
Iatrogenic is what? Types of iatrogenia, causes, prevention

Often in modern medicine, the term "iatrogenia" is used - this term denotes those conditions that are directly or indirectly related to the actions of medical personnel. Often, a doctor even poses a certain danger to the patient and can inflict injuries on him, incorrectly communicating with him or performing certain manipulations.

Classification of iatrogenic diseases. Psychogenic type

Depending on what the causes of iatrogenia are, several types are distinguished. The first of them - psychogenic diseases, the second - organic. The latter are divided into medicinal, traumatic, infectious. There are iatrogenia and mixed type. Heavy emotional state of the patient can arise from careless words of the attending physician, tactlessness of the personnel of the medical institution, from familiarization of the patient with his medical history. Also on the mental balance affects the abundance of information, sometimes clearly exaggerated or biased. Psychogenic iatrogenic is a state of depression, neuroses, hysterics, the development of various phobias, as well as other disorders in the work of the patient's nervous system. A person develops a lack of confidence in the words and actions of the doctor, any manipulation scares him. Of course, these kinds of iatrogenesis essentially depend on the general emotional state of the patient, his balance. Often, such people need the help of a psychologist or psychiatrist.

Iatrogenesis of the drug type

This is a fairly extensive group of diseases that can develop due to illiterate intake of drugs. Manifestations of such iatrogenic are various. This and allergic reactions after taking medications, and all sorts of side effects: intoxication, shock, disruption of other organs, mutagenic effects of drugs on the body cells. Such types of iatrogenia include both drug dependence and conflict with the intake of incompatible substances. These conditions can develop from illiterate drugs, their wrong reception. Also, the drug iatrogenia can include reactions, complications after the introduction of the vaccine. The most dangerous conditions are complications after the introduction of anesthesia, anesthesia, emergency resuscitation. Iatrogenation in medicine includes another species that develops when the doses of X-ray and laser radiation are exceeded.

Iatrogenic traumatic character

Such conditions can develop due to medical manipulations, examinations, and surgical intervention. Traumatic iatrogenic - these are burns, which can have different nature (chemical, thermal, radiation), and trauma (accidental or not). Invasive methods of research have recently gained wide popularity, because they give a more complete picture of the disease. However, with insufficient qualification of the doctor, such manipulations are quite dangerous. Therefore, if it is possible to choose a less traumatic method, preference should be given to him. Another category of iatrogenic of this type is the abandonment of foreign objects in the body of the operated patient. Avoid this situation can be with the increased attention of all doctors during the operation. Also in this category include the deprivation of human health care, and the so-called surgical aggression (that is, unnecessary surgical intervention, the testimony to which was not).

Iatrogenic infectious diseases

This is also a fairly extensive group of diseases. Sometimes they are called nosocomial infections, but in fact, such conditions arise mainly because of medical manipulation. Depending on the site of the lesion, iatrogenic blood, infection of wounds, genitourinary, cardiac systems, damage to the respiratory system, skin, etc. are excreted. Pathogens can be bacteria, fungi, and viruses. Infectious iatrogenia - is the consequence of violations of the elementary rules of asepsis, disinfection, improper care of the patient. Particular attention should be given to a surgical instrument, materials for dressing wounds. This condition can be observed in medical personnel (as a result of non-compliance with hygiene, neglect of protective equipment when working with patients). The factors that can not be affected include old equipment, staff shortages. Unfortunately, it is unfortunately impossible to get into the wound of microorganisms during surgery.

How to reduce the number of iatrogenic diseases: actions by doctors

Any medical worker should constantly improve his qualifications, improve his skills, replenish his knowledge. When performing a surgical procedure, it is very important not to be distracted and to carefully perform all manipulations. In addition, it is necessary not to forget about ethics when dealing with patients and about such a concept as a medical secret. Disclosure of information about the patient, his condition can cause nervousness, a severe mental condition.

Patient actions

Patients, in turn, in order to avoid the development of iatrogenic, should study the reviews about the doctor, the medical institution, in which they plan to apply. Very often people who are in a state of hypochondria become like "professional" patients. They go from one specialist to another, passing a lot of examinations in order to find the disease. Often it is not at all. Such actions increase the risk of developing iatrogenic diseases. The causes of iatrogenic drug - in frequent cases of uncontrolled drug intake. Therefore, it is important to follow the rule: drugs are prescribed only by a specialist. Unjustified and the reception of a large number of medicines, because the mechanism of their interaction has been studied little, so any side reactions are possible. In the modern world, we can talk about information iatrogeny. A large amount of available information is one of the reasons for self-medication, which can lead to irreparable consequences. That is why the prevention of iatrogenic is a concern for one's own health, which does not go beyond acceptable limits and is not fanatical.

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