HealthDiseases and Conditions

Hydrocyanic acid

Hydrocyanic acid (hydrocyanic acid) usually does not have medical application. It is sometimes prescribed in the form of laurel cherry or bitter almond water. The drug is stored in filled and well-sealed bottles in places protected from light.

In moderate dosages senilic acid reduces the excitability of the spinal cord and brain, peripheral neuromuscular motor system and endings in sensitive nerves.

Lavrovishnevaya and bitter almond water is indicated in the pathology of the respiratory tract, accompanied by a cough. Cyanic acid is thus able to dull the excitability of the mucosa in the larynx, to reduce irritation. Along with this, the substance reduces the reflex activity in the respiratory center, which weakens the attack of cough.

With gastrointestinal pathologies, hydrocyanic acid can favorably affect peristalsis, both paralyzing the effect, and by dulling pain sensitivity.

Appointed drug is relatively rare.

Cyanic acid is very poisonous. Cyanide compounds, as a result of widespread use in industry and technology, are readily available. Due to the rapid effect, cyanic acid is often used in self-poisoning and poisoning. However, cases of intoxication were also noted when wounds came into contact with a solution of potassium cyanide, after taking bitter almonds for food . In addition, cyanide acid accumulates in the bones of apricot and cherry. Thus, intoxication comes from taking any products containing their seeds.

Poisoning with hydrocyanic acid.

The severity of the damage to the body depends on the rate of intake and the dosage of the poison. Severe poisoning can occur in two forms: prolonged and apoplectic.

In the second case, the stricken person screams, falls, losing consciousness. Then there are short-term clonic-tonic convulsions, after which the tendon reflexes disappear and the musculature relaxes. Pupils begin to expand, stop responding to light, the skin becomes pink or becomes pale. After a few breaths, breathing stops, blood pressure drops sharply, the pulse becomes threadlike, rare. Death occurs within the first three minutes from the moment of contact with cyanic acid.

With a protracted form of lesions, the stages of the initial condition, dyspnea, convulsions, coma are isolated.

In the stage of initial phenomena characteristic signs are: a sense of the smell of a cherry stone (bitter almond), a slight irritation of the mucosa in the nasopharynx and conjunctiva. Poisoned begins to feel numbness in the shell of the mouth, weakness, anxiety, pain in the heart area, palpitations, dizziness. Available for examination, the mucous membranes and skin acquire a scarlet shade, breathing becomes more frequent and deepens, the pulse slows (sometimes increases) , the blood pressure increases. Vomiting is a common symptom. Coordination of movements is disrupted.

The stage of dyspnea is characterized by an increase in the characteristics described above. There is a sharp weakness, a repeated urge to defecate. Scarlet coloring of the skin and mucous membranes becomes more pronounced. Breathing becomes rhythmic, noiseless, somewhat rapid. Pathological phenomena in the lungs are not detected. The blood pressure rises, the pulse is strained and thinned. The pupils begin to widen, the consciousness dims, the gait becomes shaky.

The convulsive stage is characterized by the unconscious position of the affected. Breathing becomes deep and rapid. During attacks, the depth, frequency and rhythm of breathing are disturbed, scarlet skin and mucous membranes become cyanotic. Cramps give way to muscle relaxation.

The comatose stage is characterized by pallor or slight cyanotic skin, the musculature is relaxed, and there are no reflexes. Breathing becomes periodic, a pronounced pathology in the lungs is not noted. As a result of stopping breathing, death occurs. After three to five minutes, the heart stops functioning.

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