
Iris of the eye: color, spots, diseases

What can the iris of the eye tell? It turns out that there is a whole science that allows to diagnose diseases of other organs on it. Points, spots, circles - everything has a certain value. The Latin name of the iris is iris, respectively, the science of it is called iridology. But first things first.

Structure of the iris

As you know, the eye has a rather complex structure. Iris is the anterior part of its vascular membrane. It is a barrier to excess light, like a diaphragm in a camera. The iris together with the lens separates the anterior and posterior chambers of the eyeball. To make it clearer, let's explain: the anterior chamber is located between the cornea and the iris, and the back - behind the lens. Transparent liquid filling these cavities, allows the light to pass unobstructed inside.

Iris of the eye consists of two layers. The base of the upper leaf is the stroma, consisting of blood vessels and covered with epithelium. The surface of the iris has a lacy relief pattern, individual for each person.

The lower layer consists of pigment and muscle fibers. At the edge of the pupil, the pigment layer emerges to the surface and forms a dark-colored fringe. The muscle in the iris is two, they have different directions. Sphincter - a circular muscle along the edge of the pupil - ensures its narrowing. Dilator - radially positioned smooth muscle fibers. It connects the sphincter and the root of the iris and is responsible for the dilatation of the pupil.

Functions of the iris

  1. A thick pigment layer protects the eyes from excess light.
  2. Reflex reduction of the iris regulates the illumination in the cavity of the eye.
  3. As a structural element of the iridochrome of the diaphragm, the iris fixes the vitreous body in place.
  4. Cutting, the iris participates in the circulation of the intraocular fluid. And also it plays a considerable role in accommodation, that is, focusing on a certain subject.
  5. Since there are many vessels in the iris, it performs trophic and thermoregulatory functions.

What determines the color of the eyes?

Each person has a unique pattern on the iris. The color scheme is also different and depends on the pigment of melanin, more precisely, on its quantity in the cells of the iris. The more it is, the softer the colors. It has long been noted that the color of the iris of the eye is associated with the climatic zone where the person lives. In the course of evolution, apparently, more pigment was produced in those who were exposed to intense sun exposure. Therefore, representatives of northern peoples often have bright eyes, and southerners are dark. But there are exceptions: the brown eyes of the Chukchi, the Eskimos. However, this only confirms the rule, because the snow plains blind no less than a desert or a tropical beach.

The color of the eye is a sign fixed in the genes, but it changes throughout life. Newborns have gray-blue eyes, only after three months you can understand what color they will have. In the elderly, the amount of pigment decreases and the iris of the eye becomes lighter. Diseases can affect the color of the eyes. If from childhood to protect the iris from the bright sun with dark glasses, you can slow down its fading. With age, pupils decrease, their diameter is reduced by more than a third to 70 years.

Why do albinos have red eyes?

The absence of pigment makes the iris transparent. She seems red because of the many translucent blood vessels. This unusual effect is costly for albinos. Their eyes are too sensitive and require protection from sunlight. Ordinary people have discolored spots on the iris of the eye.

Diagnosis of diseases in the eyes

Even in ancient Egypt, the priests associated various marks on the iris with certain problems with health or psyche. Numerous observations of doctors allowed to make maps on which the zones of the projection of organs are designated.

Iridologists view the eye as part of the brain, which is drawn to the surface of the body. Iris has many nerve connections to internal organs. Any changes in them are reflected in the figure and the shade of the iris.

What is the color of the eyes? Iridologists believe that only brown and blue are healthy. The remaining shades indicate a predisposition to disease. The color of the iris is rarely uniform. For example, if all of it is studded with speckles devoid of pigment, the body has a high level of acidity. It is not difficult to normalize it. You just need to limit the consumption of milk, baked goods and sweets. Changes in health will necessarily affect the figure, that is, the iris of the eye will change. Diseases of the digestive system, the accumulation of slags are projected by dark specks. This may indicate a tendency to constipation, gastroenteritis and gallbladder disease.

Spots and other drawings on the iris

The speckles can be of different size and shape. Here are some signs that a person can orient himself by studying the drawing of his iris.

Circular strokes or semirings mean that their possessor is stressed. Such a person keeps grievances and other negative emotions in himself. Long-term stress leads to diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Clear rays from the pupil to the edges indicate that the lower parts of the intestine are not working well.

A white band along the edge of the iris signifies an increase in cholesterol level or even atherosclerosis. If such an arc surrounds the iris from above - a problem with the blood supply to the brain, from below - with the vessels of the legs.

Spots on the iris of the eye indicate the diseases of a particular organ. Having looked at the scheme of projections, you can determine where to look for violations, what surveys should be done. If you find yourself in a big spot, do not be afraid. Size does not always indicate the severity of the problem. Perhaps the disease is still at the very beginning, and it can be easily cured.

What does the relief of the iris indicate?

This sign indicates heredity and immunity of a person. A dense, smooth iris shows that its owner initially possesses high endurance and strong health. Any disease is easier to tolerate and the body is quickly restored. This is a sign of long-livers.

Friable iris of the eye (photo) shows that a person is prone to depression and nervous breakdowns under heavy loads. In response to stress, heart pain, spasms of the internal organs, irritability arise. But if you take care of your health and do not expose yourself to unnecessary stress, there will be no special problems.

About weak immunity speaks very loose, with a lot of depressions, the iris of the eye. Diseases cling to the body at the slightest stress.

Card of the iris

In iridology it is customary to depict the iris as a clock face. So it is more convenient to designate the zones of different organs. For example, the right iris in the sector of 11-12 hours reflects the work of the brain. About the health of the nasopharynx and trachea says the zone from 13 to 15 hours, and the right ear characterizes the sector 22-22.30. The left iris is a mirror image, so another ear needs to be looked for on it. Any point on the iris of the eye indicates which organ is worth paying attention to.

The iris is divided into three rings. The inner - around the pupil - shows the work of the stomach and intestines. The average ring reflects the health of the pancreas, gallbladder, heart, adrenal, autonomic nervous system, muscles, bones and ligaments. In the outer zone are the projections of the liver, kidneys, lungs, anus, urethra, genital organs and skin.

Modern iridodiagnostics

For some time ancient methods of research and treatment have returned to us. Of course, modern doctors are endowed with a large amount of knowledge and convenient instruments. For the diagnosis of diseases of the iris used by conventional lamps for ophthalmic studies and iridoscope.

Doctors distinguish signs responsible for hereditary predispositions, and acquired marks during life. Experienced diagnostician can determine when a small prophylaxis is enough, and when serious treatment is needed.

Iris is able to talk about health, about past and future illnesses. It is believed that it has information for four generations ahead. But despite the generally available maps, reading on them presents a certain complexity. Therefore, you should not "rely on your eyes" in a case like iridodiagnostics. If you want to learn something about yourself on the iris, please contact a specialist.

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