Self improvementPsychology

How to learn to think: recommendations and effective advice

At any age you can improve your mental abilities. Human appearance is difficult to adjust, but its inner essence can be improved all life. Let's talk about how to learn to think at all, how to learn to think logically and how to learn to think positively. All this is very important for self-development.


To accustom your brain to think, it is necessary to allocate for this at least a small piece of your day. If you do not have too much time, think on the way to work or to the store, while cooking or walking the dog. It is always necessary to use the unique ability of the brain to perform several tasks simultaneously.

What is it worth to think about? We will never grow as a person unless we learn to analyze. And you can analyze almost everything, even what does not concern us in any way. Remember and give your evaluation to your own and other people's deeds and words. Think about how they affected you or others, what they eventually led to, what should be done wrong. But be careful not to indulge your memories so much that you forget about the present and the future.


In addition to analyzing everything that has already passed in your life, it is worthwhile to think about what remains to be done. Always plan to be better. After analyzing past actions and incidents of your life, think about how to prevent the repetition of mistakes. Try to anticipate difficult situations that may arise in your life tomorrow or a week, and imagine several options for your reaction to them, and then choose the best one in your opinion.

Be sure to occupy your brain by thinking about goals. How to learn to think about your goals constantly and not forget about them? You can write them on a sheet, and then constantly review this list, animating in memory. Build intermediate goals for each day, week and month. Imagine your future, draw its possible scenarios, all the time think about how to improve your life in practice.

be careful

Any information perceived by a person first enters the brain regions responsible for processing unconscious information, and only then does their interaction begin with the zones that are activated when a person realizes it. Information that has reached the level of consciousness, we can actively use and remember even after a year. And all that is left in the field of our subconscious can work for us only as an intuition.

Why is it important to remember about such a feature of the brain that those who ask themselves how to learn to think correctly? The thing is that if you want some information to remain in your memory and you can then use it for your reflections, you need to show special interest to it. Only in this case it will break through from your subconscious into consciousness and will be available to you in the future.

Therefore, to all who constantly insists: "I want to learn to think", first of all it is necessary to say to myself: "I want to be attentive to what I hear and see." The human brain does not independently determine which information is important and which is not. Everything that we do not pay special conscious attention to, he does not consider important and leaves at the level of the subconscious that is inaccessible to us.

For example, we remember (because we realized) that we met on the way to work for a friend, but we will never remember the hundreds of other people seen at that time. The conclusion is one: be extremely focused on the information that you consider valuable, try to develop the most sincere interest to it. Then it will not escape your consciousness, and you can use it for deep reflection.

Be curious

Do not limit yourself to a narrow range of interests, because there are so many exciting things in the world that you should think about. For example, you go to work and notice a small snail on the road. Instead of just picking it up and bringing it to the grass, stop and think: how does this tiny creature live, what does it feed and how does it raise its children? Assuming some answers, do not forget when you return from work to find reliable information on the Internet about this and compare with your assumptions.

And you never thought, looking at the sky, why is it blue or why does the sun shine and warm us, how do the leaves of plants purify the air, or in what colors do they see the world of a cat and a dog? And how does our eye work, that we all see it? If you accustom yourself to always look around and be keenly interested in everything that surrounds us, you can not only train your brain to work actively, but also make your life much more interesting.

Make up your own exercises

On the question of how to learn to think for yourself, there are a lot of other answers. Connect fantasy and come up with tasks that will help you to completely perceive ordinary things and situations in a new way. For example, experts advise each time to get to work in new ways, go to other stores, replace your everyday phrases with new ones, unusual for you. Improves mental ability to learn a foreign language and read books. Try to periodically change the format of your usual movies and music - enter into your life a new one.

Do not believe everything you are told at once. Investigate the question yourself, ask those who know more about this and then, having enough facts, draw your conclusions. It can take some strength and time, but will definitely add wisdom and experience. Always try to have your own, fact-based opinion.

Think in the game

There are a number of entertaining games that "pump" our brains. Excellent "dumbbells" for him will be all sorts of crosswords and puzzles. In addition, on the Internet you can find an infinite number of different games that make us analyze, compare, recall and plan. Many modern computer games are the answer to the question of how to learn to think quickly. In many of them, a good reaction and ability to make decisions immediately is needed for victory.

Such unfairly forgotten table games, like chess, checkers and various card games, perfectly help to develop logic. Do not neglect them. Also on sale are all sorts of board games that require attention from participants, developing tactics and own strategy. Such a fun and exciting way to self-development, of course, deserves special attention.

Develop positive thinking

If you want to truly develop as a person, avoid negative thoughts, as they repay even the most fervent aspirations and significantly reduce the available potential. In addition, anger, resentment, disappointment and envy have an extremely negative impact on human health, causing problems with the circulatory and digestive systems, headache and insomnia, as well as various emotional and psychiatric disorders.

But how to learn to think about good things? First of all, it is necessary to take the rule of carefully following constantly changing thoughts in one's head. As soon as negative, immediately stop it and replace it with a positive one. Never allow thoughts in your head to fly chaotically, on their own. Such conscious efforts will necessarily result in time that you will develop the habit of thinking positively about everything.

Until you have a strong habit of thinking positively, surround yourself with those who already do so. Always, even when you are not at all in the mood, keep a sincere smile on your face , have a friendly and grateful attitude to everyone. Notice all the beauty of the world and all the good that is happening to you.

How to overcome laziness

Many of those people who wonder how to learn to think are really good at doing it, but simply do not apply this great ability. The reason for this is simple to banality - mother laziness. Thinking activity absorbs at times as much energy as heavy physical labor. Therefore, by protecting its energy reserves, the body hardly agrees to go for such sacrifices. That's why it's sometimes so hard for us to force ourselves or our children to think, that's where our laziness comes from.

If our goal is not degradation but personal growth, every day we must make every effort to get our brain to work. Do not be afraid to overdo it - the brain never gets tired, only we are tired. But remember that the more we get tired of intense thinking, the smarter and more developed we become. Our memory and ingenuity are also improving. We become more confident in ourselves, interesting and useful surrounding people, and our life is more exciting and happier.

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