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How to use the codes for "Nid Fores Speed: The Bridge of Voted"

Many fans of Need for Speed: Most Wanted, cheat codes for games, passing and various tricks are more interested in the main game process. Therefore, today we will pay special attention to this aspect.

The basis

First of all, we will discuss the codes for "Need for Speed: The Bridge of Voted", which are entered from the main menu. For open machines responds a combination of iammostwanted. Access to the GTO is available through the givemethegto command. All machines open the code iammostwanted. Get access to the race Burger King Challenge allows the code burgerking. If you need a Castrol Ford GT, just enter the castrol combination.

Other Tricks

In order to get a pleasant surprise, the codes for Need for Speed: Most Wanted may not be useful. For example, you can get $ 10,000 if you have a special save file from the Underground career mode. Start the game. The funds will be credited after the prologue. Even if you basically do not want to use the codes for "Nid For Speed: The Bridge of Voted", you can still save a few valuable seconds at the start of the race, if you apply a "quick start". Look at the tachometer. As soon as the arrow passes through the blue bar, release the clutch and hold tight. To get a special marker, go to the title screen. Double click "Up". Then twice "Down". After that, "Left" and "Right". And finally, "Up" and "Down". This will give you access to the back room of the One Stop Shop. Cobalt SS can be called the best car for the initial stages of the game. Apply it before Eclipse. As soon as all the bouts included in the "Black List" will be passed, you will be given three tokens. Thanks to them you can get a car or a financial reward.

additional information

To make the most effective use of the codes on "Nid Fores Speed: The Bridge of Voted", you should know the details about the game itself. It's about arcade racing from Electronic Arts. The project contains street races, tuning, which allows optimizing settings, as well as full-scale police harassment. Events take place in the autumn and only in the daytime. Race can result in police chase. If successful, you will be able to tear yourself away. If luck is not on your side, the character will be arrested, forced to pay a fine, and possibly deprive the vehicle. In the career mode, wagers with special conditions are available. To the unique types of races can be attributed "Fighter" and "Stopwatch". Possibility of acceleration of time is available. From time to time you can see the outstanding moments from the spectacular view. More often than not, police patrols appear just after a speed limit violation. Then the chase mode begins. In this case, the main parameter is the status. In the "Career" is available 6 of its kinds. Often, road blocks have a gap on either or both sides. From time to time, there are roadblocks, spikes or "goats". If the car hits the barbed tape, it loses its tires, and the player loses control of the vehicle. If there is a nearby police car, the speed should be above 20 km / h, otherwise the indicator starts to approach the "Arrest" mark. Now you know how to apply the codes to "Nid For Speed: The Bridge of Voted" and what other tricks you can use.

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