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How to draw a starling and other birds

The starling is simple and difficult to draw. Much depends on the result, which we want to get in the end. If our intention is to get a graphically competent, convincing image - then we'll have to work hard.

How to draw a starling?

For any serious matter, the approach must be systematic. If this question is slightly reformulated, then it will sound like this: "How to draw a starling step by step?". Often, in any correctly posed question, the answer is already meant. Draw the starling sequentially, step by step, move from simple to complex and generalize the result achieved. To begin with, we correctly place it not a piece of paper. What would it turned out not too small, but not too large. And it should not be placed in the center of the sheet, there should be an unfilled place along the edges. This is called the correct layout. We outline the general outlines of this arrangement with light pencil strokes. And we continue to answer the question of how to draw a starling. We build it. First, we lightly outline the main masses that make up his figure. We carefully check the proportions between the main parts. This is fundamentally important if we make a mistake, then we simply will not be able to answer the correct question about how to draw a starling. At best, a caricature will come out.

Working through the details

Having dealt with the general proportions, we work on details and nuances. We have already outlined the overall silhouette of the bird. At the second stage we draw the starlings and wings. We try to keep him on his feet and keep his balance. Wings outline a light contour. In the third stage, draw an eye, an open beak and small feathers. Do not give all details and details the same attention. Drawing is always the selection of the most important. Let's take a closer look at the portrayed starling. We will understand - what details seem to us expressive and interesting, and which can easily be ignored. Model the form with chiaroscuro. We try to use the expressive possibilities of pencil hatching. We vary the strength and direction of the stroke. A pencil is only a simple and simple tool at first glance. His graphic capabilities are inexhaustible, he created masterpieces. At the final stage of the work we try to generalize the drawing in broad strokes, to give the image of the bird movement and expressiveness, to emphasize in the figure what seems to us characteristic. We examine the result achieved, analyze and evaluate how far we managed to cope with the answer to the question of how to draw a starling.

Moving on

Fine art is not limited to pencil drawing. There are a lot of techniques and technologies, and their possibilities are almost endless. But a solid pencil drawing underlies any of them. Before you move on, draw other birds and other means, you should think about how to draw a starling pencil. To be convincing and qualitative.

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