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How to celebrate the name day of Mary?
Besides birthday, there are name-days in a person's life. This holiday comes from Christian traditions. This is the day of the memory of the saint, in honor of whose name the child was named. Earlier in Russia they called each kid in accordance with the saints. This book included all Orthodox holidays. The family could choose any name, but most often stayed with that saint, whose commemoration day coincides with the day when the baby was born. Modern society is secular. Therefore, many people do not celebrate birthday, celebrating only the birthday.
To celebrate or not is a private matter for everyone. But with the revival of Orthodoxy, people are increasingly returning to faith. Thus, the name-day of Mary is dedicated to St. Mary Magdalene. According to the Bible, she led a sinful life. Jesus healed her, and she became his faithful disciple. She and the other apostles followed their teacher. It was Mary Magdalena who saw Him crucified, and it was she who followed His burial. The next day, she saw the resurrection of Jesus. After which she went with a sermon around the country, announcing a great miracle.
Hebrew version of the name Maria - Mariam. It is translated as "sad", "bitter". But despite this, the girl named by this name is benevolent and sociable, her contemporaries love her. The German version of the name sounds like "Marie", in English - "Mary", and in Hungarian - "Marika".
The name day of Mary or another person is the same holiday as the birthday. Parents on the day of the angel of their child is useful to tell about the life of the saint, about why he was elevated to such a rank. You can read excerpts from the Bible. In Russia, there were special traditions of celebrating birthday. All the guests on the day of the angel were sent pies. The one who attributed them, bowed and said: "The birthday girl ordered to bow to pies and asked for bread." To the godparents , sweet pies were sent in special esteem. It is noteworthy that in some cities they sent out rolls for name-days. Maria was showered with a crumbled cake at night. It was believed that this attracted good luck.
In the modern world, Maria's name days can be held according to the same scenario. It should be borne in mind that according to tradition, pies should be prepared, not cakes. They can be with any stuffing - meat, potatoes, mushrooms, fish and so on. Also on this day it is customary to give gifts to the birthday person.
A gift for Maria's name-day can be different. For example, different sweets, sweets, chocolate. You can give an icon or a cross. In the church shop you can pick up a lot of different items: vessels under holy water, beautiful candles, shelves for icons and so on. The main thing is to choose a gift with the soul.
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