HealthDiseases and Conditions

Lumbalia: What is it? Causes, symptoms and methods of treatment of lumbar pain

Back pain is a problem that many people face, regardless of gender and age. Soreness in the lower back significantly impairs the quality of life and limits the freedom of movement. So why does lumbulgia arise? What is it? What symptoms should I pay attention to?

Lumbalia - what is it?

Lumbalia is commonly referred to as acute or chronic pain in the lumbar spine. It is interesting that the pain syndrome can be associated with the impact of various factors. Some specialists associate such a state with the ability of a person with a straight leg, since in this position the load on the lower back increases. And if you consider that most people have back muscles weak because of an inactive way of life, it becomes clear why both elderly and young people suffer from this ailment. By the way, statistical studies confirm that men are more prone to such a disease.

Lumbar lumbar region and its main causes

In most cases, this condition is associated with these or other diseases of the spine. In particular, lumbar osteochondrosis is almost always accompanied by a similar clinical picture. Scoliosis, spondyloarthrosis, stenosis of the spinal canal, diseases accompanied by deformation or degeneration of the structures of the spine - all this leads to pain in the lower back.

By the way, an acute attack of lumbargia can be caused by trauma, stroke, hypothermia, falling and lifting of gravity.

What symptoms are accompanied by lumbula?

The subacute form of the disease is accompanied by a sudden attack of acute pain in the lumbar spine. It is difficult for a patient to sit, stand, and even more so walk - a comfortable posture he can take only lying on a flat, hard surface. As a rule, the attack occurs after 4 to 5 days.

There is also a chronic lumbargia. What it is? This form is accompanied by recurring pains and heaviness in the lower back. Unpleasant sensations are not so intense, but they appear much more often. Long sitting, walking (especially in uncomfortable shoes), carrying a load, exercise - all this is accompanied by rapid fatigue and a sense of heaviness in the lumbar spine. As a compensatory reaction, there is a persistent muscle spasm, which severely limits the amplitude of movements - after a few days the patient can hardly bend forward.

Methods of treatment of lumbulgia

Only the doctor knows why lumbalgia has arisen, what it is and what methods of treatment will be effective. Therefore, do not engage in self-medication - it is better to contact a specialist immediately. Naturally, research will be needed to help determine why the disease has occurred.

Lumbalia also needs symptomatic treatment. In case of an acute attack, the patient needs complete rest. To eliminate pain, analgesics are used, and sometimes novocaine blockades. In addition, patients are prescribed anti-inflammatory drugs, in particular, ibuprofen and paracetamol.

As soon as the attack weakens, you can start strengthening and corrective therapy. Regular exercises of therapeutic gymnastics will help to strengthen the muscles of the back. Manual therapy, massage and reflexotherapy eliminate muscle spasm and restore freedom of movement. In some cases, it is recommended to wear special corsets, removing the load from the waist.

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