HealthDiseases and Conditions

Inflammation of the prostate: signs, treatment. What is dangerous disease?

Inflammation of the prostate is a fairly common pathology that occurs in men not only of a mature, but also of a young age. Most often, the appearance of signs of the disease lead to infection, bacterial or viral, as well as fungi of the genus Candida. Can cause inflammation of the gland and protozoa - Trichomonas. Among the microorganisms that can cause disease, there are the following: chlamydia, E. coli, ureaplasmas and mycoplasmas, gonococci. Viral inflammation of the prostate occurs when exposed to cytomegalovirus, herpes, human papillomavirus.

But not only infectious agents cause prostatitis, the disease can appear in men prone to a sedentary and sedentary lifestyle, or those who for a long time limit themselves in intimate life. Stagnant phenomena lead to impaired blood circulation and the development of the disease. In some men, an infection in the prostate gland can get from the urinary organs - the urethra, the kidneys or the bladder in their inflammation. Sometimes inflammation of the prostate is an accidental finding when carrying out preventive urological examinations. For example, leukocytes are detected in the secretion of the prostate, and the patient does not bother.

Inflammation of the prostate: symptoms

In patients, along with painful sensations in the small pelvis, there are violations of urination. It can be frequent urge, urination in small portions, unpleasant sensations in this case. For example, men may be disturbed by a weak stream of urine, a difficult onset of urination. It seems to the patients that the bladder has not completely emptied, in some cases there is leakage and incontinence. If acute inflammation of the prostate develops, the patient may have a high fever, severe pain in the abdomen.

The disease can lead to the development of severe complications, such as prostate abscess, the appearance of stones in the bladder (in chronic course), acute urinary retention and kidney disease.

Inflammation of the prostate, which is not cured at the time, affects the quality of sexual life. There is a decrease in sexual desire or erectile dysfunction, sometimes this is due to the development of painful ejaculation.

Spermatozoa of men with a chronic form of the disease lose their vitality and ability to fertilize. Infertility is one of the consequences of prostate inflammation. Changed gland tissues cease to regulate the production of the main male hormone - testosterone. In men with a reduced level of testosterone, doctors often detect chronic prostatitis. In some patients, the disease leads to sclerosis of the tissues of the prostate gland itself, this is already fraught with the appearance of adenoma in the future.

Inflammation of the prostate: treatment

Prostatitis should be treated as soon as possible, as soon as the first signs of trouble arise. The doctor should find out the reason of occurrence of disease, for this purpose it is recommended to patients to pass inspection. First of all, it is necessary to exclude sexually transmitted infections, to investigate the juice of the gland itself, to undergo ultrasound, to donate blood to the PSA. The doctor also performs rectal examination of the prostate, this helps to establish the size of the gland, its soreness and consistency.

After identifying the cause, antibacterial or antiviral agents, breast massage, physiotherapy and phytotherapy are prescribed.

One of the most effective methods of treating inflammation of the gland is prostate massage. Some doctors generally do not see the point in one anti-inflammatory treatment of the disease without massage sessions. It is he who activates all the hidden microorganisms and processes in the gland, which makes it possible to effectively influence antibiotics on infectious agents. In addition, the massage of the gland increases the patency of the ducts, increases the flow of blood to the organ, which speeds up the healing process.

An important place in the treatment of prostate inflammation is the establishment of regular sexual relations with the goal of eliminating stagnant phenomena in the gland.

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