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International Day of Tolerance - Promoting Equality

The problems of tolerance, respect for others' views, acceptance of the interests of another person, undoubtedly, can be called eternal. For many years, various campaigns have been conducted across the Earth from time to time, the main purpose of which is to prove that all people are equal, that one can not say that one nation is better than another, and one religion is more correct than another, Then views, even if they do not coincide with yours. The International Day of Tolerance is a holiday for all those who are not indifferent to the problem of discrimination and do everything possible to prove that everyone has the right to happiness, regardless of color, creed, sexual orientation or other aspects.


The UN and UNESCO are some of the world's most famous organizations advocating the promotion of equality of people. It was at the initiative of UNESCO that the Declaration of Principles of Tolerance was adopted in 1995, and a year later was celebrated the International Day of Tolerance.

Representatives of the UN repeatedly noted that in no case can it justify unlawful acts against tolerance of various ethnic or social groups: one should not allow the development of racism, one should not allow the restriction of the rights and freedoms of others, saying that the negative also has the right to exist. Tolerance should be inculcated from childhood, as the ability to walk, talk, read, but at the same time one can not remain indifferent to the problems of other people.

The International Day of Tolerance is celebrated on November 16 - the day of the adoption of the Declaration of Principles of Tolerance, which became the legislative basis for the equality of all inhabitants of the Earth.


It should be noted that very many public organizations in both Russia and abroad celebrate the International Day of Tolerance. Usually on this holiday various actions are organized, helping to rally people of different nationalities and religions, showing examples of friendship of peoples and telling about the consequences of hostility between ethnic groups. Traditionally such events are held by the faculties of international relations of various universities, educational institutions that host students from different countries and other associations engaged in intercultural communications. Sometimes, as part of the celebrations, funds are collected for refugees or those in need in some countries.

Holiday and children

The idea of tolerance must be inculcated from early childhood, which is why the International Day of Tolerance in school is simply necessary. Everyone should realize that there are not those who are better or worse because of the color of their skin or belief that the interests of all people on the planet are the same in their rights, and in no case should anyone infringe on someone simply because He belongs to a rare ethnic group or speaks a different language. The basic principles of tolerance should become postulates in the education of children, but for some reason it is common for people to come to an understanding of equality at a more mature age or not at all.

To educate educated and really open people, it is really necessary to celebrate the International Day of Tolerance. The scenario of the holiday, interesting and unusual, will make this event very exciting and memorable - perhaps, it will help to understand the importance of equality of people.

A good example is the celebration in Israeli Haifa. In this city, Arab children and Jewish children exchanged hand-cutted paper from which they described their vision of tolerance.


There is no better culture or religion, it is impossible to single out a state and put it above others, and the right to exist has any views - this must always be remembered. And, probably, propaganda of the ideas of tolerance is the most necessary and useful propaganda. Surprisingly, humanity has long abandoned many of the remnants of the past, but can not forget discrimination by color or nationality. Without hatred and hatred, the world would have become much better, without stupid and unmotivated aggression, everyone could be happy. In order that as many people as possible understand this, and the International Day of Tolerance is needed - one of the most cosmopolitan and really necessary holidays.

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