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Klyuev Evgeny Vasilyevich: biography, creativity and the best works

Klyuev Eugene Vasilyevich is an original writer with a characteristic, inimitable style, and just a bright, versatile person.

Let's get to know him better and learn more about his creative biography, personal life and colorful works.


Yevgeny Klyuyev, whose books enjoy stunning popularity for the second decade, was born in January 1954 in the city of Tver (formerly Kalinin).

We know little about the childhood of the famous writer. He himself says that he was born in a dysfunctional family with an amazing imbalance. Why? Perhaps, we learn this from the author a little later.

From early childhood, the boy was distinguished by his desire for literary activity, he composed poems and stories, which even then differed from the classical genre with a characteristic individual style and an unusual, specific syllable.


Higher education Klyuev Eugene received at the local state university at the Faculty of Russian Language and Literature. Then he entered the graduate school of the Moscow State University named after Lomonosov at the Department of Journalism.

Klyuev Eugene is an active and active person. He likes to travel a lot, visiting universities of different countries and exchanging experience with foreign colleagues. Due to this, he holds an academic degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the specialty "Linguistic Pragmatics".


Eugene Vasilievich began to print very late, devoted most of his time to science, he tried rather fruitfully himself in various fields of activity - philology, drama, journalism, painting, translation work. Collaborated with many national universities and periodicals.

For example, in the early 1990s he held the post of editor-in-chief in the newspapers First of September and Mission, and also taught journalism at the University of Russian Innovation Education.


At the age of forty-two, Evgeny Klyuev was offered to take part in a three-year linguistic project, for which the scientist decided to radically change his way of life and go to Denmark.

There, the Russian scientific figure fell in love with many colleagues, his works and studies were evaluated on merit.

Since then, Klyuev Eugene regularly lives in Denmark, where he already received citizenship and permanent job. His position is responsible and interesting, connected not only with scientific activity, but also with socio-political work.

Love to motherland

Despite the fact that the writer found himself abroad, he is very attached to his native country and regularly visits it, trying to make a feasible contribution to the cultural and literary life of Russia.

Twice a year for several weeks, the Danish master attends the capital of the Russian Federation, where he leads an active lifestyle - publishes his books in the artistic, scientific and journalistic genre (he writes mostly all works in Russian), speaks with his own poetic works in the Bulgakov House, Holds meetings with readers (both in large libraries and in major bookstores).


For his extraordinary talent and skill, Klyuev Eugene was awarded several domestic and foreign prizes. Among them, it is necessary to mention the promotion of the "Silver Literature" (for a book for children "Fairy tales just in case"), the award "The Big Book" (for the novel "Andermanier pieces"), the awarding of the "Russian Prize" (for the book of poetry " Music on the Titanic ").


By profession, Evgeny Vasilyevich is a linguist who knows everything about letters and symbols, words and sentences. Despite his seemingly monotonous activity, he did not lose his sparkling, ardent interest in writing. He still writes brightly and extravagantly, creating unusual and memorable images and inventing unforgettable twisted stories.

In his books, Klyuev seems to play along with readers and characters, and does it gently and unobtrusively, in an easy jocular manner, forcing him to experience and worry.

In his works written in the genre were either fairy tales, Yevgeny Vasilievich raises serious, thorough topics and questions on logic, philosophy and linguistics. Again, this is done in a simple free manner, with a soft irony or a sparkling joke.

However, there is something the doctor of philosophy can not touch with a joyful smile on his lips. This is his own poetry.

Eugene Klyuev's poems are filled with a quiet melancholy and all-consuming longing, even bitterness, which permeates every line, every rhyme, every word.

In his poems, the poet raises difficult life questions, issues of inequality and poverty, hard work and complex human relationships.

Books for children

In his work Klyuev Eugene Vasilievich assigns an important, priority place to works for children. Children for the writer are the same adults, with the same problems and emotions, but they perceive everything in their own way, somehow differently.

Therefore, Klyuyev's fairy tales are special, understandable only for small readers, exciting and instructive.

This, of course, is the story of the Green Woolen Cluster, which rolled when it was offended, and the Soap Bubble, and the serious conversation of the two Laces, and much more that would teach a child to look at everyday objects on the other, An unusual side.

Yevgeny Klyuyev, whose fairy tales encourage laughing and crying, winning and making mistakes, dreaming and planning, will reveal to both adults and children important philosophical truths and show that the happiest and precious time is childhood.

Works for adults

Klyuyev's compositions for the adult audience are also colorful and unusual according to the constructed plot and the raised theme.

For example, his extraordinary, intriguing and fascinating "Book of Shadows". It from the very first pages prompts the reader to sympathize and worry about the protagonist, as well as to present yourself in the place of interesting characters.

They say that the mystery and unpredictability of the novel is very similar to Bulgakovsky's "Master and Margarita". Whatever the case, Eugene Klyuyev, whose "Book of Shadows" still gives rise to many controversial disputes and explanations, did not seek to mystify his reader. His novel, he simply invited him to go beyond the conventions and look at the world on the other side.

Interesting and entertaining is another book by Klyuyev - "Between Two Chairs", in which the author places his reader in a logical dead end and forces to reject templates and well-established concepts. And only then all the simplicity and uncomplicatedness of objects will open before him, only then he will be able to comprehend the new and interesting.


Among the philosophical and artistic creations of Klyuev, one can find many useful and fascinating personalities for himself, expand his horizons, learn to think outside the box, look at the usual things in a different way.

So we reject stereotypes and plunge into the literary world, the world of sensations and theories of Yevgeny Klyuyev.

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