
Instructions for the application of "Refortan", analogues, manufacturer

In case of great blood loss caused by a complicated operation, trauma, burn, poisoning and a number of other reasons, the patient needs a blood transfusion. However, it is not always possible to carry out such an exercise to the full. In such situations, along with donor blood, plasma-substituting solutions are used. One of such preparations is, as the instruction on application specifies, "Refortan". Let us consider what the given medicament is.

Description of the medicine

The "Refortan" solution is a medicament preparation related to plasma-substituting agents. The active substance of this drug is hydroxyethyl starch. It is obtained from rice, potato, wheat and corn amylopectin. The drug has a long plasma-substituting effect. In addition, it improves microcirculation of blood in the body and its rheological properties.

The active substance of the drug is hydroxyethyl starch. A medicament is prepared in the form of a colloidal solution used for infusion.

Distinctive features of the medicine:

  1. The drug has a long effect of plasma replacement. Its effect persists for 5-6 hours.
  2. The drug has a beneficial effect on blood coagulability.
  3. Quickly restores lost blood volume. At the same time, when large doses are administered, it does not provoke swelling.
  4. The remedy restores the damaged blood flow.
  5. Does not affect the functioning of organs.
  6. The drug eliminates the aggregation of erythrocytes, platelets.
  7. The drug lowers the viscosity of the blood.
  8. Does not trigger the release of histamine.
  9. The drug is highly tolerable. Its use is rarely accompanied by side effects.

This is how the "Refortan" medication is positioned. The manufacturer of this medication is the German company Berlin-Chemie.

Indications for use

The drug can be used as a therapeutic or prophylactic. It is in demand in pathologies, which are based on a decrease in blood volume or a violation of its microcirculation.

Thus, the use of the drug "Refortan" recommends the use of the instruction in the following cases:

  1. Hypovolemic conditions caused by surgical interventions, burns, wounds, intoxications, infectious diseases, in which a recovery of circulating blood volume (BCC) is necessary.
  2. Hemodilution (blood dilution).
  3. Shock state of traumatic, burn, septic character.
  4. Hemodilution in surgical interventions. The agent is used if necessary to reduce the amount of donor blood.

The drug is effectively used to prevent hypertension in an anesthetic of the spinal or epidural type.

Dosage of the medicine

The drug is used for ink or drip. The dosage depends on the patient's condition.

Instructions for use "Refortan" recommends the use of the following:

  1. The first dose (10-20 ml) must be administered extremely slowly. Since it is impossible to completely exclude anaphylactoid reactions , the drug is administered under strict medical supervision.
  2. With hemorrhagic shock, the solution is administered at a rate of 20 ml / hr. With sepsis and burns, a slower intake of this medication into the body is assumed.
  3. The daily dosage should not exceed 33 ml of 6% solution or 20 ml - 10%.
  4. In case of heavy blood loss, only the doctor is able to determine the speed of administration of the drug and its dosage.
  5. If it is necessary to perform transfusion therapy (hemodilution), the daily dosage reaches 500 ml. The medicine is introduced into the body within 3-5 days. These appointments are recommended for patients who are estimated to have an average blood loss level. In severe conditions, the drug in the above-described dose is injected into the body for a month.
  6. For the treatment of hypovolemia, a 10% solution is recommended. Dosage is calculated based on the ratio: per 1 kg of body weight of the patient - 20 ml of the solution. The duration of the course depends on the patient's condition and is determined exclusively by the doctor.

Such dosages are prescribed for both adult patients and children. However, you should know what the "Refortan" medication warns about the instructions for use. Children whose age is under 12 years old, the body is only being formed. Therefore, the manufacturer does not recommend the use of a solution for babies.


The solution, like any drug, has a number of limitations. According to the instruction, contraindications to therapy by a medicine are such conditions:

  • Individual sensitivity;
  • Kidney failure;
  • Children's age till 12 years;
  • Intracranial hypertension;
  • pulmonary edema;
  • liver failure;
  • Intracranial bleeding;
  • High content of sodium in plasma;
  • Impaired blood clotting;
  • Hypokalemia;
  • Increased content of chlorides in blood plasma.

Does the "Refortan" medication permit the use instructions for pregnancy? In this condition, great care is needed when using this medication.

Physicians categorically avoid using the solution in the first trimester. After all, during this period, the drug can lead to a violation of embryonic development of the fetus.

The drug can be recommended in the second or third trimester. However, this medication is prescribed to pregnant women only if it is vitally necessary for the mother and the fetus will not cause harm.

Side effects

Negative reactions with the use of this medication are rare. However, in some patients they can still appear. This is indicated by the instruction for use.

"Refortan" is capable of provoking side effects, manifested as:

  1. Allergic reactions: urticaria, pruritus, dermatitis, Quincke edema, flu-like syndrome, facial flushing, tachycardia.
  2. Disturbances in the digestive tract: nausea, vomiting, gastrointestinal bleeding, diarrhea.
  3. Problems of the circulatory system: hypoproteinemia, shock, increased activity of amylase in the blood.
  4. Violations of the central nervous system: neuralgia, headaches, myalgia, dizziness, fainting, coma.
  5. Problems of the cardiovascular system: arrhythmias, cardiac arrest, the appearance of heart failure.

An overdose of a medicine

With a large volume of injected fluid, the patient may experience extremely negative symptoms. They characterize an overdose of a medicine. Instructions for use "Refortan" recommends use only in the above doses. This will protect the patient from negative consequences.

On overdose indicate such signs:

  • Violation of hemodynamics;
  • Problems with blood coagulability.

To treat such conditions, immediate discontinuation of the infusion is recommended. For therapeutic purposes, diuretics are prescribed.

special instructions

It is very important to consider the interaction of the drug "Refortan" with other medicines. If this agent is prescribed together with aminoglycosides, it is likely that such therapy will have a nephrotoxic effect on the patient.

Do not mix the medicine "Refortan" with other solutions for infusion. Possible pharmacological incompatibility of these drugs. This can lead to extremely negative consequences.

The main analogues

Are there any drugs that have the same indications and have the same effect on the body as indicated by the "Refortan" medication instructions for use? Analogues that can compete with the original remedy can be chosen only by the attending physician, who takes into account the patient's condition and the individual characteristics of his organism.

Replace the drug "Refortan" are capable of such medicines:

  • "Venofundin".
  • "Hemodez".
  • "Volyuven".
  • "Infukol".
  • «Reopoliglyukin».
  • "Stabisol".
  • "Volemkor".
  • "Ceruloplasmin".
  • "To the Voles".

Opinions about the drug

The medicine is still used for children, if for this there are serious indications. Doctors prescribe a remedy for children, even though it does not recommend the "Refortan" medication instructions for use. Children (reviews about this testify) extremely rarely show negative reactions. However, they are no different from the side effects that arise in adult patients.

Often leave comments about a preparation pregnant women at which gestosis in an average or serious stage is diagnosed. Therapy with this medication can perfectly eliminate hypovolemia, interstitial edema and significantly reduces the burden on the heart.

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