
Increased pressure: causes, symptoms, treatment

Elevated blood pressure or hypertension is often called a "silent killer" not by accident. In most cases, this disease occurs almost without any noticeable manifestations, gradually leading to very undesirable consequences for many internal organs and body systems. So, a constant increase in pressure significantly increases the risk of heart attack or stroke - a condition that is very dangerous for human life and requires urgent care. It also has the most unfavorable effect on the work of the heart, the brain, and the kidneys.

The development of hypertension has several causes. First, you need to understand what kind of pressure is considered to be increased. According to WHO, the increased pressure should be said if it is held for two days at a mark of 149/99 mm Hg. Optimum is considered to be a pressure of 120/80 mm Hg and slightly higher. In the event that this indicator falls below, we are talking about low blood pressure. The risk of developing a heart attack and stroke increases with the indicator of a tonometer - a special device designed to measure pressure.

Pressure can take a variety of values, depending on the situation in which the person is. So, a strong stress, stay in a noisy room is accompanied by its increase even in a perfectly healthy person. Great value in this case also has a diet, the presence of bad habits. In such cases, the blood pressure rises, as a rule, slightly and does not require correction. About hypertension is spoken, when the mark of the tonometer keeps at a level of 149/90 mm of mercury and higher constantly.

Increased pressure in most cases accompanies diabetes mellitus, cardiac and renal failure. In this case, along with its correction, it is necessary to treat the underlying disease. In the event that the pressure jumps are temporary, they speak of labile hypertension.

Most often hypertensive patients face older people, but recently there is a so-called rejuvenation of the disease, when it occurs in very young people and even children. The increased pressure in the adolescent in most cases is hereditary, or arises as a sign of vegetative vascular dystonia. Hypertensive disease in women of childbearing age can be associated with the presence of pregnancy, the use of hormonal contraceptives, obesity or simply overweight.

The disease, as a rule, occurs without obvious symptoms, accompanied by rare dizziness, nosebleeds, headaches and pains in the chest. For some people, hypertension is considered the norm of life, because they do not even suspect that they have high blood pressure, and are daily at risk of disrupting the work of the heart or cerebral circulation.

A characteristic symptom of this disease is a frequent migraine - an unbearable throbbing pain in the temples, appearing at the slightest physical exertion, at the moment of fatigue or immediately after awakening. In the event that you are constantly experiencing such pain, you should consult a specialist, because high blood pressure requires mandatory correction.

Reduction of blood pressure contributes to a complete rest, lack of stress, rejection of bad habits, reducing the amount of salt consumed, weight loss. Everyone who has high blood pressure, it is recommended to pay more attention to their own diet, take potassium preparations, include fruits (oranges, bananas), nuts, dried fruits, potatoes in the daily diet. In the event that the measures taken have not brought a positive result and the patient's pressure remains high, special medications are prescribed to him. Persons who have some chronic incurable diseases must constantly monitor their own level of pressure and, if necessary, also take lowering funds.

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