
How to transplant zamiokulkas? Reproduction, care, photo

Zamiokulkas is a beautiful tropical plant, home to which are arid and hot territories of East Africa and Madagascar. It belongs to the family of aroids and is considered a close relative of the diffenbachia and monster. If you are a happy owner of such an ornamental plant - this article is for you. In it, we will tell you how to transplant zamiokulkas, as well as how to care for him in the conditions of an ordinary city apartment. In fact, this plant is very unpretentious, and with due attention it will long please its owner with a healthy and well-groomed appearance.

What does zamiokulkas look like?

Learn this plant is easy, because it looks quite unusual and very picturesque. In the ground there is a large root-shaped tuber of brown color. It stores moisture. Several pinnate leaves rise above the surface of the earth - usually they grow from 4 to 6 pcs. They reach 100 cm in length. Their fleshy petioles are often mistaken for trunks, because they look like powerful, strongly developed and somewhat bloated stems. Covered with pinnate leaves of zamiokulkasa dense, glossy sheet plates, having a rich dark green color. In the natural environment, this beautiful flower, like other representatives of the family of aroids, produces pale green inflorescences, shaped like cobs, surrounded by "blankets." At home growing it blooms extremely rarely. However, from an aesthetic point of view, the inflorescence of zamiokulkas does not look very attractive, so many plant growers do not seek to achieve flowering. And without the white-green "cobs," the zamiokulkas looks beautiful and perfectly animates any room.

How to care for a flower called zamiokulkas: general provisions

This houseplant usually does not give the owner a special hassle. It prefers soft, diffused light, but at the same time is not afraid of direct sunlight. Therefore, you can choose a well-illuminated southern, eastern or western window sill and put it on your zmiokulkas. The photo shows the correct location of the pot with the plant. In summer it is recommended to take it out on a balcony or veranda. In the street the plant will gain strength and strengthen. Lack of light affects badly the appearance of zamiokulkasa - the leaves of the plant become weak and thin, with rare or far-growing leaf blades. The temperature of zamiokulkas prefers moderate - in the summer within 20 ° C-25 ° C, and in winter - 16 ° C-18 ° C. It is not recommended to keep the plant in a cold place (below 15 ° C), and also to subject it to drafts. Otherwise, it can get sick. Humidity of air for zamiokulkasa, a native of Africa, is not as important as lighting. He calmly transfers the dry air of an ordinary city apartment.

Watering and top dressing of a plant

As for watering, it should be moderate between spring and autumn. The top layer of the soil must be able to dry before the next humidification. In winter, with a cool content, the substrate in the pot is moistened even more rarely, about once or twice a month. In addition to watering, it is sometimes desirable to wipe the leaves with a damp cloth to wash away the dust. Feeding zamiokulkasa is made only in the spring-summer period, once or twice a month. In this case, special fertilizers are used for cacti or succulents. Next, we will tell you how to transplant zamiokulkas after purchase.

Adaptation measures after purchase

If you bought and brought a new flower home, do not rush to change it. First, the plant must adapt a little to the climatic conditions of your living quarters. This process will take about two weeks. It is advisable to place the plant in "quarantine", that is, put the pot in a separate room, where your other indoor plants are not contained . In the period of adaptation, it is desirable to create the most comfortable climatic conditions for the flower, giving it enough light and moderately watering the substrate in its pot. After acclimatization, you can safely proceed to transshipment of the plant in a new soil. It is important to take into account the fact that too young specimens are not transplanted, but are waiting for their development.

Preparation of necessary materials for transshipment into a new pot

How to transplant zamiokulkas? First, you must select the right container for the plant. It is advisable not to use ceramic pots, narrow and elongated. It's better if it's plastic or clay containers, wide enough and roomy. Ideally, the pot should not be too bulky, but at the same time not tight. And remember, it is extremely important that there are holes in the bottom of the container for the drain of excess liquid. After purchasing the pot, you need to take care of the special drainage. Claydite is sold in any floristic stores. It is desirable to purchase a medium-sized drainage (fractions of 10-20 mm in diameter). It will also require a quality substrate: it must be moisture permeable, slightly acidic and nutritious. It is desirable that the soil mixture consist of sod, leaf, peat soil and sand in equal proportions. It is also recommended to add a little charcoal to the substrate. If you can not make the soil mix yourself - get ready land for cacti. After all the "ingredients" are ready, you can proceed with the transshipment of the flower.

How correctly to transplant zamiokulkas? Step-by-step procedure description

Important: all work with the plant should be carried out exclusively with gloves, as its juice is toxic. How to transplant zamiokulkas: first we take the prepared pot and fill it with 1/4 claydite. Top with a layer of sand. Next, carefully, so as not to damage the tuber and roots, we pull the plant out of the old pot. The young specimen does not need to be removed with an earth lump in which it grew. Then the plant is transferred to a new pot, after which we add a new soil mixture. In this case, do not deepen the roots of the plant too much. That's all, now you know how to transplant zamiokulkas. The photo shows the process of transplanting a young, recently purchased plant into a new pot. After the procedure, the earth clod is moistened, and the plant is placed on a well-illuminated window sill.

Annual transplantation of an overgrown plant

In addition to the transshipment made immediately after the purchase, a normal transplant is required for normal growth and development of zamiokulkas, which takes place once every two years. If this procedure is performed less often, the growth rate of the flower can be significantly slowed down due to a lack of space in the pot and depletion of the soil. As a rule, the transplant is made in the spring. At the same time, a new capacity is selected, slightly larger than the previous one. How correctly to transplant zamiokulkas? A step-by-step description of the process is as follows. First, prepare a nutritious soil mixture from peat, leaf land, using baking powder (perlite, coarse sand, lava crumb). Then a decent layer of expanded clay is poured into the prepared container. Above put a little finished soil mixture.

Reproduction of zamiokulkasa by bush division

The grown up zamiokulkas cautiously get out of the old pot. Then gently clean the tubers and roots from excess soil. A large, mature plant will consist of several shoots with well-formed tubers. If desired, they can be divided, and then plant shoots in different small pots. Or it is possible to transship all tubers into one large enough container. After cleansing the tubers from the substrate, the plant is neatly placed in a new pot (pots) and spreads the roots. The top is filled with soil and slightly attached to it along the perimeter, and then the soil is moistened. That's all, now you know how to transplant zamiokulkas after purchase and how to make an annual transshipment. We hope, our advice will help you to perform these simple procedures correctly. Good luck!

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