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L. N. Tolstoy, "Childhood". Summary: light sadness

Autobiographical Lee created his story Leo Tolstoy? "Childhood" its content does not follow the chronological sequence of real life events. The writer considered it far more important to create a sympathetic personal psychological portrait of children in the image of a ten-year-old child - Nikolenka Irteneva. This is really a creative work, because not every adult person can so characteristically reflect the child's unconscious emotional impulses, his feelings, feelings. Let's ask the professionals: what did LN Tolstoy create? "Childhood" is a short but reliable presentation of the child's thoughts, feelings, "psychologists say. And they will be right. Add only: multiplied by the talent of the classic.

At the beginning of the story, the father informs Nikolenka and his brother Volodya that the next day they are leaving for Moscow to continue their studies there. The author delicately describes the excitement, sadness of the child, his feeling that this little world of childhood will soon be interrupted, the image of the mother, surrounded by a special aureole, will not be left alone by Natalya Savishna's housekeeper, devoted to their family. Here, in this little world, one day, a sincere prayer, sincerely prayed to the God of the holy fool Grishka, which was overheard by the boy, left the sensation of touching spirituality, "emotion". That's sad recent games Nicholas because of the understanding that all this, including an unclear feeling for Katenka, will soon inevitably remain somewhere behind.

LN Tolstoy also deeply depicted his childhood impressions of his studies in Moscow. "Childhood" (summary) tells how the father and his sons stay with their grandmother. They are accompanied by tutor Karl Ivanovich. He is a kind person, sincerely loving children. It should be noted that his image is not being developed by Lev Nikolayevich "in depth." Above him, the children may well play a trick, but never before on Mom and Natalya Savishna. Secular life expands the circle of the boy's acquaintance with new friends - Prince Ivan Ivanovich, Countess Kornakova, relatives - boys Volodya and Sergei Ivin. We see his desire to be like the charismatic Sergei. At the same time, Nikolenka intuitively senses the incorrectness, dishonesty of some of her actions, caused by the desire to "seem good" before her idol. Nikolenka Irteniev sympathizes with Sonechka Walakhina, a charming twelve-year-old girl with dark-blond curls.

Unexpectedly, the culmination of the story begins. The author notifies that her mother fell seriously ill, catching a cold during her walk. The woman, feeling her death, called her sons to her. Volodya and Nikolenka arrive six days before the death of the disease. The last words of the unhappy woman, who no longer sees anything near herself, is a blessing to the children. A year later, the housekeeper Natalya Savishna, a former nanny of her mother, dies. Stoically, uncomplainingly, she suffers terrible torments brought by "water sickness". Without a murmur, he accepts death in a Christian way, smiling, pronouncing the name of the Lord last. This life feat, a real lesson of humanity, was not simply seen by Nicholas, but absorbed by him, his soul forever.

LN Tolstoy wrote "Childhood" about the intuitive search for the children's soul of the Higher Truth. The summary shows: consistently depicting images - the mother, as well as her housekeeper, - Lev Nikolaevich raises them to the heights of true spirituality, beauty.

The death of Mama for Nicholas began at the same time that stunning event that drowned out in his soul the ringing of the crystal bells of childhood. The world for him somehow changed immediately, ceased to resemble the fairy tale of Andersen. So logically completes Leo Tolstoy's "Childhood". The summary can only superficially convey the feelings of the protagonist.

Generally speaking, the image of the mother for the author is infinitely sacred. His own mother died when the future writer turned 2 years old. He did not remember her, but her thoughts about her, her son, her warmth, her intuitive representation of the image of her mother go through all the work of Lev Nikolaevich. Such a feeling of emptiness was a real, keenly felt writer as early as childhood, which caused a mental wound. Subsequently, he completely uniquely recreated his mother in the image of Princess Mary from the novel "War and Peace". This image of a woman with kind, intelligent, radiant eyes became for the writer the most beloved of the thousands created by him.

About close to himself, deeply personal wrote Leo Tolstoy's "Childhood". The summary of the story is spiritual development, the formation of Nicholas. Recall also that this is the very first work of the writer, which brought him fame, as well as the recognition of his talent. The story was printed by NA Nekrasov in the journal Sovremennik. Tolstoy's contemporaries, for example N. G. Chernyshevsky, noted the brush of the real master when depicting the subtlest nuances, the movements of the child's soul. The work of reading invariably leaves a feeling of touching something really childlike, pure, open, direct. At the same time, it is piercing, as the pure high note sounded in silence.

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