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Information in wildlife, society, technology

What is information in the wild? How is it represented in society? A technique? All of these questions can be answered within the framework of this article.

Importance of information

The acquisition and transformation of data is necessary for the life of any arbitrary organism. Without this, even the simplest single-celled can not do. So, they collect data on the temperature, chemical composition of the environment, in order to choose the most suitable conditions for their existence. And living beings can not only perceive information received from the environment through the senses, but also exchange it. This fully applies to the person. Thus, to receive data, sensory organs are used, of which there are five, and the exchange is done using languages (gestures, natural, formal).

Information Processes

They can be carried out not only in living nature (between people and in society in particular). So, mankind created a variety of devices - automata. Their work is closely related to the processes of obtaining, storing and transmitting data. For example, there is such an automatic device as a thermostat. He is working with information about the temperature of the room. Depending on the person's temperature setting and the situation that exists now, he can turn on / off the heating devices. There are three types of information processes:

  1. Treatment.
  2. Broadcast.
  3. Storage.

As you can see, the information of living and inanimate nature has much in common. It should be said that a person is still more complicated than the same technique, although some may find it hard to believe this. Thanks to the senses, we can perceive the data, comprehend it and, combining our experience, knowledge and intuition, make some decisions. They are then embodied in real actions, with the help of which the world around them is being changed.

Information in the wild

This is a very interesting topic. The most significant repository in this case is the genome. It contains data that determine the structure and development of living organisms. Genetic information is inherited. It is stored in DNA molecules. They consist of four components, which are called nucleotides. Together they form a genetic alphabet. If we are talking about examples of information in the wild, it allows us to best imagine it. Individual sites are responsible for the structure and functioning of specific parts of the body. Genes determine the possibilities and predispositions to talents or hereditary diseases. The more complex the organism is, the more individual areas can be isolated in DNA molecules. So, the human genome has over 20 thousand genes, which contain over 3 billion nucleotide residues. Decoding of DNA lasted for decades. Despite the widespread use of computer technology, the bulk of the work was completed only in the zero years. But these are not the only possible examples of information in living nature. Let's remember about trees and vegetation in general. By winter they are drowning in sleep, and in the spring they wake up. This is the real transfer of information in the wild: the vegetation cells feel that the conditions change, and begin to curtail their activities. A similar example can be given and talking about animals. So, look at the bears. The transmission of information in the living nature in this case is manifested in the fact that they are saving up fat, and when the cold comes, they fall into hibernation. Here the processes take place both at the level of the whole organism and individual systems. Here there is one interesting aspect that information has in the wild. Informatics is the science that studies all processes related to data. Now this is understood mainly as a technical direction, and biological in its framework is almost not considered. For this purpose, microbiology, biochemistry, biophysics and a number of other sciences have been specially created that deal with processes in living organisms.

Information in the community

Man is a social being. To communicate with other people, you need to exchange data with them. In our society for them there are such signs: communication, information, knowledge about the state of affairs. What is interesting is that information processes are not the exclusive prerogative of human society. Why does the grass turn yellow by autumn, the leaves fall off and in general all the vegetation passes into sleep mode during the cold season? And why is everything reborn in the spring? This is all the result of information processes that occur in plants. Thus, their cells can perceive changes that occur in the external environment and react accordingly to them.

Information in technology

This direction is occupied by cybernetics. In this science of management, the very concept of information is used to describe organizational processes in various dynamic systems (in which quality living organisms or technical devices can act). Their livelihoods or normal functioning are closely related to the management processes. Therefore, all necessary processes are supported in the required range of parameter values. These include the receipt, preservation, transformation and transmission of information. In any process of this type, there are always two objects interacting - the managing and the managed. They are connected by a direct and feedback channel. The first signals are transmitted. With their help, the control object is displayed on the required range of parameters. On the feedback channel, information about the state and the current state of affairs are transmitted.

Let's look at how this is done with the example of regulating the room temperature thanks to the air conditioner. In this case, man acts as the controlling object. Managed is the air conditioner. A thermometer is placed in the room, which provides the person with data on the temperature. This is the feedback channel. To increase or decrease the temperature, or change the range, a person can turn the air conditioner on or off. This is an example of the operation of a direct link channel. In the end result, the room temperature is maintained in a certain, comfortable for a person, range. Similarly, you can analyze and work on the computer. The person here again acts as a manager (and the technique is a controlled object). Thanks to sensory organs (such as vision and hearing), information is obtained about the state of the computer through an information output device (monitor or speakers) that acts as a feedback channel. The person analyzes the received data and makes the decision on fulfillment of certain control actions. With the help of information input devices (mouse or keyboard), which act as a direct communication channel, they are performed with respect to the computer. You can see what features the information of living and inanimate nature has.

Perception of data by a person

Separately, we should focus on those who provide the greatest interest - people. Concerning us, we can say that the most valuable thing that makes us such highly organized beings is human thinking. This is a very advanced process of information processing - at the moment, the best on the territory of the Earth. A person can act as a bearer of a large amount of data, which are represented as visual images, various facts, theories, and the like. The whole process of cognition, which almost continuously flows, is the acquisition and accumulation of information.

The approach of science

Cybernetics is studying technical aspects. In general, this direction is realized in the framework of computer science, which is engaged in the study of data and all their features. But the peculiarity of cybernetics lies in the fact that this science specializes in managing the processes that occur. She studies the possibilities of influence and careful observation of the movement of information and its optimization.


As you can see, there is information in living nature, society, technology, ourselves - everywhere you look, you can find it. Do without it is impossible. And in the absence of some information, a person often experiences considerable difficulties.

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