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Interesting puzzles for a child of 7 years old

At seven years old, the child, as a rule, already attends school. Therefore, the task of parents is to teach the child to take lessons as something interesting, fascinating and entertaining. To achieve this goal, you can do lessons in a game form. Of course, it is not possible to implement such a cunning with all the objects, but in mathematics, logic and similar topics this scheme is completely suitable. Riddles for a child of 7 years must be diverse, vivid and interesting.

Why should a child make riddles

Solving logical chains and riddles is not an easy task. Therefore, it is worth carefully preparing for the process. To a child such games are necessary in connection with the fact that:

  • Riddles for a child of 7 years help to develop imagination.
  • Opens before the child the opportunity to include logical thinking.
  • Also, such puzzles contribute to broadening the horizon.
  • They are informative and give the chance to learn something new.

How to turn an activity into a game

You can easily entice the child with classes, thinking up some motivation. For example, award a reward if all the puzzles are resolved. You can also come up with a cumulative incentive system. Create a poster and give the stickers for the correct answers. At the end of the week, if you have dialed the number of nakolechenk agreed in advance, buy the desired toy.

Riddles for a child of 7 years of nature

Of course, a child at this age already knows a lot of plants, flowers, natural phenomena, so such tasks are quite within his power. They are interesting and give impetus to think about riddles for children of 7 years. With the answers there will be no problems. Mysteries will open the opportunity to test the child's knowledge and imagination.


Only came out from behind the cloud, immediately lit up everything.

What is this? Who will respond? Luchiki sends me in the face.

(The sun)


Darkened all around, drops fall on the meadow,

The clouds are walking in the sky, the wind is rising strong.

What is it, who will answer, we think sooner, children.



With the advent of spring, yellow all around.

And then suddenly it turns into snow.

What is this flower, answer me, my friend?



It worries, makes noise, you like to bathe in it.

There ships go, and land is not visible from them.

Guess: almost a river, but the banks are not visible.



Patterns floating in the sky are wonderful:

Dogs, horses, white and mischievous.

They are cheerful in the sky during the day.

And at night, almost no one can see them later.



Like an artist, he draws in the windows,

Forests and fields cover it with ice.

And the snow does not melt because of it,

To go we could sweat.


You can also take into account the riddles for children 7 years short and easily perceived.


White patterns on a blue sky. (Clouds)


Blows, howls and sweeps, your hair trembles. (Wind)


After the rain, nature in the sky is painted, clear, colorful and beautiful. (Rainbow)

Complex and logical puzzles for children 7 years old

Children, as a rule, think unordinary and not like adults. Therefore, puzzles on the logic for children 7 years old they will definitely like.


If a white handkerchief is lowered into the Black Sea, what will it become? (Wet)


How to find a black cat in a dark room? (To turn on the light)


In your refrigerator there is ice cream, cake, sweets and biscuits, which you want to treat guests. What will you discover first? (Fridge)


On the thermometer in the room, the thermometer shows a temperature of 25 degrees Celsius. If you hang one more thermometer, how much will the temperature on it? (25 degrees Celsius)


What will happen to the horse after she turns five? (Will be six years old)


Mom wanted to make an omelet. She broke eggs and was surprised that the yolk is not white. Why did it happen? (Yolk white does not happen)


On the tree grew five apples. Of these, four were yellow, and one was green. A month later the green apple also turned yellow, how many on the tree of apples after that? (Five)

You can amuse the baby and ask riddles for children 7 years old funny. Basically, they are a trick, so the child will have to listen to you carefully to give the correct answer.


On the birch grows five pears, and on the pine four. How many whole pears are on the trees? (None, on these trees pears do not grow)


How many seeds are in an empty glass. (There are no seeds in an empty glass)


What kind of utensils can not anything be eaten? (From empty)


The children played snowballs. After that, on the battery in the school, six gloves dried. How many children participated in the game? (Three)


Five swans swam along the lake. Two of them ducked to catch a fish. How many swans are left in the lake? (Five)


From under the fence you can see eight dog's legs. How many dogs are behind the fence? (Two)


What weighs more? One kilogram of nails or one kilogram of cotton wool? (Equal weight)


The boy in the sieve carried the water, how did he do it? (He froze it)

Such riddles for children of 7 years old with answers that are sometimes difficult to find will appeal to both boys and girls of this age.

Mysteries about animals

Very interesting puzzles for children 7 years old about animals.


He eats leaves from the top,

He has two ears sticking out.

He himself is in a speck,

Who is this, sunshine?



Jumps like a squirrel,

Only on the ground.

She has a bag,

For their children,

Strong paws.

Who are they, guys?



He wakes everyone up in the morning,

He does not let us sleep.

Loudly very much sings,

That all the people will wake up.

Colored feathers, yellow legs,

The hen is his wife, and the kids are chickens.



All for brilliant observes,

Then flies, it's enough.

And where she keeps it,

No one has yet found out.



Dodgy, fluffy, loves to profit.

Believes such a cheat and bun, and a bird.

Red-haired beauty, in the forest flaunts a cheat.



She cackles a little,

Her chicks are babies.

Eggs are delicious,

Lives with our neighbor.

(A hen)


What a wonder bird, she does not sit in her nest,

He walks the streets and swallows seeds.

They walk in the park, and there are also postal ones.



In the park the redhead walks, runs from tree to tree.

Gnaws nuts, hides in a hollow berries and sunflower seeds.



It's a sea bird, it flies over the waves of space.

In the evenings on the shore, I can always meet her.


Fun and interesting puzzles for a child of 7 years, especially if they are about animals. Be sure to use them when playing games.

Mysteries about the profession

Of course, the riddles for a child of 7 years must be diverse and multifaceted. Therefore, it is not superfluous to include in the game program puzzles about different professions of people.


A syringe wields skillfully,

He knows all the pills in business.

Will help cure bronchitis,

From any disease will protect.



Scissors and comb are his best friends.

There go mom, dad, and you and me.

He embodies hairstyles in reality,

And how to do it, knows perfectly.

(The hairdresser)


He knows a lot, he's studying history.

In the museum, in the park, the castle, the legend broadcasts to us.

Tell you how old the trees are,

When the house is built.

All the exhibits know,

Without it, we'll figure it out with difficulty.



On the guard of order is a man.

He is dressed in uniform and puts a ban.

If too many people could get into the house,

He can deal with them.

Acute hearing, eagle eye,

He will protect any of us.



Figures, books and notebooks are checked every day.

He loves children, teaches them,

He asks the class to die down.


Mysteries about vegetables and fruits

Puzzles about vegetables and fruits are very popular with children, especially if they are made competently, brightly and thoughtfully.


The vitamins are full,

Orange color it.

And her scythe is green.

She herself sits in the ground,

He keeps the scythe under the sun.



On the trees grow up, everyone knows them perfectly.

One by one, two grow,

Red, yellow, orange are.

Inside they have a bone, which is removed.



The round sun is orange.

Only not in the sky, but on the table.

Usually they are very fond of children,

Because they remind us of the winter.



In form, she looks like a lamp,

But juicy and very tasty.



From colds eat this berry,

Though bitter it is very.

Therefore, the grandmother with sugar for the winter

Always closes it.



It has a thousand clothes, a green one

She is eaten raw, stewed and salted sometimes.

In the garden grows with my grandmother,

Who will say that this will receive a pancake.


Riddles about toys

This is probably the most favorite subject of each child. Therefore, you can include fantasy and come up with riddles about your favorite toys.


He is a soft, fluffy and cute little brother,

It is called all ... (teddy bear)


I dress her, like my own daughter,

And I do hairstyles, I go for walks, I feed her.

I have many, or rather, not count,

You, for sure, also have a toy like that.



Tin, wood and plastic can be.

I build them in a row to protect the fortress from cubes.

(Toy soldiers)

Play with children, let lessons be a long-awaited event for them, not a heavy burden.

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