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How to speak: useful advice

We all strive to make a favorable impression on other people, but does everyone know that the evaluation of a person is formed due to the four components? These include the appearance, actions and, in fact, our speech. It does not matter what we say, but how we do it.

Learning to speak correctly

Surely you know at least one person who has problems communicating. The fact is that you need to be able not only to talk confidently, but also to correctly express your point of view.

Let's try to talk about the main points in our speech, because nobody taught us how to speak correctly, which means that some recommendations will be very helpful.

First of all, you should pay attention to the vocabulary. It is necessary to read more, because sometimes we just do not have enough words to express ourselves, formulate our point of view. Our speech can be tongue-tied, it can contain so-called weed words and other shortcomings.

Now you should pay attention to the stresses that you make in words. In order for the speech to be literate, you need to know how to pronounce the words correctly. In this case, the dictionary of correct pronunciation will help, learn the most common words, and if you doubt how to make an accent, it is better to replace it with a synonym, or generally skip it.

Very often in our speech we like to use superfluous words, which do not carry a special semantic load. For example: "In general, I signed documents and all that," "Well, I put it behind this, well, like a pile of papers." Enough two weeks of training, and your speech will become much "cleaner" and will gain literary beauty.

Thinking over how to properly speak, do not forget about the tone that affects the overall impression of what was said. The output is quite simple: you can write down your speech on the recorder, and then analyze it, you can connect to this process of comrades, who will prompt what exactly they do not like in your conversation.

Sometimes we use words that are quite difficult to understand by other people in our speech. Remember the student years, when you absolutely could not understand what the professor is talking about, and after all it seemed to him that he speaks quite accessible. The fact is that everything can be said in plain language, choosing words that everyone understands. Try to keep your speech does not contain words that will be incomprehensible to your interlocutor, and then everything will fall into place.

If you want to know how to speak correctly, you should completely forget about the use of profanity, slang and jargon. Undoubtedly, your comrade will understand perfectly if you say to him: "It was a party of departure, so much was there and such a move on the dance floor!". But do not in the same spirit tell an adult about how your Sunday evening passed. You have to filter your speech and think about what and to whom you are talking.

Recently, very popular among people who speak a foreign language, has become the use of foreign words in their speech. The confusion of languages will lead to nothing good, it's not only ugly, but also incomprehensible to other people, even if they know the language from which you use these words.

Perhaps you are a little surprised, but in order to know how to speak correctly, you need to be able to listen. It's unlikely that you will become a good interlocutor if you constantly interrupt your opponent and do not give him your point of view.

Do not ask questions too actively, otherwise your dialogue will become similar not to a conversation, but to a real interrogation.

It is worth remembering the golden rule of a good interlocutor: do not interrupt. Ability to give an opportunity to speak is very appreciated. At the same time, when it's your turn to talk, you do not need to prove your rightness with "foam at the mouth". The conversation should not resemble a political debate, where everyone tries to defend their point of view and justify their actions. You should be able to turn your communication into a pleasant casual conversation.

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