EducationSecondary education and schools

Class hour: "Profession", "My future profession", "Needed professions"

Among those educational and educational tasks that teachers face, questions on the moral and labor education of children are in the forefront. At the same time, special importance for the teacher is the formation in schoolchildren of an understanding of their importance in the life of the country in terms of choosing one or another profession.

Pedagogical theory and practice focus on the formation of children's concepts that labor is a manifestation of the care of each member of society about each other.

Important mission

The teacher should familiarize the children with those works that are performed by adults. Thus, he takes the first steps, showing his pupils a new world of professions for them. A class hour on this topic brings children to the understanding that every person should become a real expert in their field. At the same time, emphasis is placed on the necessity and importance of each profession and emphasizes that all the values that humanity has in the form of objects of spiritual and material culture are created precisely by human labor.

primary goal

A class hour on the topic "Professions" introduces children to the labor of adults. Its main goal is not only to get each child a specific knowledge. A class hour on the topic "Professions" should give the student an idea of work and arouse interest and love for him.

At the same time, the teacher solves the problem of influencing the behavior of his pupils. He evokes in them the desire to work carefully and conscientiously.

The development of the class hour "My future profession" is the drawing up of a plan for this extra-curricular activity. Let's consider its main points in more detail.


Why should a class hour be held on such a topic? The choice of profession is a serious matter. That is why the educator should form in his pupils an understanding of the role of labor in the life of human society. The immediate task of the teacher is to develop the children's interest in the professions of their parents. It is also important to pay attention to the specialties that people have in the circle of communication among schoolchildren.

The development of the class hour "My future profession" should be conducted taking into account the fact that the teacher will perform the tasks for the following:

- revealing the level of formation of children's personal professional plans, as well as the degree of professional preparedness;
- familiarization with the rules of choosing a specialty, which must be based on the demands of the labor market and take into account personal characteristics of a person;
- providing information on the existing in modern conditions professional education.

The class hour "My future profession" (primary classes) is also spent in order to develop children's memory and logical thinking, the ability to culturally communicate with each other and have a coherent speech.

Universal learning activities

In recent years, there have been many changes in the education system. And all of them led to a rethinking of the teachers of technology and teaching methods. To date, the main emphasis of the educational process is on developing the ability of children to establish contacts with other people, on their ability to analyze their actions and words. In addition, it is important for schoolchildren to develop their horizons in order to be ready to interest the listener and interlocutor. All these GEF skills are called UAL (universal learning activities).

The class hour "Choice of profession" is designed to develop:

1. Personal DAL. This should be expressed in the children's awareness of the correct choice of their profession, as well as in their desire to improve their own development, making a correct assessment of the success of their training activities.

2. Subject DAL. Their expression should be conditioned by the adoption of ideas about professions, as well as an understanding of the location of the city where children live, what production areas are developed therein, what is the employment of the population, and what is the list of professions that are necessary for prosperity and full development Settlement.

3. Metaprojective UAL. How do children understand the new world of professions for them? A class hour should help students to orient in additional and educational literature and encyclopedias. At the same time the teacher talks about the possibility of Internet technologies and gives children knowledge about the proper construction and design of their presentations and speeches.

4. Regulatory UAL. They allow the children, with the help of the teacher, to define and formulate the goal of the extra-curricular activity, as well as plan their further actions to solve the task.

5. Communicative UAL. With their help, children learn to listen, while understanding the speech of other people, to formulate orally their own thoughts, follow the rules of communication and behavior.

6. Cognitive DIA. With their help, children orient themselves in the knowledge system, search for the information they need, find answers to the questions posed in the text of the provided illustrations, reveal the characteristics of a particular profession and give it a brief description.


The class hour "My future profession" requires preparation not only of a theoretical plan. The cabinet should be equipped with a projector designed to display the presentation, drawings with images of representatives of different professions, a computer, posters, illustrations, etc. It all depends on the way in which the teacher will conduct his extra-curricular activities.

Before the beginning of the conversation, the teacher should include the first slide of the presentation prepared by him on the screen. It should be written the title of the topic, which considers the class hour, - "My future profession".


After preparing the equipment and including the projector, the teacher conducts the information part of the event. And he begins with the introduction. In this part of the class hour, it is necessary to discuss with the students the rules that they should follow when choosing a profession, and also to focus the children's attention on the awareness of this choice. The teacher should also indicate to his pupils that the chosen specialty should be tailored to the individual characteristics of each person.

The modern labor market makes it clear that the personality traits of great importance for a successful job search, namely:

- readiness for constant acquisition of new skills;
- communication skills;
- a responsibility;
- Independence;
- the direction to achieve its goal, etc.

An Important Moment

In his opening remarks, the teacher should emphasize that the current world of professions is great, but not permanent. In various spheres of the national economy, you can get a job on almost 50,000 specialties. At the same time, up to five hundred new professions arise each year . Almost the same changes, and sometimes disappears altogether.

Talk about profession

The conversation with the children continues the class hour. Profession, the teacher explains, is a word that was formed from two Latin. The first of them sounds like professio, which in translation means a specialty or official occupation. The second word is profiteor. His literal translation is "I declare as my business".

A profession is nothing more than a labor activity. It requires a certain level of preparation. That's why for each topic is relevant, which considers the class hour. A profession can be chosen in life more than once. In the past, a person is determined, as a rule, if his specialty is in the field of art. The latest choice is made by people who want to go to politics or science.

What are the requirements for the profession? A young man facing an important life choice, it is necessary that the specialty he obtained be claimed by the employer not only today, but also after 2 or 3 decades. This state of affairs is called the stability of demand.

What else should the teacher of schoolchildren bring with them, spending such a cool hour with them? A profession that is considered eternal is a teacher and doctor, a builder and educator. Very relevant at the present time is the chemical and transport industry, communications and high technologies. At the intersection of traditional areas are specialists in the social sphere and those who carry out their activities to manage the economy.

But in order to work successfully, you will need to have motivation for work, to show high communication skills and personal qualities, as well as to be ready for continuous improvement of your qualification.

The teacher must also talk about the demand for a particular profession in the society, spending a class hour. A profession is necessary for the region, if such workers are required at various enterprises of the region and district. In order to have a stable source of existence, a young man should strive to obtain just such a specialty. Achieving the goal will depend on his will and purpose.

Your profession

How to choose this or that specialty, the teacher should also explain, spending a class hour. The right profession is not the most important criterion for making a decision. In this issue it is important to take into account the interests of the person, his abilities, health status, and the enterprise's need for personnel. Conditionally, all these criteria can be designated with the words "I want" and "I can", and also "it is necessary".

So, consider the first aspect. The notion of "want" implies interests and inclinations, the desire to learn any object and the desire to study it. "I can" is nothing but the nature of the ability, as well as the state of human health. The first criterion is the key to success in the performance of an activity when the employee easily assimilates his duties and creatively executes them. But the word "must" indicates the need of enterprises and organizations in those or other shots.

With a combination of all these aspects, it is possible to determine the optimal way for a young person to acquire a specialty.

Conversation about typical mistakes

The choice of profession each person should do independently. At the same time it is important for him not to admit such mistakes as:

- following the advice of strangers;
- the choice made "for the company";
- lack of information about the specialty and ignorance of their own characteristics;
- the choice of an attractive profession;
- admission to the nearest university.

Vocational guidance games

Use them very effectively, if the event "My future profession" - a class hour (grade 4). For example, a vocational guidance game entitled "Oh, the lucky one!" Can be offered as a teacher. It contains questions on the content of specialties, subjects and working conditions, as well as on the qualities of real professionals in their field.

Answers to these questions will help to well orient children on the topic "My future profession" - a class hour (grade 4). In order to systematize the knowledge of the world of work among younger schoolchildren, the teacher can play the game "Journey in the City of Masters". Teacher offers children to draw up a plan of districts, each of which belongs to one or another professional sphere. In this case, children should name the streets and lanes of such a city and place on the plan certain institutions and enterprises.

Similar games can be held at such an event as the class hour "My Future Profession" (Grade 5). They will help children to understand the social significance of human labor.

The class hour "My future profession" (grade 5) will be conducted effectively if the teacher includes didactic games in his plan. Among them, such as "All for All", "Economic Alphabet", etc.


At the end of the class hour the teacher tells the children about what topic was considered at the event, with what professions the children met.

All the work done by the teacher should unobtrusively tell the children that the right choice of the specialty will determine their life success. Favorite work and an interesting profession is a blessing that should be cherished. Masters of their business not only earn their money well and honestly, they are respected by people.

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