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How to get to Chernobyl? Can I get to Chernobyl?

Not only residents of Ukraine and Belarus, but also neighboring Russia know about the Chernobyl accident , but the whole world. The evacuation of the local population began immediately after the disaster. Even today, the danger of radiation persists, and together with this threat, the exclusion zone remains closed. How to get to Chernobyl and what is there to see there?

Romance of post-apocalypse or reality nightmare?

About Chernobyl, and in particular the city of Pripyat, a huge number of documentary and feature films have been shot, many literary works have been written, computer games are created based on their motives. There are plenty of rumors and legends about this place, the most popular of them are stories about mutants, but there are also more extravagant versions. This may seem strange, but in fact, many people believe that in a closed zone, military experiments are conducted, or aliens land. In fact, everything is prosaic - behind the checkpoint are poor quality roads with signs of the Soviet period on the roadside. Along them stretched quite ordinary seemingly overgrown fields and forests, among which periodically occur abandoned settlements. Think, this is really what you want to see before you look for an answer to the question of how to get to the Chernobyl zone.

The condition of towns and villages

Among those who want to enter the exclusion zone, the city of Pripyat is most interesting. It is real photographs from there mercilessly exploited in art works - a large hotel with broken windows, a rusting Ferris wheel and clear outlines of nuclear power plants on the horizon. After such pictures there are those who want to learn how to get to Chernobyl. At a real inspection, Pripyat gives an impression rather dull. Everything has been looted for a long time, residential and public buildings look out on the street with broken windows and empty doorways, and inside them one can find only garbage. Looting began almost immediately after the evacuation, the local residents were told that it was necessary to leave for a few days, so in the abandoned hastily houses there were various valuables that attracted the robbers. By our time, all the furniture and doors, electric wires and even central heating radiators have disappeared from the houses.

Belorussian zone

In talking about the closed territories around the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, the lands of Ukraine, namely the cities of Pripyat and Chernobyl, their neighborhoods are more often mentioned. But do not forget that the site belonging to Belarus is considered to be infected. On this territory there is a unique Polessky nature reserve. The task of this complex is to prevent contamination of clean territories and ensure the safety of the boundaries of the exclusion zone. At the thematic forums the question is popular: "How to get to Chernobyl from Belarus?" The answer to it is unambiguous - practically in any way. The territory of the reserve is not allowed to strangers, there is a strict regime and quality protection. Separately it is worth noting that it is not easy to get a job at this facility.

Who lives behind the perimeter?

The most popular settlement in our region today is the village of Tulgovichi, located just 50 km from the nuclear power plant. Officially resettlement was carried out in 1991, but among the residents there were 8 people who flatly refused to move. At first glance, there is an ordinary rural life - there is electricity, telephone, postal items arrive, and once a week an auto-dealer and a doctor come. What is remarkable - local people are not afraid of radiation, grow vegetables, fruits, drink well water, and in the season collect mushrooms and berries in local forests. They are surprised by tourists who want to learn how to get to the Chernobyl zone, because for them the native village is the same house as 10 or even 50 years ago, and "there is nothing interesting here". It was in Tulgovichi that a greater number of materials about self-travelers for various documentaries were filmed. Individuals and small families live in other villages, many of which have already been taken out of the zone.

Excursions to Chernobyl: how to get there?

Many travel agencies offer official guided tours to Pripyat and neighboring villages. In order to get on them, it is not enough to pay a ticket, you need to apply in advance, filed in a special way. After checking it, a personal document authorizing entry is issued to the applicant. Since such a tourist service is popular with Ukrainian guests from many countries, you can apply and book a tour through the Internet. Nowadays the answer to the question: "Is it possible to get to Chernobyl?" Is positive. Most importantly, follow the rules of conduct and follow all the instructions accompanying during such an extreme walk.

Memorial days - free entry

Legally and absolutely free to get into the zone can be on some memorable dates. This is usually the period from 9 to 14 May, with the mandatory condition of entry and exit during the daylight hours. This permission is established to ensure access during the holidays to the places of burial of the deceased relatives. Only citizens of Ukraine over 18 years of age can take advantage of this offer. Minor children may be admitted together with their parents in special cases when writing by the responsible representatives of the relevant application-consent. This option is not suitable for tourists who want to learn how to get to Chernobyl, but it is the real rescue for local residents. On the days of memory, security in the territory of the exclusion zone increases, at the entrance to the checkpoint all cars and each passenger are registered.

What you need to know for beginner stalkers

A lot of thematic communities on the Internet are devoted to the question "How to get to Chernobyl illegally." It should be noted that there really are people who manage to walk "for perimeter" on their own and not once. They often call themselves "stalkers" and risk solely for the sake of impressions and their own pleasure. Without marching through the checkpoint, the marauders and poachers visit the exclusion zone, which is getting smaller every year thanks to the improvement of the security system. In self-organized campaigns, at first glance, there is really something interesting, but you do not need to think that such an event is an ordinary pleasure trip. People who are familiar with Chernobyl only on modern folklore, believe that it is necessary to be afraid of radiation and the mutants generated by it. In fact, before thinking about how to get into the Chernobyl exclusion zone, you need to answer a number of simple questions. How confident are you in your physical endurance and preparation? Is there experience of survival in the wild? To fear in the exclusion zone is not radiation exposure, but wild animals, in particular venomous snakes and wild boars, which are found in the local forests in a great variety. Remember that when you are going to an extreme trip for the first time without a reliable guide, you risk getting lost. Do not sleep and security, the meeting with which definitely will not end any good.

Does the nuclear power plant work today?

The Chernobyl nuclear power plant has not been operating for more than 10 years, but there are people in the city. Nowadays, conservation works are being carried out at this site, with one shift consisting of approximately 2,500 people. Staff. Some of the workers work as watches, that is, with a partial residence in an abandoned city. Especially for these people works a shop, a hotel, a cafe. Can I get to Chernobyl, nailing to the employees of the nuclear power plant? No, because each of them has a special pass, which a stranger can not get. Moreover, even really it is very difficult to get a job on this object - you need the appropriate qualification. It is also necessary to take into account that the selection of candidates is carried out in a multistage manner with strict criteria.

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