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Lermontov, "Demon": a summary and analysis of the work

One of the geniuses who glorified Russian poetry, by right is Mikhail Lermontov. "Demon," the brief content of which even a schoolboy must know, is considered the poet's best work. But he began to write this poem when he was only 15 years old! It's amazing how at such a young age you could know so much about love and fiery passion. But most importantly, with what skill the young writer reveals to us, the readers, these feelings. This could only be achieved by a real, unrivaled talent.

Already from the first lines it becomes clear why Lermontov's poem "Demon" named it so. A brief summary of it can also present this work as a real anthem of all-consuming love, which even infernal creatures are subject to. After all, we are filled with compassion for this fallen angel. But the narrative begins with the fact that we see Lucifer flying above the earth. The diamond peak is swept by the peak of Kazbek under it, and green valley of Georgia flashes under the wing. But nothing, except boredom and anguish, the Demon does not feel. Even the evil bored him.

However, his spleen dissipates when he sees somewhere beneath a joyful swarming. This is the preparation for the wedding: Gudal, the local prince, marries his only daughter. According to the old Georgian tradition, the bride, in anticipation of the groom, should dance on the roof of a house carpeted with carpets. This involuntary allusion with the dance of the biblical Salome specially causes readers Lermontov. Demon - the short content of the poem nevertheless gives us the opportunity to convey some nuances - escapes from the captivity of indifference. After all, if the Hebrew princess asked the head of the Forerunner for his dance, then Princess Tamara awoke with her light movements the passion of the fallen angel.

Fell in love "Son of the Ether" for lack of the best ideas, decided to remove the bridegroom from the scene, hastening to the bride's house with wedding gifts. At the Demon's instigation, the Abareks - robbers who kill the young prince - attack the caravan. A faithful horse brings the body to the courtyard of Gudal, weeping and moaning are replaced by songs and cheerful music. Tamara, in her own room, sobs at her betrothed, as the voice hears. He promises to comfort her. But who says these words? No one around! But for a short time Lermontov keeps us in ignorance. The demon (short content, or rather, his retelling does not allow us to convey this poetically) rushes to the beloved. The first night the princess sees a dream: a beautiful young man descends to her head. However, a halo does not shine around his head, and Tamara guesses that this is "a deceitful spirit".

She asks her father to send her to the monastery, under the protection of the holy walls. Gudal artachitsya - in fact Tamara's hands are seeking new profitable bridegrooms, but in the end surrenders. However, in the monastery princesses do not leave visions: through church singing and clubs of incense, she sees the same look piercing as the blade of a dagger. Tamara passionately resists her love, tries to pray earnestly, but passion overcomes the strength of her heart. Realizing that she is in love, the novice surrenders. However, realizing that for a moment of intimacy with him the earthly girl will pay with life, the fallen angel lingers, even though he is a Demon. Lermontov, a brief summary of the poem which we here retell, not refusals His hero in positive ways.

Human compassion and tenderness suddenly embrace the son of perdition: he is even ready to give up his original plan to seduce Tamara to save her life. But late - passion swept over him. He simply can not retire. One night he is in the cell of a young recluse already in the form of a material man, of flesh and blood. But the path to the box of Tamara is blocked by the guardian angel. The demon with contempt explains to him that the earth is his possession, and cherubs do not have the right to dispose of it. He recognizes Tamara in love, and she, touched by pity, answers him in return. But the first kiss kills her. While Gudal bury his daughter in a mountain mausoleum, the reader will know the fate of Tamara. She reached paradise, but for her lover all the ways to Salvation are already closed. But this is only a brief summary. "Demon" - Lermontov was very fond of this poem - will always remain a mystery to us.

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