Arts & EntertainmentMusic

Irina Maslennikova - the great opera diva

Talent, charisma and some kind of magnetism - these qualities were especially noted by the colleagues of the great Russian performer Irina Maslennikova. About her brilliant career, personal life and other interesting elements of the biography will be told in this article.

Biography of the singer

Irina Ivanovna Maslennikova was born in the Ukrainian capital of Kiev in 1918. Since childhood, having the ability to music, at the age of twenty, the girl entered the conservatory in the class of Palyayeva. It was from 1938 that the career of the artist began, as the teachers, noting the talent of the young singer, repeatedly attracted her to participate in the productions of the Kiev Opera. Thus, at the beginning of the track record of Maslennikova, the following plays appear: "The Wedding of Figaro" and "Fra-Diavolo".

Three years later, in 1941, Irina Maslennikova enlisted in the Ukrainian Opera and Ballet Theater as an intern. And now, at the very beginning of her professional career, the singer is being evacuated to Ufa together with the whole troupe in connection with the beginning of the Great Patriotic War.

For the next two years, the artist has been working in Irkutsk, and in 1943 she moved to Moscow, where she began performing as a member of the Bolshoi Theater troupe. Literally from the first days the singer is trusted by leading parties in the most famous opera productions. Until 1960, she was one of the leading soloists of the theater, the opera prima.

Until the end of her life, the actress was engaged in teaching activities in the best schools in the country. The opera diva died in 2013 in the city in which she lived more than half a century - Moscow. She was 94 years old.

Personal life

Irina Maslennikova was legally married to Sergey Lemeshev, a talented opera singer. The first handsome theater, a real artist, a talented soloist with a beautiful voice - he liked all women without exception.

Irina Maslennikova was absolutely in his taste: a beautiful, young, slender, well-educated talented girl could not help attracting his attention.

They met at a time when Sergei was already married to Lubov Warzer, who also performed at the Bolshoi Theater. Lemeshev was never deprived of women's attention, and he often looked at young soloists. So, during the time when his wife went on tour, Sergei began an affair with Irina Maslennikova.

The singer became the only wife of the artist who gave him his daughter. The girl was called Maria. Now she, like her parents once, performs in the theater.

Activities outside the scene

In addition to her active creative work, Irina Maslennikova, who at the time was a recognized opera diva of not only Soviet, but also world-wide scale, taught at various educational institutions. For 18 years, from 1956 to 1974, she led vocals in GITIS. Since 1974, the singer taught at the Moscow State Conservatory, already having the title of professor, which Irina received in 1972. Since 2002, the People's Artist has been engaged with young talents in the Center for Opera Singing. Galina Vishnevskaya.

Thus, for her long life, Irina Ivanovna not only performed leading roles in the most famous operas of the world, but also made a huge contribution to the classical vocal education of young artists.

Performed works

As mentioned above, the opera singer started her professional career in 1943. During this period, she performed the main roles in the productions of Rigoletto, The Barber of Siberia and The Snow Maiden.

Later, for 15 years, the artist sang in La Traviata, Great Friendship, Romeo and Juliet, Ivan Susanin, Ruslan and Lyudmila, Morozko, Don Juan, Lakme, , "Sorochinskaya Yarmarka", "Carmen", "Fidelio", "Nikita Vershinin", "Bohemia", "The Tsar's Bride" and many other classical works of opera, which brought her worldwide fame and allowed to tour the near and far abroad, In the best theaters.

Ranks and awards

Her first award was an opera singer in 1947, almost at the beginning of her career. It was the first prize of the World Festival of Students and Youth, held in the capital of the Czech Republic, Prague.

The next award in the form of an honorary title came to the performer in 1951. She received the title of "Honored Artist of the RSFSR" for his contribution to the development of Russian opera.

Even more honorable title, namely "People's Artist of the RSFSR", I. Maslennikova was awarded in 1957. Recall that this title is awarded for special merits in the field of music, theater, variety, circus and cinematographic art. In Soviet times, however, as now, this title is part of the state's rewards system.

Then in 1972, in connection with active teaching activities, Maslennikova was awarded the title of professor.

Then in 1976 the artist was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor, and in 2002 - the Order of Friendship for the popularization of Russian culture and contribution to the establishment of friendly relations with other countries.

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