some time, Malyuta Skuratov headed the detective work in oprichnina. After a brutal reprisal against the princes, Tsar Ivan began fighting with boyars and nobles. As a result of this war, a new wave of ships and executions swept through Moscow. Some were killed on the spot, without bringing the matter to court. As before, this name was not without it - Malyuta Skuratov. Biography of the executioner is full of terrible stories about tortures and humiliations over people. The brutal massacres led by this man led to the death of 150 major boyars and hereditary noblemen. 300 servants died with them together. Malyuta's active activity was highly appreciated by the tsar, after which the executioner quickly moved up the career ladder in oprichnina.

In 1569, Malyuta Skuratov received a royal order to arrest his cousin, Prince Staritsky, and the destruction of the defeated Metropolitan Philip. Both of these tasks Malyut performed in full and with his own hands.

In 1570 he became a Duma nobleman and as close as possible to the tsar. Malyuta constantly strengthened influence and as a result received unlimited powers. He began to command the streltsy troops, controlled everything that happens at the court of the sovereign. In addition, he was still conducting diplomatic negotiations.

Malyuta Skuratov, whose biography was such that others (as well as himself) called him "the sovereign of the king," showed the king his slavish devotion. However, for him the bloody service was not a burden. He enjoyed the torment that he was giving to his victims. Portrait of Malyuta Skuratov you can see in this article.

The brutal tsar's executioner died during the storming of the Livonian fortress. As the legend says, on his deathbed he profoundly repented of his sins, and inconsolable Ivan ordered to burn alive all the captives captured in the Livonian War .

Despite the brutality of the oprichnik, the history of Russia will forever remember his image - in fact, for several years he ruled the country.

Until now, researchers and connoisseurs of old Moscow are arguing about where the house of Malyuta Skuratov in Moscow was located, Malyutinsky Chambers. But, unfortunately, while there is no exact and scientifically confirmed information on this issue.

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