
How to restore system files in Windows 7

What should I do when the system files for some reason have sunk into oblivion and the computer can not work properly? Do not worry, because you can correct the situation.

Causes of system file extinction

It often happens that the system files "Windows" disappear. Their absence interferes with the normal operation of the system or even worse - it does not allow to run "Windows". The reasons for this may be different:

  • The system file is deleted by the virus or blocked by the antivirus;
  • Accidentally, through the fault of the user of the computer;
  • Because of the updates of "Windows" (if updates occur continuously for a long time, they begin to block each other).

Of course, you can go to extreme measures and reinstall the system. But this is not an option, if working documents are saved on the desktop or folders of the system disk, which can not be lost, because after the reinstallation they will definitely disappear. Before that, it's worth trying to restore system files for Windows 7.

The work of viruses

Often happens that the computer got a virus, after which the system file was corrupted and was deleted. In this case, you need to look into the antivirus logs. It will indicate how the file was deleted, when and what virus was infected.

Sometimes it happens that the antivirus itself, after updating the OS, blocks important data. In this case, you need to go to the "Quarantine" section of the antivirus and find the missing files, then restore and put them on the white list or change the antivirus program.


On Windows 7, a third-party program can restore system files, for example, Recuva. It is completely free and easy to use even for those who will do it for the first time. Download it, install it. After launching it, you first need to go to the advanced mode (the button on the top right), then select the directory to scan (the Windows folder) and start scanning.

After the system files check is complete, files with multi-colored circles next to them appear (green - excellent condition, yellow - damaged, red - can not be restored). If the check has shown that the desired object is in excellent condition, you can easily restore it by selecting the checkmark and clicking on "Restore".

Doing a rollback

Rollback restores the operating system using a checkpoint that was created before the error occurred. The algorithm is as follows: Start / All Programs / Standard / System Tools / System Restore. Select the OS recovery point that was created before the loss of important data. We start the rollback, after which the system files and Windows folders will be restored. However, the installed programs after it will be deleted. You can see the estimated losses by clicking the "Search for Affected Programs" button.

Troubleshoot problems

If on Windows 7 system file recovery by an extraneous program is impossible and you can not rollback, you need to scan the computer for corrupted and missing data. In this case the command line will help .

We open it as an administrator. There are several ways to do this:

  1. Start / All Programs / Standard, right click on cmd (command line) - "Run as administrator".
  2. We go to the system disk, the Windows folder, System32, the right mouse button on cmd - "Run as administrator".
  3. In the Start search, enter cmd and press Shift + Ctrl + Enter.

In the window that appears, write sfc / scannow, and then the Windows 7 system files will be scanned for integrity and recovery if some of them fail.

After recovery, you need to make a point to restore the OS to the next time to rollback, and not to restore individual data. The algorithm is as follows: open the "Properties" section in "My Computer", on the right side select the "System Protection" section. In the "Security settings" section, protection must be enabled on the system disk. If this is not the case, select it, click "Configure" and put the dot next to "Restore system settings and previous versions of files." Choose a place for disk space (1.5-2 GB is enough). Click OK. Then click "Create", give a name.

Now, you can restore system files on Windows 7.

Windows 7 does not start, system file recovery

At boot time, you need to press F8 repeatedly until the list and "Last good configuration" appear. We click on it, after which the system should start from the moment when "Windows" successfully loaded the last time. If it did not work out, select "Troubleshoot computer problems". In the list, click on "Startup Recovery". The Windows 7 system files will be scanned for errors and faulty data, then restore them by clicking "Repair and restart".

Also, if you previously created a restore point, you can restore the OS to its previous state by rolling back.

Startup disk

If the OS does not load due to data loss, you can restore it to the normal state using a boot disk or a USB flash drive. We insert a disk or a flash drive into the computer, we reboot it. Next, the bootable media must be put in first place in priority. You can do it like this:

  1. In the BIOS settings. We go in BIOS (key F2, F11 or del) and look for Boot Manager. There we put the USB flash drive or drive in the first place in priority. If the USB flash drive is not displayed, you need to activate USB support in the settings. For each BIOS version, these settings look different.
  2. Before starting the OS, we press the call button of the boot menu (F8, F11 or F12), after which Boot Manager will exit with the list of drives, in which we select the required one. If the boot "Windows" on the USB flash drive and it does not appear, you need to activate USB support in the BIOS settings.

If the desired drive is selected, the installation of Windows 7 will start. After selecting the language, click "Next", then select "System Restore" at the bottom left side. In the pop-up window, select "Startup Recovery" or "System Restore". The next steps are already familiar.

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